Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 141 I just want them to listen to what I have to say, as a human being

Chapter 141 I just want them to listen to what I say, as a human being

"So, in what capacity are you going to do this? As a human god? Or as a god?" Dagu could only think so in his confusion.

He didn't think that Ultraman would be superior to others, and as Ultraman, he was only doing what he could do.

He would never do such a thing, nor would he think about it, to decide the future path for mankind.

"Ultraman is not God. He always has things that he can't do with all his strength. What I want to do is also what I can do as a human being." Yuanquan looked at the sky, which was blue and without any clouds The sky of existence is so bright, so bright that Yuanquan wants to transform himself and go for a walk.

"So...we..." Dagu asked tentatively.

"Dagu, don't ask me so detailed, I don't know if what I did is right or not, I don't know if I can redeem it by doing this, I just... I just can only do so much! Do you understand!" Yuanquan held his head in both hands, and Dagu's confusion was revealed before his eyes, but who can answer his Yuanquan's confusion?
How much he hopes that someone can stand up and say that what he did is wrong, and then come up with a more mature plan and a more convincing answer.

But... no... no one at all.

"I just want to tell human beings, those things we see in our eyes, don't be arrogant, don't be blind, in the scale of the universe, the earth is really nothing. Learn to be humble, look at the world carefully, and take it seriously .” Stretching out his hand to point to the sky, but the source is not only pointing to the sky.

There are also countless alien civilizations in the vast universe beyond the blue sky.

"I just want people to understand that although you can't lose your aggressiveness, you can't always have the goal of destroying all life. That will degenerate into a lunatic who only knows how to destroy. It is an incurable existence."

"Take it seriously when it comes to exterminating a race."

"Even if you really do it, you must know the bitter choice behind it."

"Although my words are like nonsense, Dagu, I want human beings to go further, so I want to do that. I don't want to be a god of human beings, and I don't want to be a god. I just want to To tell them what I think, I just want to let them know what I think."

Yuanquan stared at Dagu with fixed eyes, this time, he didn't sound joking at all, but was serious to the extreme.

"It is precisely because of what I have experienced last time that I have such trust in human beings. Sometimes, letting go will not bring about any changes. Maybe a leader is needed to tell them what to do. The result It will be completely different."

Just like the earth is full of zigera flowers in the original book, human beings themselves may not be able to get out of such a beautiful temptation, and will enter the same ending as 3000 million years ago.

But Dagu took the first step, he gave a brand new choice, and he pointed the way to the future for the human beings in the new era.

Keeping up with Dagu, Yuanquan will naturally not watch humans go astray.

"...I understand." Dagu now understands what Yuanquan is going to do. Protecting human beings and protecting the earth is still the first purpose, but protection is not blind protection, not putting them in a sealed jar for strict protection. Strictness, but the same answer given when encountering an invincible enemy, when facing a fork in the future, or even when making a certain decision.

It doesn't matter whether human beings listen or not. To convey one's thoughts and hope to alert the world with one's own actions is what Yuanquan wants to do.

"So in this way, the battle between us is inevitable." After the seriousness, Yuanquan turned to laugh and patted Dagu on the shoulder: "I think about it, maybe there are only two Ultraman because The fact that we start a war because of different positions will let others know what we think."

"As a giant of light who has been helping human beings, this time they fought because of differences in positions and opinions. I see." If this is what Yuanquan thinks it can be done, then Dagu is also willing to do it.

Whether it is successful or not will not be said for the time being, but you will only know if you do it.


Only they know the agreement between Yuanquan and Dagu, but this day will not come for a long time. Since the tpc high-level council has decided to launch a war against the Lightning Man, corresponding preparations are also made.

The members of the Victory Team were split into two parts, and part of them drove the Artdis and the Victory Swallow II to go above the clouds to face the Lair of the Lightning Man.

On the other hand, Zongfang led Ye Ruiduai and Dagu to face Qiaobelie with the ground troops.

It is so cruel to start a war against race. Ju Jianhui stayed at the base alone. She also wondered what kind of mood the TPC executives who made such a decision had when they issued this order.

Is it heavy?
Still excited?

Or it doesn't matter?
A person's thinking can't get feedback, the more he thinks, the more he feels that he can't understand.

Ye Rui, who has been sitting in the base, is on duty this time because of Ju Jianhui's intention. The child is too young to know the cruelty of waging a war. He thinks that it is only the data spread on the computer that can be so boastful.

That being the case, let him see what war is, on that wailing battlefield.

This is indeed the case. When he first came to the battlefield, Ye Rui was still proud of the deployment of tanks and artillery vehicles all over the ground, and felt that there was no monster that could not be killed in such a true chapter.

But just the lightning strike launched by Qiao Bailiai destroyed the entire battlefield in an instant, and those things that Ye Rui thought were extremely powerful were all turned into wreckage.

In the raging fire, covered by the turbulent mud, it looks like a pile of broken copper and rotten iron.

Facing a cruel war that he had never seen with his own eyes, except for his indifferent mentality at the beginning, Ye Rui basically hid behind the car the whole time afterwards, and did not dare to fight back.

The fear and fear in his heart occupied Ye Rui's entire heart, making him unable to make an effective answer at all.

And it wasn't until this moment that Ye Rui understood what Zong Fang's answer meant when he asked Zong Fang before seeing these iron cannons.

What happens when none of these things work?
Zongfang: That’s troublesome.

This trouble does not refer to the trouble on the battlefield, but even the trouble of the direction of TPC in the future. Zong Fang knows what this battle represents better than anyone else. The conflict between the hawks and the doves has reached its peak. The result of this battle And the process will directly lead to the future direction of tpc.

But since the last era, Zong Fang's concerns about TPC are not unreasonable after witnessing countless militarized emerging organizations that have fallen into destruction.

This is a war against the Lightning Clan, so whether Yuanquan is willing or not, he has to participate, but the place he chooses to participate is not on the ground, but in the sky, inside the Artdis, as a logistics staff for Atdis provides protection.

And this also allowed him to see the battle situation in his eyes immediately.

When the Atdis was suspended in the sky, before the Lair of the Lightning Man; when the source held the trustee of evolution in the unmanned toilet; When I started talking about why the monsters appeared and what their purpose was; when Mayumi bandaged the wounded Norui but a quarrel broke out because of disagreement.

When Lina flicked the attack button of the Artdis.

When Xincheng and Horei drove the Victory Feiyan No. [-] to the battle

When Kibi Gosuke was sitting on the edge of the summit council, listening to Director Jigang's roar; when Koda was mopping the floor in the activity room; when Liang watched the flying troops attack; When studying the Flashman...

Everyone has something to do, everyone is doing his own thing, and everyone is thinking for the meaning of his actions;
For what to fight, for what to do this;

Perhaps it is not people who are confused, but Ultraman, people who have never thought about this problem since the beginning.

It turned out that when I was just a human being, I didn't have to worry about it.

But when I was an Ultraman, I had to think about so many issues.

"Yuan, are you right?" In a daze, outside the temporary ward tent, Dagu put away the magic light stick and looked at the sky;

And behind him, the flames ignited by the wreckage of war weapons all over the ground, only white smoke remained.

(End of this chapter)

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