Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 122 Welcome to the rising sun, the new Ultra Warriors

Chapter 122 Welcome to the rising sun, newborn Ultra fighters (tomorrow)

In the light and heat of the explosion, it is unknown what the Balrog warrior felt, but when the storm dissipated, Nexus stood where he was, and the timer on his chest didn't even flicker.

On the opposite side of him, the Balrog struggled to get up from the ground.

Judging from its appearance, it seems to have been severely damaged.

"Is that why I failed?" This time the voice from the Balrog warrior was not Mitsuo Itabashi's, but the witch's.

Mitsuo Itabashi, who had extreme thoughts like a lunatic, had already died in the explosion just now, and now the witch took over the body.

"Human beings are an extreme existence. They can become great for one goal, and they can also become humble because of some carelessness. There is no definition of good or bad, and everything follows one's own heart." With one hand on his forehead, Nexor Si is already brewing the next move.

It's not very powerful, but it can wipe out the Balrog Warrior.

"Heart? If human beings really have a heart, since I have been looking at me for 3000 million years, why haven't human beings changed at all?!" The Balrog warrior raised his head, and the witch was in charge of this body, representing the Balrog The fighter doesn't want to fight any more.

What the witch is looking for is an answer.

She is different from the crazy Mitsuo Itabashi.

"I don't know what a human being looks like in your eyes, but if you just look at it and don't enter it yourself, you are always just superficial." The hand on the forehead is slowly lowered, representing Nexus There was no option to continue the attack.

Because of the witch's current situation, there was no need for him to continue fighting.

"Heh, if this is the case, Nexus, the heroic warrior of light, I will choose to trust you once." The Balrog warrior stood up from the deep pit, and looked at Nexus from a distance.

She opened her hands, as if explaining something to Nexus.

"However, Nexus, if humans still fail me, everything will be irreparable when the final darkness falls."

"And at that time, even you are useless."

"If human beings have not changed at that time, you can no longer stop my actions." The witch chose to believe in Nexus because she felt something that Mitsuo Itabashi never felt.

In the explosion of the Ultra Bomb, the light released from Nexus' body.

It was completely different from the light of the giant of light, the golden light, although weak but tenacious like a grass, shocked the witch.

That golden light shone on Nexus' body, on his wristbands, and even on the "V" pattern on his abdomen.

Perhaps the difference between a witch and Mitsuo Itabashi lies here, and Nexus discovered this a long time ago.

Compared with Mitsuo Itabashi, a fanatic, the witch is the one who can communicate.

Both hands are clenched into fists and placed in front of them, and then the right fist is raised to the right side, and a bright light particle is drawn on the open palm, and the fisted hand rests on the straight right hand, forming a "L" shape.

This is the layered storm, which is the ultimate move of the red youth of Nexus, but it is different from Ji Yajun's, this is the layered storm that Yuanquan realized.

Judging from the posture of accumulating power, it is actually more like a simplified version of Noah-Lightning's move.

And the light of the cascading storm is not blue-white, but fiery red light particles, the same color as the red light particles that flowed out from the energy core before.

The cascading storm hit the Balrog Warrior, almost crushing the Balrog Warrior the moment it touched it, splitting into crystal-clear molecules and scattering in all directions.

The Balrog warrior was defeated, and Nexus let go of his waving hand.

Behind, the cheers of humans from the center of the capital resounded in my ears.

In this battle that could almost be called a crisis of annihilation, Ultraman finally won.

On the other side, Tiga also used Zapelio rays to hit the Hell Warrior. In the strong explosion, the Hell Warrior's body cracked and exploded into pieces.

But even if Tiga moved quickly, Nexus saw the bloody scar on Hell Warrior's chest before Zapelio's ray hit.

Good guy, all the armor has been ripped off, only you Dagu can do this
There was still whispers in the air before the god of Kirialod left, nothing more than words like I will come back, but Tiga and Nexus just didn't see it.

If you still dare to come back, it's a big deal to play the Otto mixed doubles again.

