Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1086 Sora, transform!

Chapter 1086 Sora, transform!
The unparalleled iron god of the new generation, Galatron, this pure white body defeated Uub when it first appeared.

If Uub hadn't already possessed the power of that adult at that time, I'm afraid Uub would be lying there.

Although it is positioned as the unparalleled iron god of the new generation, in fact, Bailong-Galatron is still stronger than the unparalleled iron god.

This is the same even if it is placed on the set of Gedde, not to mention that Galatron is still a mass-produced body, and there is a lower limit to the guarantee of strength.

Mass production represents a plurality, and in the world of Ultraman, the most difficult enemies to deal with are always birds and machines.

Almost every one of these types of enemies can be considered a strong enemy, and can make Ultraman fall into a hard fight.

The combination of technology and magic, the perfect crystallization of two different emphases, the white dragon Galatron emerged from the magic circle and stood between the cities.

Under the sunlight, the pure white body seemed to bring a light of hope.

This pure white body looks like a dragon of light.

But what it wants to do is the most absolute destruction.

It is completely in line with what Fushii Dek said in the book, the appearance of the Radiant Knights is also more similar to the so-called shattered light.

The moment Galatron landed, the unique sound of the dragon and the vibration caused by the shaking of the earth made people who were invaded by monsters every day in the recent period react immediately.

People who were quite used to this ran away one after another, screaming and fleeing from here.

The monster has appeared, isn't it waiting to die here?
"I'm going to stop that guy!" Xiao Lu only had time to say such words, and before Lai Ye could stop him, he picked up the Fusion Sublimator and ran out, running in the corridor to transform.

In the next moment, Ultraman Gedd also appeared in front of Galatron, and the hunched Gedd, like Beria, ran towards Galatron in a neutral posture, using his own He bumped into it sideways.

Galatron didn't even bother to take half a step back, and steadily received the impact of Gedd.

Not only that, the sharp sword inlaid on the arm of the pure white mecha swept across, and the breath of magic emerged from the edge of the sword. With just one sword, it hit Jedd's back, causing a large number of sparks.

Ged was in pain, and a lot of his strength was drained in an instant.

Galatron seized the opportunity, and the white dragon's tail entwined, locked Gedd's neck, and lifted him up.

The pure white sword in his hand was aimed at Gedd's abdomen, and the sword would pierce Gedd's body as soon as Fukui issued an order.

Compared with Galatron, the current Gedd is really not good enough.

Maybe you can beat one with all your strength, but defeating this mass-produced machine is not something worth showing off after all.

"Sa, how do you choose? Sai Luo." Everyone knows that Geed will not be Bailong's opponent.

Fushii Dek's goal was not to kill Geed, but to threaten and kill Sai Luo.

From the very beginning, his goal was Sai Luo.

Sai Luo didn't speak, he clenched his fists to suppress the anger in his heart.

With his transcendent five-sense perception, the door of this building has been locked, and no one can get out from here.

Geed couldn't defeat Bailong, and people here couldn't leave the building. These were things that hindered Sai Luo.

If it was the original book, maybe they would really be threatened like this, but unfortunately, among the people who mixed in, there was a righteous partner and a happy person.

A hand protruded from nowhere and gently pulled the doorknob of the door. Amidst the sound of a crowd of humans beating the door anxiously for help, this hand ignored the locked door and opened it.

The moment the door opened, everyone ran away quickly, not daring to stay here at all.

And when everyone fled, Tregchia, who leaned forward and kept opening the door, hummed, left the interior, and closed the door quite politely.

Humming a ditty, he swayed away, quite like the kind of good deeds that don't leave their names behind.

Fushii Izuk's relaxed and masterful smile slowly dissipated, because he felt that the venue he had arranged was opened by someone, and it was easy.

Who can do such a thing?
Tiga Altman's human body?
Is he here too?

"Sai Luo!" Lai Ye ran in from the corridor outside and nodded at Sai Luo: "Everyone has already left!"

"It seems that your plan failed." Sai Luo nodded, but his eyes were still fixed on Fushii Dek.

