Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 128 Chapter 124: Your name is Nexus, you are driving the dark realm, who are you! (Ottowan r

Chapter 128 Chapter 124: Your name is Nexus, you are driving the dark realm, who are you! (Ottowan reward plus more
As we all know, what the Meta-Ta domain looks like after it is opened depends on the user's own wishes.

According to the original book, it should be a barren world in the next 1000 years.

This is Yuanquan's first time to open the Meta Domain. To be honest, he doesn't know the internal situation of the Meta Domain, because his red youth form is very different from Ji Yazhun's, so his Meta Domain may also be It's different from Ji Yazhun's.

But no matter how different it was, he still didn't expect that in a burst of brilliance, the world behind the golden phase space particles was a world he was both familiar with and unfamiliar, and he didn't even want to see it anymore.

That dark corner of his world that was destroyed by strange beasts.

This is his meta field.

There are alien beast factors floating in the air almost everywhere, the entire sky is shrouded in thick darkness, and the broken buildings declare the intensity of battle after battle, which can make people imagine the prosperity of this city before.

It is also completely possible to imagine the appearance of those strange beasts wandering here before.

Tiga looked around curiously.

This skill. He doesn't seem to have it!

Nexus took a step forward and stretched out his hand to touch something. In this world, has he returned to the world before him?
his hometown
I didn't expect that after the opening of the Meta-Ta domain, there would be such a world.

Suddenly being wrapped into a brand new world, Magnia said that it was impossible not to panic, mainly because it originally had meteorites as energy supplements, and its combat effectiveness was very strong, and it felt that it would not be a problem to fight two.

But now, the problem is very big.

It is separated from the meteorite!

Even the distance between each other is as far as a world away!
"Tiga, this is my world, this is...my past"

In the city center not far away, it was once the place where Mephisto and Nexus fought.

Farther away is the place where Garubus was wiped out.

Everywhere here, Yuanquan can find scenes of battles in the past, and those memories are all in his mind.

Because of this, when he realized that his light had been suppressed, he wasn't surprised at all.

Not to mention anything else, just look at the surrounding alien beast factors, and the thick darkness.

What kind of meta field is this? It's almost like a dark field.

So, in addition to creating a battlefield by opening the Meta Domain, the ability to strengthen Ultraman's light in the field after the Meta Domain was opened has become the ability to weaken Ultraman's light?

Here comes the question, the Nexus that I transformed into is the Dark Realm, so who am I?

While I'm glad to be back in this world of shattered hopes, doesn't it seem embarrassing?

I have never heard that the skills I developed also cut my data.

So what is the meaning of this skill?
Magnia was very disturbed, mainly because the alien beast factors floating in the air were constantly infecting its body. If it was an ordinary monster, the alien beast factors would not be so manic.

Because it was originally the world opened by the source, the power of these alien beast factors has almost disappeared.But it's so undead, Magnia is a biological monster.

The alien animal factor saw that Magnia must have been a dry firewood, and it immediately burned blazingly.

The two interacted together, and the alien animal factor began to transform Magnia's body, and Magnia itself was very resistant to this change, constantly rearranging its own biological genes to resist the invasion of the alien beast factor.

Therefore, when the two are fighting fiercely in Magnia's body, even when they are fighting fiercely, the Zapelio ray and the ultimate storm (the book friend said that it cannot be called a stacked storm without stacking, then I will change it) name) hit Magnia's body indiscriminately.

Whether it was Magnia or the alien beast factor, they were completely destroyed under the impact of these two powerful light energies
To be honest, the two of you fight together to decide the outcome, but Di Jia and Nexus are not watching the show, and when they find out that your situation is wrong, they will directly attack you without saying a word, and even the two of you Killed together.

Simply neat.

After all, neither of you is a good thing.

So, this is actually the ability of someone from me in the Meta Domain?
After it is turned on, let the alien beast factor fight the monster, and I only need to make up the knife?

To be honest, this is quite delicious, but if I encounter Dark Faust, or Dark Mephisto, or even a strange beast in the future, is this ability still useless?
Good guy, can I use a skill to buff the opponent?

So stupid for this.

Of course, there must be some other functions that have not been developed in Yuanyuan's Meita field, but Yuanyuan doesn't know about it.

Magnia was so dead that he couldn't die anymore, Yuanquan also revoked the Meta domain and returned to the original world.

The two Ultramans looked at the meteorite, and the photon blade and the palm cursor were launched together to destroy the meteorite.

The large amount of life energy that was absorbed was released crazily, and it was scattered in the surrounding environment like rain, which can be regarded as a realization to make up for the life force that was sucked away by the people gathered here.

Nexus and Dijia lifted their transformations, and they stood on the hillside looking at the situation below. Dagu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked directly, "What's the situation with your skill?"

"Split the battlefield and create a field where you can fight. That's it. But why it became like that, I don't know." Yuanquan rubbed the space between his brows, feeling puzzled.What else does he not understand in this meta field? It is impossible to really have the ability to buff the opponent and debuff himself, right?

If this is the case, wouldn't the meaning of the existence of the Meta domain be completely gone?

"It always seems to be very good." Da Gu was so eager to try, he almost wrote the four words "I want it very much" on his face.

"It stands to reason that after I open the Meta-Ta domain, we in the domain will be enhanced in all aspects of our own attributes. There must be something I didn't expect. When I figure it out, I will teach you." Still the same sentence, if there is one more skill, no more, no less, Yuanquan is of course willing to hand it over to Dagu.

Dagudu believes in himself so much, the source cannot be hidden.

"However, I thought your red form was only available that night, but I didn't expect you to be able to open it at any time." In fact, after that night, Di Jia withdrew from that state, although he was stronger than before. A little, but it's impossible to return to the level of that night, three times, five divisions and two times, which killed the Hell Warrior.

He'd thought Nexus was the same, but now it didn't seem to be the case.

"I am evolution, and I am the light that extends evolution again on the basis of the original." Yuanquan put up a thumbs up and said proudly: "Well, I will also be a person who can change forms in the future, and I am finally chasing It's you."

"But I can change into three." Dagu smiled slightly, and immediately delivered a fatal blow, completely killing Yuanquan.

"Cut, I can become three in the future." In my memory, the inheritance of the EMI able-bodied people, only when it reached the hands of the last person, did the light of Nexus evolve into a blue adult.

Although it's late, but after all, it's already reached that point, isn't it?
The red is turned on, and the blue is probably not far away.
(End of this chapter)

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