Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 140 Choose 2 from 1, always choose 1

Chapter 140 Choose One, Always Choose One
Let Obick die in the village he looks back at the end like in the original story, maybe that is the best return for him.

, Yuanquan didn't participate, he didn't know how to face it, and he didn't know how to save it, so he didn't think about it, didn't look at it, he could only paralyze himself like this.

But the result of the fact is that Dagu found him after the fact, and the two met in the bar with complicated and unspeakable expressions. All the unwillingness and depression in my heart were also vented.

After that time, they returned to normal again, as if they were not the ones who laughed that night and were full of tears.

Instead, there are more and more TPC councils, and Yuanquan can see the news of the airliner crash when he returns home from get off work and turns on the TV.

Two Ultraman human bodies, one is silent in front of the TV, and the other is waiting in the victorious team, they all know what the result will be if this continues.

However, what can be done as a human being cannot be done at all as an Ultraman.

On this point, on July 7th, the experts suggested that TPC should eliminate the Lightning Man who caused frequent crashes, and explained various stakes.

In public opinion, the calls for eliminating the Lightning Man are getting louder and louder. After all, there is a Lightning Man, and no one can guarantee that the plane he is sitting on will not be disturbed, and no one can guarantee that he will be fine.

Should The Flash Man Exist?
Or the lightning men who have brought such harm to human beings, should they exist?
"We all know that the frequent plane crashes are caused by the Lightning Man. This is the information that our reporter risked his life to pass on from the front line. But it is such a clear fact that TPC has never done anything. Is this because what?"

"We don't know the reason for the existence of the Lightning Man, a race that endangers humans, but maybe TPC has its own considerations."

Therefore, TPC announced the battle against the Lightning Man the next day, and at the same time, a longhorn-like monster emerged from the cracked ground.

Jobelia is an ancient monster that was favored by the Lightning Man a long time ago, and this time it appeared to advance and retreat with the Lightning Man.

In other words, when humans announced the start of war against the Lightning Man, the Lightning Man had already made the preparations.

The rumbling tracks crushed the flowers, and the plane with its white tail flew across the sky. The neatly arrayed troops came to the scene one by one. Although the whole body was shrunk in the mountain, Qiaobelie, who was only showing his head, also brought the human body to the scene. The battle is in sight.

Ridiculous?Can these antiques do it any harm?
But this is a human choice.

"Today in the command room, a quarrel broke out, and it was also about the Lightning Man." Dagu stood above the sea base, with the sea breeze blowing his hair, but it was difficult to conceal the confusion on his face: "Everyone advocates eliminating The Lightning Man, Horii also said he couldn't find a way to coexist."

"Although Lina and I want to save it, the facts don't seem to allow us to continue doing that."

"Ye Rui said today that TPC should need stronger power and weapons to eliminate this kind of creature that is harmful to humans, and he also said that Lina is too naive." Dagu laughed and shook his head, Ye Rui is He was recruited into the victory team as a genius, and usually everyone didn't make him suffer too much, and there were still many things he didn't understand.

"War would be so simple if you could just move your mouth and say it, it would be great." This is the case for children who have not been beaten by society. For Yerui's immature thoughts, Yuanquan naturally understands: " Dagu, I only have one question I want to ask you."

"I know what you want to say, because just before I came here, Lina asked me what Ultraman Tiga would think." Dagu leaned against the railing and looked at the sky with confused eyes: "It's so funny , obviously I was the one who went to explain Lina, but she confused me."

"What is Ultraman Tiga fighting for? In this war, why should he participate in the war?"

"Yuan, this is what I can't figure out now."

Yuanquan is no stranger to this kind of behavior of being confused when asked to explain it himself, because he has had such an experience before.

But Dagu didn't have to be a riddler, but explained everything to him.

"Dagu, if human beings really press the attack button, and have no guilt about launching this war, maybe I will stand up and stop what human beings are doing." Yuanquan smiled with his head down. Smiling, watching Daguna straighten his body because of his outburst, he continued: "I look forward to the day when you will stand in front of me."

"Because the only person who can stop me is you."

"But, why? Even if that's the case, we are all fighting for the earth and mankind. Why do we have to stand on the opposite side this time? Isn't it like before?" Dagu was very excited, he He will not sit back and watch such things happen. As an Ultraman warrior, he is lonely, but because of the existence of the source, he has comrades who can fight side by side.

But now, this comrade-in-arms...

"After this period of time, you and I understand the atmosphere of TPC. Dagu, if this continues, you know better than me what the future of mankind will be like."

"Maybe as humans, you and I can't do much, but as Ultraman, we always have the ability to alert humans in this regard." During this period, the atmosphere of TPC has made Yuanquan almost unbearable.

If he hadn't always kept in mind that his strength was too terrifying, Yuanquan would have started beating people long ago.

But even so, he did not seldom taunt some people.

"Weakness and ignorance will not hinder the progress of human beings, but arrogance is." Yuanquan finally uttered this famous saying, and this also made Dagu's heart ring like an alarm bell: "Now the TPC, let's go On this path of arrogance."

"The overall atmosphere of TPC, the arrogance of human beings, and on the other hand, in the battle with the Lightning Man, I hope that when we humans make the decision to eliminate the Lightning Man, it is with a heavy heart instead of Excited and impatient." Yuanquan finally told Dagu all of his observations and decisions in his heart during this period of time.

He is also ready for this duel with Dagu.

"Maybe the two things can be solved together. I want humans to see that even if they are the first to launch a war, and the target is the Lightning Man they think is worthless, human beings are weak in front of the Lightning Man, rather than acting recklessly. The strong man." Saying that, Yuanquan raised his hand and pointed at himself, and then at Dagu.

"Or, do human beings count Nexus and Ultraman Tiga into the vitality of human beings?"

Dagu was silent, he didn't know how to say it, or how to answer it.

It was impossible for him to watch people die right in front of his eyes.

But if TPC continues like this, or if humans continue like this, what will happen to the future of mankind? Dagu already has the answer.

Isn't there a best of both worlds option?
Do you have to choose one?
After all, after Dagu got the magic light stick, the confusion deep in his heart finally surfaced completely.

(End of this chapter)

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