As long as he makes a move, Sai Luo will transform immediately.

"Tsk, it's really in the way, since you're here, why don't you come out?" Fushii Dek tapped his trouser legs with a fusion sublimator, facing the already thin lobby, and said loudly: "Ultraman Tiga, you are also here!" Right, won't you come out?"

"Let me see who you really are."

"Don't make such a mind-boggling plan there, no one will be threatened by you!" Sai Luo took a step forward, trying to get close to Fushii Dek, and then violently took away the fusion sublimator in his hand.

"Is that so? Then it seems that I have to make some serious predictions." Holding the Fusion Sublimator by his side, Fukui Dek took out a capsule again and opened it.

"Don't even think about it!" He took out Ottoshiro's eyes from his arms and put them in front of his eyes. After pressing the button, Saima immediately transformed into one body, trying to compete with Fushii Dek for the upper hand.

"Then give me some great gifts." With a flat face and a weird smile, Fushii Dek continued to integrate and sublimate, and this time it was still Galatron.

Apparently, he had more than one of Galatron's capsules.

In the sky outside, the magic circle reappeared, and Galatron appeared again from the magic circle.

This is the second, but not the last.

Immediately afterwards, the third one also appeared from another magic circle.

Followed by Ultraman Zero.

Finally, the fourth Galatron appeared from the magic circle and surrounded Zero in a triangular siege.

"Galatron, isn't it?" Twisting his arms, Sai Luo lowered his body and made a karate kick.

At the same time, red and gold wrapped around Sero's body, transforming him from the basic form into a strong corona.

"Although one key slave can only store four capsules and read four, but..." Fukui Izuk was still very calm, and under Lai Ye's menacing eyes, he took out a second key slave.

"Next, it's Sai Luo, your acquaintance."

【Dark Cyclops】

The emerald light spread out again, and the dark cyclops landed in the north, glanced around with one eye, and immediately locked on to Sai Luo over there.

"It's just a defeat!" With raging fire bursting out from his body, Sai Luo strode straight towards Galatron.

"The first one." After refreshing and reading the capsule, Fushii Dek continued to read, wanting to summon the second dark cyclops.

The sword edge swept across, and the soft sword was controlled by a unique technique, passing Fukui Dek's eyes with a one-sided extremely small sword edge.

A strand of hair fluttered down from before his eyes, but Mr. K wanted to refresh the key slave, and did not intend to stop at all when he read the key for the second time.

"the second."

"Stop!" The sweep turned into a straight stab, and the long sword was unsheathed. Lai Ye's force value was not low, and this sword also forced Fukui Dek to dodge.

But this is just the starting style of the sword move, Lai Ye's offensive is endless, like flowing water, waves come and go, every blow is rushing towards the lore.

However, in the original book, his physical fitness has dropped significantly, and Fushii Izuk, whose vital organs have been taken away, can fight back and forth with Laiye even in a damaged state.Now that he is in perfect condition, it is naturally easier to deal with Lai Ye.

The force value difference between the two is somewhat large.

While dodging Laiye's attack with ease, Fushii Izuk continued to refresh the key slave, and once again summoned the third dark cyclops.

Lai Ye saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. The speed of the sword moves in his hand became faster and faster, but after all, he still couldn't touch Fushii Dek's body.

However, at this moment, a bench that flew up in the air appeared in mid-air, and smashed towards Fushii Dek impartially.

In the next second, a man in a plaid shirt jumped over the stage and came to the field.

Fukui Dek stopped his body.

But even so, he managed to call out a lineup of four Galatrons and three Dark Cyclops.

This is an unimaginable disaster on earth.

But Fushii Dek's goal was achieved, because the shining of the ancient light represented the Ultraman Tiga who was hiding in the dark, and finally appeared.

that's enough.

"Sarah, then, why did you stand up?" Putting his gaze on Yuan, Fukui Dek asked indifferently.

"I can't get involved in the battle of the giants, but what you have done is over!" Putting his hands on his waist, Kuwo's ​​belt emerged.

Yuan looked solemn.


(End of this chapter)

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