Although separated by a long distance, Xincheng and Hori were close and saw the whole battle in their eyes.

Ultraman won as always. Although the battle was very difficult this time, he finally won, right?
On the horizon, the rising sun shines its first ray of light, and the entire sky and the earth begin to become brighter under this ray of light.

The bodies of Nexus and Tiga shone brightly, and they were extraordinarily sacred.

At this moment, the divinity of the giant of light was pulled to the extreme.

But soon, the two of them destroyed the continuation of this divinity.

Tiga and Nexus raised their hands at the same time, showing thumbs up to Shinjo and Horii.

Whether this battle can be won, whether it is the comrades-in-arms of the winning team or the choice of human beings is very important.

This is not the victory of Ultraman, but the victory of human beings.

Xincheng and Horei hugged each other with smiles all over their faces, and they also gave a thumbs up, almost writing their happiness on their faces.

And people who saw this battle in the center of the capital, or around the world, also raised their hands and thumbs up with bright smiles.

The cheers, the eager sound of the tide are being staged in every corner of the earth.

Praise for mankind, praise for the giant of light.

This is a shared victory.

The figures of Tiga and Nexus turned into phantoms and disappeared at the same time, and the slowly rising sun brought light to the world again.

On the cliff of a certain lonely mountain after the war, Yuanquan was wearing a brown leather jacket, facing the wind and looking at the evolution trustee in his hand, and he also had a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that you can also change form." Dagu came out from behind Yuanquan and stood here side by side with Yuanquan: "What a beautiful sun."

"Dagu, I originally thought this was a matter for me alone. Whether it's fighting monsters or making this light evolve, I only need to be alone." Putting away the evolution trustee in his hand, Yuanquan also looked at Chusheng the sun.

It was supposed to be a body that was severely injured to the extreme, but miraculously, no scars existed after evolution.

"The light in human hearts is really great." Shaking his head, Yuanquan put his hands on Dagu's shoulders: "I have seen the brilliance of human beings, Dagu, this is a miracle that only you can achieve."

"No, it's the miracle we achieved." Dagu nodded, but disagreed with the meaning of excluding himself in Yuanquan's words: "Yuan, believe in yourself, you have a part in the achievement of this miracle, then Participation is the best proof."

"Yeah, thanks to their trust, I was able to complete and even evolve this broken light." The miracle achieved by humans and Ultraman led to the evolution of the light of Nexus , and even became a red youth form.

And it's still different from the original Nexus' form.

This miracle may not be forgotten even by the source of death.

"Would you like to watch the sun rise together?"

"Isn't it common to see it all night? The view of the sun rising."

"But our mood at that time is completely different from our mood now, so the scenery we see is also different."

"Da Gu, you really have the potential to become a poet."

"Then thank you for your compliment."

The rising sun shines on the earth, and the sun reappearing from the horizon seems to symbolize the re-start of the rising glory.

And the rising light is the same no matter for Yuanquan or Dagu.

They are all rising and vigorous Altec stars.

 As the title, it will be on the shelves tomorrow. In order to avoid people saying that I am holding back this battle and not finishing the fight, I will publish the last chapter of this section first.

  In short, it will be released tomorrow. I hope everyone can support and subscribe more. If there is an update tomorrow, I will see if I can go home early and start coding without working overtime. I feel that I should be able to write four or five chapters.

  Oh, if you add updates, it seems that Dianniang’s side is all rewards plus updates, so I’m also on my side, and I’ve booked more than [-] plus updates, so I’ll order super Let's add more after five hundred.

  To be honest, I don't know if I can do it or not.
  If the upper limit is too much, I will pay back three chapters a day in the future, and I will definitely finish it anyway.

  However, some people in the group said that the words of the leader will be updated in this way. To be honest, I really don’t know, so I can only say that there will be three chapters updated for several days?I don't know if this will work
  Anyway, readers and friends are very supportive, let alone, I have saved the manuscript, I have to prepare for tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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