Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 129 Your breathing is a little hurried~

Chapter 129 Your panting is a bit short~ (addition for the leader)

PS: The name of the leader of the alliance has been screened. To be honest, I am numb.

Seeing the opportunity, Dagu lowered his body and punched forward.

Yuanquan also understood very well. While parrying with his hand, he also launched an attack at the same time. The fist placed on the abdomen rushed out like a spiral, hitting the air heavily.

Dagu had already seen that the situation was wrong, so he took a few steps back to avoid the attack. Not only that, but he squatted down while Yuanquan's offensive was gone, trying to kick Yuanquan's calf, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Yuanquan's reaction to this was to lift his foot out of the way of Daiko's sweeping leg.

But if this is the case, Yuanquan had to take over Dagu's cannon punch abruptly.

Of course, with the same physical fitness, Dagu's punch would most likely be able to knock back the effect, but Yuanquan's physical fitness is much higher than that of humans, so he stood still and even grabbed Dagu's hand and turned it around. He turned Dagu's body around and fell to the ground.

If at this time, the hand that grabbed Da Gu was pressed against the back of his head, the battle would have almost declared Da Gu's defeat, but Yuanquan didn't do that.

This is just an ordinary sparring, and it's not a life-and-death struggle between enemies. There's no need to do that, just accept it when it's good.

"Tsk, I really am not your opponent." Patting the dust off his body, Dagu wiped off the sweat from his head, lay on his back on the ground and looked at the ceiling without any loss.

"It's already very good. If I was in the transformation state, I would have been knocked out just now." There is no way, the physical fitness of the human body state is too different from each other, and Yuanquan doesn't know how to do it. Gather your strength.

To be honest, he really didn't know what to do in this regard.

After all, no one taught it.

"That guy Horei has been asking for leave these days. It seems that he and Ms. Qianzuru really have hope to succeed." One was lying on the ground and the other was sitting cross-legged on the ground. The two were naked, except for wearing a pair of Basically nothing but shorts.

This also revealed that both of them are not bad in figure.

This has been about ten days since the last time Magnia was killed. Although Magnia as the main body was killed and even the meteorite was defeated, in fact, the people floating in the fog outside There are still other smaller magnias in there.

This is something that never happened in the original book.

And what constitutes this happening may be because there are two Ultramans on this earth, which makes Magnia a lot more cautious.

So, after dawn, Yuanquan and Dagu went out of the valley pretending they didn't know anything, and Jue who insisted on going to the Cosmic Observatory Center and accompanied Jiang Qi Qianhe to the Cosmic Observatory Center (knows everything) After Jing parted ways, Yuanquan and Dagu led a small team, a total of five people went all the way to the place where the meteorite was located, but they still encountered some small Magnias on the way.

Not much, but it also happens to prove the fact that it wasn't completely wiped out.

But the thick fog has disappeared, the electronic equipment is no longer unusable, and the communication in this dead zone-like mountain has finally been restored.

And those villagers who were rescued last night and members of the search and rescue team also went down the mountain according to the instructions of the TPC.

What?Why didn't you say Horii didn't hear it?

Of course, Yuanquan secretly turned off Horei's communicator.

I don't mean someone else, I just want to see the fat man Hori get a beautiful wife, but Xincheng, who is a handsome guy, has been single all the time.

That was such a pleasure.

I heard that later, Ms. Hori and Chizuru in the Cosmos Observation Center also encountered the same attack, but luckily there was no danger, just like what they both experienced in the Cosmos Observation Center in the original plot.

It's just that the appearance of the underground Pippa tank and the appearance of the large Magnia were missing.

If Ultraman did not intervene in this incident, I believe it would be a complete blow to TPC.

After all, TV is TV, and what is shown on TV is only what is shown on TV after all, so it cannot be regarded as real.

In fact, after Yuanquan led the team down the mountain, he could see the sad atmosphere in the village.

After all, someone was sucked to death by absorbing vitality.

The follow-up incident was handed over to the logistics force, which had nothing to do with Yuanquan's unit, so Yuanquan took the team on the transport plane and returned to the sea base.

And Dagu gathered with the members of the Victory Team.

But before that, Yuanquan watched a good show first.

On the road out of the mountain, Jiang Qi Qianhe and the team members of Horei came out holding hands.

Yuanquan stopped his pilot who was about to take off, and led his team members, as well as the pilot, to lean on the transport plane and prepare to watch the show.

Of course, we all know what happened afterwards.

"The face of Xincheng has been very ugly these days. It seems that it is a big blow to Xincheng that Hori has Ms. Qianzuru, and Mayumi has been looking for a suitable woman for Xincheng. It seems that she is looking for a girlfriend for Xincheng. " Dagu raised his hand and put it on his forehead, thinking of Xincheng's expression of headache, Dagu became happier.

"Mayumi's efforts are wasted, I think it's impossible for Xincheng to get out of being single." Yuanquan rolled his eyes, even if Ultraman Dyna appeared in the future, Xincheng would still be single!
"It's great, you don't need to do anything, there are no monsters, and there are no aliens, nothing happens on the entire earth, neither the Victory Team nor the TPC need to be dispatched, what a rare and good day." Dagu Zhileng stood up and stretched Lazy.

"I didn't even have a holiday after fighting Kirielod last time, so I can finally do well now."

Before Da Gu finished speaking, he heard a burst of urgent communication sound from the whole training room, and it came from the clothes that Da Gu put aside.

"Ah." Dagu covered his face in a panic, don't slap your face so fast, right?

I really want to take a break!

But the task is the task, there is no way, Dagu can only stand up, pick up the clothes, and turn on the communicator.

"Member Dagu, the Dinosaur Research Center discovered an ancient dinosaur fossil, and the people in the research center reported to us that there is something strange about this fossil, and I want the Victory Team to take a look." The face of Ju Jianhui appeared in the On the screen of the communicator, but instead, Horii's bigger face came up and blocked the entire screen.

"Dagu, I'm going with you again this time~" Hori still had that fake smile, which made people feel that he was smiling forcedly.

"Da Gu, I just now realize that you are really my lucky star. I will go out with you on a mission. Although I lost a plane, I can gain a girlfriend who loves me."

"So Dagu, this time I took the initiative to apply to go out with you on a mission, are you happy~"

Afterwards, Horei's face was pushed away, and it could be seen that Xincheng did it.

Of course, the cheerful atmosphere in the command room still seemed to be full, and everyone was quite energetic.

"That's right, you come back immediately and set off with Horei's team members, go to the Dinosaur Research Center to have a look, and report immediately if you find anything." Ju Jianhui seemed to be completely indifferent to the chasing and slapstick behavior of the team members, and highlighted one calm.

"Yes~" Da Gu responded weakly with drooping eyelids.



(End of this chapter)

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