Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 114 Update until 7:[-] in the morning

Chapter 114 will be updated at [-]:[-] in the morning, and I will go directly to the hospital for IV drips. I will basically see you at night
I woke up this morning with a fever, back pain, limb weakness, dizziness, and nausea. I barely worked all morning and went to the hospital in the afternoon. The temperature was 39.7 degrees and I went straight to 40.

cnm, it's on fire!
I barely updated it today, and then came back from hanging the water and tossed three chapters on the bed at the speed of a turtle, and sent them out together in the morning, directly dragged Thursday to the morning, and went to the hospital by [-] o'clock when I was done.

For nucleic acid testing, because I don't know why I have a fever, I can only say that there is a probability, although I feel that it is impossible that I have not traveled far this year, but the probability is well understood.

Eight said it, hid it, and couldn't sleep because of back pain
(End of this chapter)

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