Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 115 The end is coming

Chapter 115 The end is coming
The red light was completely transformed, and the crisis of the Balrog warriors passed naturally, but when the two relaxed their vigilance, the torrent of light hit the backs of the two guys.

Although it didn't do much damage, not even a bite from a mosquito, it still attracted their attention.

"Bastard! Come on!" While pulling the trigger, Xincheng continued to run, abandoning his motorcycle in order to come to the top of this mountain to attack.

"We're not dead yet! The victory team will always stand by Ultraman's side, and I will always believe in Ultraman!" Aiming at the damage on Hell Warrior's chest, Xincheng pulled the trigger again and again.

Although he knew that he couldn't do much damage, and although he also knew that it would be dangerous to attract the attention of the Kyriairods, he had already picked up his gun and started shooting before the thought came up.

"You Kyriairods manipulate human beings. Perhaps it is true that Ultraman has seen the unbearable side of human beings, but no matter what, you can't kill us!"

"Whether it's the members of the Jeep No. [-] or anyone else, human light is more precious than darkness!"

"You bastard, why are you running here and yelling!" At the back of Xincheng, Hori was climbing the mountain at a slower speed because of his heavy body, but he still caught up.

It's just that Xincheng has already said everything he wanted to say, so he has no lines to say now, so he can only hold his head and pick up his gun and start shooting.

"I just don't want to lose anything. Although I don't know why I have this idea, I just want to say it." Xincheng threw the laser gun that was out of ammunition aside, took out the Hypa victory gun and continued to attack.

"Horii, we have to let Nexus understand that he is not fighting alone, our victory team is his comrade-in-arms!"

"Come on then!"

Whether it is the Haipa victory gun or the laser gun, the damage caused is minimal. Although the two seem to have strong firepower, their actual output is not even 0.5.

Xincheng and Horei also understand this, but standing up to fight against monsters not only means that they are the winning team, but also represents the attitude of human beings on this matter.

"Is this the human being you are desperately trying to protect?" Sparks were flying all over his body, but the Balrog warrior didn't feel it at all. Instead, he turned around and looked at Nexus, whose energy core was no longer flickering and had completely dimmed.

"It's ridiculous. Of all the human beings on the planet, only two people will fight for you in the end. It's really sad. At the last moment of life, can you see clearly? Humans don't need giants of light. Everything you do is just It’s all just being sentimental.” The Balrog Warrior’s voice switched to a female voice this time, and it was obvious that the words were spoken by a witch.

"So, these last two human beings who will fight for you, let me personally send them to accompany you!" Without looking at them, the Balrog warrior casually fired a flame prison bullet, which was enough to kill those two Weak humans killed, and even blasted through a mountain.

The sound of the explosion as promised resounded in the Balrog Warrior's ears, but it wasn't the sound of the Flame Prison Bullet hitting the top of the mountain, but the photon blade that caught up with the Flame Prison Bullet and destroyed it. sound.

The Balrog warrior turned his head sharply, and suddenly saw Nexus, who was panting heavily, propping his knees with his hands, staggering in a fighting gesture.

"Is there anyone still supporting me? That's why I keep fighting."

Raising his strength, Nexus cast Mach to move in front of the Balrog Warrior in an instant, and punched out the Balrog Warrior. While repelling the Balrog Warrior, he grabbed the Hell Warrior's joints with one hand, and punched the other side's chest twice. Afterwards, Qiqi let go of his hands and each retreated.

Taking a few steps towards the back of the cabin, Nexus stood in front of the hill where Xincheng and Hori were located, and put their life and death on his shoulders.

"What a tenacious guy, but there is no place for you in the following world, lie down for me!" The Hell Warrior was repelled, but the Balrog Warrior followed up and attacked, and the gathered Hell Bullets It no longer appears in the form of a ball of light, but the energy transmitted through the half-opened door in the sky gathers in the body, forming a surging shock wave.

The moment the hands were pushed forward, the mighty energy was like a ferocious roaring ghost, trying to swallow up the last hope in this world.

Nexus brushed the Nexus arm with both hands, even though the energy core on the chest had been destroyed, the scattered red light particles were still flowing.

I'm really sorry, it seems that he has found the way to burn his own life.

