Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1085 The new generation borrows strength from the seniors, and the new generation villain bo

Chapter 1085 The new generation borrows strength from the seniors, and the new generation villain borrows strength from Hikari

Fushii Dek said that he would choose someone to play against him, and this person can't be someone else, it must be someone else.

And the one who took off his glasses, led by Sai Luo is amazing.

"Hey, it's like the shining knight Zola standing in front of me alive." Fukui Izuk meant something, and he also believed that people would be able to understand what he meant.

"I have fulfilled your wish, how about you? Don't you show the plot in the book, show us?" Compared with the brat in the past, now Sai Luo obviously has some thoughts in it. It was much calmer before.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he has eaten too much and gained experience.

"Okay." Fukui Dek turned to face all the audience at the scene: "I just saw your child and lover. Obviously, you are already the father of a child and the husband of a lover. You are carrying a burden like this. family's hope."

"But at the same time, an accident happened. A radiant soul came from nowhere and took over your body, turning your consciousness into two."

"You can't control yourself, because you will be assimilated soon, and by then, everything you own will belong to Zola."

"And Zora, without human emotions."

"What is your name, sir?"

"It's disturbing." Sai Luo suppressed the mind of directly questioning, and suppressed his emotion to ask quietly.

"Then Mr. Ren, let's shake hands next, it's our first meeting." Fukui Dek stretched out his hand: "Then, let's act out one of the conversations."

Although he didn't know what Fukui Dek wanted to do, he still stretched out his hand and held Fukui Dek's hand together.

It was also by taking advantage of this opportunity that Fukui Izuk was able to catch people's ears in full view.

"Finally see you, Ultraman Zero."

"You bastard thinks!"

"Don't move! Don't make any noise, you don't want your identity to be exposed."

"Besides, the life and death of all the people at the scene are also in your thoughts." Interrupting Sai Luo's unspoken question, Fukui Dek continued: "If you move, these people will die because of you." died."

"You don't want to make the same mistakes again, just like this universe, because you didn't beat Beria, so your master..." Fukui Dek didn't say the follow-up words, because Sai Luo's dramatically changed eyes already explained the problem very well up.

"You didn't tell Sai Luo that you are still alive?" Dagu asked Yuan in the audience.

"Heina is also me, isn't he also his master if rounded up?"

"And Heinai really taught Sai Luo."

Although the method and process of teaching were very cruel, and even made Sai Luo almost broken at one point, but this cannot conceal the fact that Heinai taught Sai Luo.

"So, it's true that Sai Luo's master fits the universe." Yuan spread his hands and said helplessly: "It completely fits."

"Sometimes I really feel wronged for Sai Luo. Compared with Taro and Mebius, you are too strict with Sai Luo." Dagu said.

"That's because the ultimate upper limit of Taylor and Mebius is just a surpasser, and Sailo's lowest limit is a surpasser." Yuanquan said: "Although Taylor and Mebius have great potential, But after all, there is an upper limit, but Sai Luo, his limit is far beyond."

Feeling that the aura of the person beside him suddenly became profound and obscure, feeling the return of that familiar aura, Dagu suppressed his inner excitement.

He knew that at this moment, the source came back and his consciousness awakened.

Just by my side!
"I have very high expectations for Sai Luo. He is far more than what he is now. He can be stronger and he can do better. My requirements for him are higher than those of Taylor and Mebius."

"He is expected to become the second mystery of the Kingdom of Light."

Dagu didn't know that Yuanquan had such a high opinion of Sai Luo. Based on the news he heard in the Kingdom of Light, he thought Yuanquan was born to dislike Sai Luo.

In the end, did Yuanquan have such high expectations for Sai Luo?
"If he can achieve more, I naturally want him to go further." After saying this, the aura from the source became thinner, gradually disappeared, and finally disappeared.

The consciousness returned to nothingness, the source disappeared, and the source's consciousness dominated the body again.

And on the stage, Fushii Dek's rivalry with the fake show finally started.

"Zola, don't move, if you move, everyone here will be blown to the sky because of you."

"Together with your wife and children, it was burned to nothingness."

Everyone watched with bated breath, everyone thought it was just an impromptu performance, and no one thought it was all real.

Similarly, no one would feel that the one standing on the stage was actually the real shining knight - Zola.

"So, what will you do?" People asked this question, judging from his serious face, everyone felt that his acting skills were very realistic, as if they were real.

"It's really good acting skills. This look, this expression, it seems that you want to eat me." Fukui Dek clapped his hands happily, and didn't take Sero's secret threat to heart.

"Of course I don't have anything." While being contented, he also admitted the fact that he is not from Earth.

Just like Shiro thought.

"Then, I have found Zola living in someone else's body, and you have nowhere to escape." Holding up the capsule and showing it to everyone, Fushii Dek said slowly: "This is what I will write in the book next." The props displayed are things that can completely destroy Zola, destroying his soul and body together."

"It is the greatest prop in the universe."

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, Fushiidek turned around and continued: "But this alone is not enough. There is one more thing, which is together."

Inserting the capsule into the key with lightning speed, Fukui Dek raised his other hand and revealed the Fusion Sublimator.

"What do you want to do!" Fushii Dek's appearance of fusion and sublimation scared Sai Luo.

If this is integrated and sublimated here, no matter what kind of monster appears, it will be enough to destroy this building and kill everyone here.

Fushii Dek had no intention of stopping, and he struck very fast, starting the fusion and sublimation with a speed that Sai Luo couldn't stop in time.

In an instant, a dazzling green light was released from the Fusion Sublimator, Fukui Dek raised the corner of his mouth and lifted it above his head.

The dazzling green light only appeared for a moment, and it came and went quickly. People were still a little confused about it, and they didn't even figure out what happened.

But Sai Luo knew what Fukui Dek had done just now.

"What do you want to do!" Grabbing Fushiidek's hand, Sai Luo asked sharply: "Fusion sublimator, what is your relationship with Beria!"

"Don't blame people, this is just a prop, how could it be real?" Fukui Dek turned his head and said with a smile: "It's just luminous, such things are everywhere in the market, there is nothing worth mentioning. "

"You don't want to attribute the appearance of monsters to this gadget, do you?" Fukui Dek knocked on the Fusion Sublimator, and with a nasty smile, he approached Sai Luo's ear.

"Don't forget, who made this thing."

"Ultraman Zero~"


It wasn't until the fusion sublimator was taken out that Xiao Lu felt something was wrong, because he only knew that he was using the fusion sublimator, and he didn't know that anyone else was using it.

And he used this to transform into Ultraman, so he subconsciously felt that this was what transformed into Ultraman.

What is the relationship between the appearance of monsters and the thing that transforms into Ultraman?
But Mr. K's action really made Xiao Lu refresh his three views, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"Xiao Lu, look outside!" Peijia's voice, which resounded in my ears and remained outside, made this premonition a reality.

(End of this chapter)

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