Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1082 Young people's Shura fieldMesozoic meeting.

Chapter 1082 Meeting of the Mesozoic Generation in the Shura Field of Young People.

"So, you met Fushii Dek today?" While eating at the dining table, listening to Xiao Lu telling interesting stories on the way home, Yuan seemed to know nothing, echoing Xiao Lu's words : "I thought it was a top-level writer, and I would not come across it easily, but I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence."

"It's as if in fate, your encounter has already been written."

Yuan meant something, but Xiao Lu didn't understand it, he was just excited and happy.

"That's right, Mr. K will hold a signing event in a few days, and the next new content of this novel will be released. Let's go together then!"

Xiao Lu raised the book in his hand. On the cover of the book was the scene of Ultimate Zero and his partners standing outside the planet Esmeralda, resisting the animalization of Beria.

"Very good, you can go if you want." Yuan nodded, without refusing Xiao Lu: "After all, he is your favorite author, and the autographed limited edition should be very attractive to you. "

"But, I want to go with my brother."

Xiao Lu's words were extremely natural, and naturally Lai Ye, who was eating silently, paused unconsciously, and then continued to cook the rice as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, there's nothing to do that day anyway." Yuan thought for a while, and agreed to Xiao Lu's request. Has Sai Luo accurately found out the true identity of Fushii Dek? I don't know what to do next.

"Pejia, has he always been like this?" He moved to Pejia's side, taking advantage of the gap between the two of them chatting, Laiye asked Pejia: "I feel that in front of my brother, there is always a long man." Little kid."

"Xiao Lu has been very dependent on Brother Yuan since he was a child. He didn't live with Brother Yuan until he was 12 years old. He didn't sleep with Brother Yuan anymore." Tell it to you, but you don't realize that there is something wrong with telling Lai Ye.

"The first night when he was sleeping alone, it was Brother Yuan who stood by the bed and coaxed him, so he fell asleep."

"But then there was a thunderstorm one night, and Xiao Lu cried out in fright. Brother Yuan went to accompany him that night." The hand holding the chopsticks flipped helplessly, and Peijia couldn't say everything about Xiao Lu's childhood. I know, but I know a general idea.

"Pfft..." Ye couldn't hold back for a while, and almost laughed out loud.

Almost attracted the eyes of the two parties over there, shaking their arms to indicate that they were just choking, picked up a glass of water and took a few sips to cover up their embarrassment.

After the eyes of the two parties turned away, Lai Ye continued to eat.

It's just that the corners of her mouth curled up from time to time, it seemed that she was in a good mood.

"Speaking of which, have you found a good job recently? I saw you push a bicycle in the garage last time." Yuan pretended to know nothing: "You can afford a bicycle now, see It’s very useful to live alone as a part-time worker.”

"Yeah, yeah..." Xiao Lu smiled awkwardly, although he was responding to this statement, but in fact the guilt in his tone was clearly revealed.

And Yuan, as if he felt it inside, praised Xiao Lu fiercely, so that he could only look at Lai Ye with pleading eyes.

Don't tell me that you paid more than half of the money for the bicycle!
At least right now, don't say ahhh!
As a younger brother, he wanted to seek his elder brother's approval. Lai Ye knew this very well, so she didn't mean to expose it.

The doorbell rang, and a pleasant female voice greeted him crisply and powerfully outside the door. Xiao Lu's eyes lit up, and he immediately put down his chopsticks and left his seat.

"This voice is... Mengya! I'm going to open the door!"

After fleeing away from his brother's endless praise, Xiao Lu calmed down and opened the door.


Lifting up the food box and gift in her hand, Mengya smiled brightly, which was the kind of joy when seeing her beloved appear in front of her.

"Xiao Lu, I'm here~" Handing the food box and presents to Xiao Lu, Mengya put on slippers at the door of the house, and entered the house under the leadership of Xiao Lu.

"After leaving last time, didn't you agree to come to visit?" A little excited, a little happy, looking at the back of the one in front of me, the little girl-like joy in Mengya who has a crush on him is unknown to outsiders.

This joy is the love that has never changed since I was a child and grew up.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I've been busy with work recently, so I didn't have time." To some extent, Xiao Lu was right, after all, he was fighting monsters...

Is it a job?

"It's okay, I'm free." The long straight black hair was swaying, making it hard to see clearly. Mengya tied the strands of hair behind her ears: "Since we grew up and stepped into society, we are very I don't see you anymore, this time I come here, I also want to be like when I was a child, and then..."

The follow-up words were not spoken, because after coming to the living room, Mengya saw Yuan who was eating, and... Niaoyu Laiye who was also eating.

Peijia knew that someone was visiting, so she fled into the darkness and hid early.

"Why is she here!"

The joy of visiting at home has long been filled by Meng Yanao with the scene of marrying Xiao Lu and then visiting brother Yuan at home, that is, returning home.

However, this sweet dream didn't last long, and Mengya was pulled back to reality.

Especially seeing Laiye's natural appearance, Mengya suddenly felt that the hostess of this house, the heroine of her delusional things, might have become this woman.

This is the difference between heaven and hell.

"Eh... Laiye and I are colleagues now, we are friends now." Xiao Lu explained: "It's normal to come to eat, just like you and me."

"It's not normal at all!" Mengya shouted excitedly: "We...what is our relationship! We are..."

Mumbling and not embarrassed to say the follow-up words, Mengya's face is still relatively thin, otherwise she would have expressed her inner love to Xiao Lu.

"Mengya is here." Yuan stood up: "Have you eaten yet?"

"I ate... didn't eat!" Mengya almost said that she had already eaten, but Mengya immediately changed her words and said that she hadn't.

What a joke, the enemy has already attacked the house, the alarm has been sounded to the extreme, if it is like before, my childhood sweetheart will be taken away by someone!
Mengya!No more indecision!Be proactive!
Sitting angrily on the other side of the dining table, Mengya was very polite even though she was sulking.

"Thank you, Brother Yuan."

"Wait, I'll go cook some dishes." Skillfully getting out of this place that was about to become a Shura field, Yuan put down the bowls and chopsticks, tied an apron on himself, and used the matter of adding vegetables reasonably to get himself out.

Solve my own Shura field by myself, because someone from me has always been a single dog, the kind that no one likes.

The Shura field or something has nothing to do with me.

Yuan, who was thinking like this, hadn't even reached the kitchen when he was summoned away by the bell ringing again.

My family knew about my family affairs. Under normal circumstances, at this point in time, I am afraid that very few people would visit the door. Based on similar experiences in the past, Yuan had every reason to suspect that the King Ao, who was wandering outside, had returned.

This b likes to come back on time and ask you to give him extra meals, and even make sarcastic remarks.

"This is a meal dedicated to the king alone, you have a heart."

"Back off! How can the king's meal be shared?!"


Ao Wang waggled his fingers in a serious manner in his mind, and Yuan's eyes clouded a lot.

He made a decision in his heart, if it was really King Ao, he would go and eat box lunch by himself!

Opening the door, the expected bad old man did appear, but the person next to the bad old man was silent.

"Hi." He raised his hand to say hello, Dagu's eyes drifted, and he was obviously absent-minded.


Beside Dagu, Ao Wang smiled sinisterly.

Demo, fight with me?

(End of this chapter)

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