Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1081 If Mebius turns black, you, Hikari, must be involved

Chapter 1081 If Mebius turns black, you, Hikari, must be involved
"Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains." Playing with the capsule in his hand that absorbed the power of the evil god of Tregia, Fukui Dek thought in his heart that he could adapt to this capsule and produce a perfect fusion. Another capsule.

But the power of the evil god... No one has ever used it before, and this is the only capsule belonging to the evil god in the capsule.

I don't know what kind of capsules can be suitable for this one of Tregchia's.

If it's the same darkness, the same evil god, wouldn't it be necessary to find another evil god capsule?
But where can I find the evil god?

In fact, Fukui Dek wanted to use the evil god capsule to try to fuse with other monster capsules, but he just put the two capsules together, and the capsule belonging to the evil god emitted a black-purple thunder, storing monsters Gomora's capsule was crushed.

Apparently... The Cthulhu Capsule doesn't think so.

Although it failed, Fushii Dek was still a little surprised in his heart, because this also confirmed the power of the evil god capsule from the side.

Monster capsules can't even coexist with it.

This capsule seems to have its own consciousness.

Such a capsule represents endless potential. Once another suitable capsule is found, it can become a big killer.

"But the most urgent thing is to get rid of that guy first." Putting away the evil god capsule, Fushii Dek turned his head and looked out of the window.

He seemed to be able to see through his eyes the battle between the two giants standing in the city and the dark giant a few days ago.

Leaving Dijia aside, that guy is strong and in a non-injured state, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can handle.

And according to the information recorded by Master Beria, if you want to defeat Tiga, I am afraid that only Master Beria can do it himself.

If it is Master Beria, he will definitely be able to defeat Ultraman Tiga!

(Lao Bei: I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense! Whoever wants to go to SanDisk has nothing to do with me!)
Without considering Ultraman Tiga, Fukui Dek had already figured out how to deal with Sai Luo, and gave his death as a gift to Beria-sama.

But considering Di Jia's words, this is an obstacle that cannot be bypassed.

"Tsk..." After thinking about it, Fushii Dek, who suddenly became irritable, lost the interest in killing Si Luo, and even felt a little depressed.

"Teacher K!" Fukui Dek, who became agitated, heard a familiar voice, and the owner of this voice was actually his editor.

That is, the editor of Fukui Dek's publishing house for these years.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of the earthlings, Fushii Dek's most valuable thing is his normal heart towards the earthlings. He will not look down on human beings because of their different identities, but can coexist as equals.

"I rushed over immediately after receiving the message from Mr. K." Wiping off the sweat that didn't exist on his brow, the editor sat opposite Fushiide K, with a smile on his face: "Mr. K said, this new book, Inspired?"

"That's right, and I want to hold a press conference to express some inspiration of my new book to my book friends, so that everyone can have a mental preparation, and it's also to warm up the plot." Fukui Dek took a sip of coffee and continued Said.

"I invite you to do this matter. As for the manuscript, I will give you the general content in the near future."

"Great! Mr. K, you don't know that book lovers are already looking forward to your new book." Taking out a notebook and a ballpoint pen, the editor suppressed his inner excitement: "Please tell me about this book signing first. The content, I can publicize it as a hot spot."

"Well, let's just say that at the end of the third volume of my book, the shining knight Zola, he is not dead, and he has found a new body." A happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Fukui Dek crossed his hands.

"And the first appearance of Dying Light, and his illustrations, I will also provide."

"It's the one you keep mentioning in your book, the Destroyer who brought destruction to the entire universe?!" Hearing Fushii Dek's words, the editor was immediately excited: "Has he appeared? The greatest enemy of the savior Beria , book friends have been guessing who this World Destroyer, the Light of Destruction is!"

"No hurry, that guy. It's not time for him to appear on the stage." Fushii Dek refused with a smile: "Before facing the final boss, we must eliminate some mobs who are working for tigers. Only in this way can we save the entire world."

"So the Shining Knight, Zora, will bring his vengeful legion"

Fushii Dek didn't speak, but lowered his head with a smile, which was regarded as acquiescing to his editor's statement.

By default, the statement that the shining knight Zola will die again.

"Mebius, please go to the earth in the remote universe." In the Science and Technology Bureau, Hikari's laboratory, after a lot of repairs, barely repaired the suffering laboratory The old Hikari is still persistent in doing experiments here, and has no intention of moving at all.

It was as if he was afraid that the universe would not find him.

Hikari handed the things in his hand to Mebius, and at the same time told Mebius in his ear: "Be careful on the road, the fusion sublimator and capsule, Kuuji and 555 battle armor have been taken away. Once you go out like this, you may encounter many enemies."

"But Sai Luo left too hastily. With his current strength, it is very dangerous to go to that universe." Handing the fusion sublimator and four capsules to Mebius, Hikari said earnestly: "This It's something I prepared for him, and it will allow him to exert his full strength for the time being."

Mebius nodded, and put the two things into the timer for storage.

"Then I'll go first." Mebius turned around and left, not planning to stay here for a while at all.

Obviously, he also knew that Hikari's laboratory was in danger of being attacked at any time.

"By the way, this is for you." With that said, Hikari took out a box from under the floor tiles in the laboratory, opened it, and handed a belt to Mebius.

At the same time, there is a square shape that looks like a mobile phone.

"According to the data of Brilliance Cyro, I researched this thing. Although I still don't understand the time, according to Yuanquan, if you don't understand this kind of thing, just hand it over to a special thing, so..." Said Then, Hikari turned the phone upside down and revealed the triangular device behind it: "This is what the source gave me, and it is said to be the power that can drive time."

"Because it's an experimental product, I don't even have a practical operation, only the possibility of theory, so I don't know how this set of armor is." Hikari shrugged, not feeling how wicked what he was doing. .

".This is the same as that of the first generation brother, transforming with a belt?" Mebius tied the belt around his waist, and after he put it on, the belt disappeared directly, as if it didn't exist at all.

"Ahem. I refer to some of Eddie's buckle belts. When you want to use it, just think about it, and this belt will appear automatically."

Hearing this, Mebius immediately followed the steps Hikari said.

But.. after meditating for a long time, let alone the belt, there is not even a gust of wind.

The scene became very quiet for a while, and Hikari's gradually heavy breathing could even be heard.

Mebius turned his head and looked at Hikari with sad and murderous eyes.

"Don't panic, it's a small problem." Hikari made an OK gesture, skillfully connected various data cables to Mebius, and turned on the computer, ready to collect data.

Mebius:? ? ?
"Are you?" Xiaomeng was puzzled.

"Didn't I say that there are only theoretical data." Hikari was still manipulating the computer: "But it doesn't matter, I will have first-hand experimental data soon."

"According to this experimental data, I can better find the problem with this armor, and then deploy it for you to use."

"Mebius, it has to be you!"

It's so easy to cheat, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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