In the center of the capital, entering the black mist, Jujian Hui and Lina got out of the Sherlock car, where they could clearly see the whole picture of Dijia lying on the ground and losing consciousness.

The huge figure that used to stand up still gives people a sense of shock even if it is just lying down now.

This is not the first time that Ju Jianhui has felt the size of Ultraman so closely.

"Lina, turn on the headlights, and give the light to Di Jia, as well as members of Yerui, link the images of Nexus and me to the satellite, and broadcast them to all TV stations." Jujian Hui took a deep breath, and put the The communication device was turned on, and she, who had been paying attention to the battle at Nexus, finally had time to do something.

"Understood." For Ye Rui, this operation did not take much time at all, and he quickly completed what Ju Jianhui requested.

The fighting figure of Nexus, and the situation of Ultraman Tiga, were divided into two halves by the screen, and were seen by everyone in the world.

Whether it is on the big screen in the square, in front of the TV, or on the computer, you can see it.

"I know that people are always concerned about whether the appearance of Ultraman attracted the monster, because this is something we have never encountered before."

"In the past years, perhaps only before the era, there were such legends. For us modern people, everything is too far away."

"But everyone, the fighting posture of Ultraman is not fake. They are fighting for us with their lives blocked. The future of human beings is in their own hands. Ultraman can only play a guiding role. I want everyone to see clearly , now desperately trying to defeat the enemy, save the world, save our Ultraman, he is not a devil."

"Everyone, Ultraman needs our help, please contribute a little bit of strength, give Ultraman the light, let them see our choice."

"In addition to the darkness in our hearts, we still have this heart that shines like gold."

"I am Ju Jianhui, the captain of the Victory Team. I beg everyone here. Everyone contributes a bit of power, and that power can be turned into light. Please give the light to Ultraman."

The water-blue shield opened again, no, this time it was no longer the water-blue shield, but mixed with some red light particles, when the huge red energy impact of the Balrog warrior hit the shield At that moment, Nexus' body was pushed back continuously, but before he was about to touch the mountain, he stopped abruptly.

The dissipated light flow diverged to the left and right, and Nexus, whose eyes without the slightest gleam of brilliance had been completely dimmed, leaving only a faint red light, was unwilling to fall down.

Relying on excessive obsession, he is unwilling to fall down no matter what.

"Bastard, don't underestimate us humans!" Xincheng roared and rushed down the mountain, attacking the Balrog Warrior with the Hypa Victory Gun: "Come on! Come here!"

He knew why Nexus chose to block this blow, it was a blow for him, and he would not retreat.

As a comrade-in-arms, I can't drag Nexus back.

Xincheng believes in what he can do, and also believes that there is always something he can do.

However, the forward route was quickly cut off, the huge existence that descended from the sky shook the dirt, and Xincheng's body also flew high uncontrollably.

Given the fragility of human beings, if Xincheng just fell like this, he would definitely be killed.

At the very moment, the restraining light was released from Nexus' hands, wrapped around Xincheng's body, and pulled him back to his back.

And it was this momentary opportunity to relax, the Hell Warrior seized the fighter, and pushed out with both hands, the black-purple energy shock wave impacted on the shield impressively.

Bearing the double bombardment, Nexus, who was barely able to sustain himself, was pushed to break through the mountain behind him, and was bombarded all the way to the edge of the capital.

With his feet sunk in the mud, Nexus stopped taking a step back and fought hard to resist.

Nexus didn't turn his head back. If he looked at the scenery behind him from his front, he could see a brightly lit home, a bright land that was not shrouded in darkness.

It is a peaceful world, a peaceful and beautiful world.

If he couldn't resist, then once the converging double rays of darkness fell, this peaceful area would probably become the ruins of the world in his memory in an instant, and the current scene would no longer exist.

Such a world is the reason why I am willing to fight for it, even desperately.

Behind me, there are thousands of lights, I can't retreat, I can't fall, I can't fail!

In one sentence, three voices overlapped and echoed endlessly.

Ji Yajun's firm voice.

A murmur from a certain able-bodied person in the inheritance of EMI.

The last remembrance of the source at the moment when the consciousness gradually blurred.

(End of this chapter)

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