Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 121 I didn't expect this Tiga to be even more outrageous

Chapter 121 I didn't expect this Tiga to be even more outrageous
Nexus gained the trust of human beings, and the light ignited by that trust made up for the incomplete light, allowing Nexus to open a new posture.

But it was not Nexus who received the most help, but Tiga.

Just like in the original book, countless people shine on the body with lights, and the light converges into one, shining on Tiga's body swallowed by darkness.

Perhaps the flashlights, car lights, and even the light embellished by Jujianhui's child Zhishu are very weak, but the brilliance of human beings gathered together is enough to make Tiga stand up again.

Maintaining a compound state, Tiga shook his head and stood up with difficulty. The posture of getting up was completely in line with the mural not far away. As a human being who is God, he grabbed the hand of the Giant of Light who was Adam.

That scene was indescribably shocking amidst the din of people.

Tiga, no, it should be Dagu, who is both an Ultraman and a human being, so he can do such a thing.

Perhaps from this moment on, human beings have surpassed the super-ancient human beings 3000 million years ago, and have reached a new height.

A steady stream of power gushes out from the body, and the surging light energy gathers in the body and fills Tiga's body.

The light created by this trust has brought great help to Di Jia. Even in the original book, Di Jia, who obtained this expectation, killed the second generation of Balrog warriors in threes and fives.

You must know that the Balrog warrior was still in a strong state at that time, but he was still beaten by Di Jia.

This is enough to prove the strength of that light and the hope given by human beings.

The gate of hell in the sky has been defeated, and most of the thick clouds have dissipated. Dijia leaped into the air, and that posture became extraordinarily shining in mid-air, and even at this moment his flying speed surpassed him before.

Almost instantly, he fell from the sky and landed beside Nexus.

But this suddenly made Hell Warrior and Balrog Warrior numb. The newly evolved Nexus made them feel difficult to deal with. As a result, Ultraman Tiga, who was knocked down, also stood up again.

And looking at the appearance of this Dijia, it is clear that he has also been strengthened.

What about this wave?
I'm almost on the verge of flying dragons, but you told me that the two on the other side are cheating?

I report these two Ultraman cheating!
Tiga and Nexus looked at each other, and each nodded. This desperate battle has been difficult to win from the beginning to the current situation. The choice of human beings is related to the victory or defeat of Ultraman.

It can be said that the darkness and brilliance of the human heart determine a victory, including the fate of this earth.

Switching positions with Nexus, Tiga found the Hell Warrior who had beaten him up before, and even made him lie down, this puppet warrior controlled by the god Kirierod himself.

Nexus clenched his fists and stood in front of the Balrog warrior. Seeing its strong body, Nexus was fearless.

Even though he felt that the current situation was not right, it was obviously useless to run, so the Hell Warrior bit the bullet and rushed forward.

On the contrary, it is glad that it descended as a puppet instead of the deity.

Just looking at the appearance of these two giants of light, who can resist this.

At worst, this puppet warrior will be smashed to pieces. If there is a chance in the future, we can still see if there is a chance to invade.

As for the Balrog Warrior...

I believe it can beat two Giants of Light to the ground with one hit!
It is the strongest!

Di Jia clenched his fists and rushed forward to meet the Hell Warrior. His raised fist collided with the Hell Warrior's iron fist. Di Jia remained motionless, but the armor on the Hell Warrior's wrist burst again and fell into pieces. on the earth.

Hellfighters wear pain masks.

Damn it, this Tiga is even more outrageous than Nexus!
Nexus used the photon blade to defeat his wrist armor, which is still acceptable.

In the end, compared with Tiga, Hell Warrior found that Nexus was just like that, just like Tu Yile.

Di Jia, who was riding a horse, gave me a punch, is there any reason for this?

Taking a few steps back, the Hell Warrior didn't dare to catch Di Jia's fist anymore, so he could only choose to throw a few flame bombs to interfere with Di Jia's attack, to see if he could find a chance to counterattack.

As a result, Dijia, in front of him, without dodging or evading, smashed all the hell bullets one by one with his punches, and struck all the way, grabbing the hand of the hell soldier who was releasing the hell bullet with one hand.

Di Jia bent his arm and punched the Hell Warrior's chest heavily, which was no longer protected by thick armor.

This punch made the Hell Warrior lose the ability to continue to speak. Almost the moment the punch touched his body, the god of Kirierod was almost forced to disconnect.

Not only the power of Ultraman, but also the golden radiance contained in this punch made the god of Kiriarod feel fear.

That terrible feeling is the reason why Kirierod is afraid.

Turning his fist into a palm, he grabbed the edge of the crack in the armor. Di Jia took a step forward and grabbed the Hell Warrior's chest with the other hand. Under the blessing of violent power, Di Jia forcibly tore the armor open.The sticky silk thread was stretched very long, but Dijia didn't care, and kicked the Hell Warrior far away.

On this side, Nexus did not choose to use the blade, but also bent his fist and rushed forward.

Although he has changed a lot now, he doesn't need to spend much to deal with the Balrog Warrior, just go up and fight hard.

Before, every punch and every kick of the Balrog warrior made it difficult for Nexus to parry, but now the situation has been reversed and it has become completely different.

Nexus' attack made the Balrog warrior exhausted. The all-round improvement of speed, strength, endurance, defense, energy intensity, and various data brought Nexus' strength to a whole new level.

"I don't believe it, why you can have such a powerful force, why!" The last moment when the winning chance was in hand, and the moment when he was about to die, the gap between heaven and hell was too fast, so fast that the Balrog warrior didn't even have Way to react.

"You mistakenly think that the strength of Ultraman is the same as itself, but you are wrong. When fighting for something, Ultraman is the strongest existence." Give trust, return trust, Ultra The relationship between Man and human beings is so inseparable.

Tiga is like this, and so is Nexus.

"What nonsense are you talking about at this time! It's just a human being!" Itabashi Mitsuo couldn't believe that the human being played by him in the palm of his hand would have such powerful power.

If so, why before...

"You guy, sure enough I still don't like you." With his hands curled up, Nexus turned over to avoid the energy ball projected by the Hell Warrior, and his falling left foot landed on the shoulder of the Balrog Warrior with raging fire.

The moment he landed, Nexus rushed forward, blocked the Balrog warrior's counterattack and locked the opponent's arm with his elbow, and at the same time, the unburned light particles were ignited again.

This time, it was the kind that covered the whole body.

"So, what kind of power is that, I will let you feel it for yourself now." The flames wrapped around the body included the Balrog Warrior, and the collision and explosion of light particles began to build, forming a storm that swept around.

High imitation version of Ultra Bomb?
No, it is now a skill belonging to Nexus' red youth form, a fixed explosive attack skill.

(Di Jia: Could this be the high-heat blasting meritorious service I taught?)

(End of this chapter)

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