Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 142 It is because my world is destroyed, so I am more qualified to say this

Chapter 142 It is because my world is destroyed, so I am more qualified to say this
Pressing the attack button has different meanings to different people, Xincheng doesn't think so much, he just knows to fight.

Hori's words even hope that the Lightning Man will die, because his mentor died in the Lightning Man's mouth. For him, it is already very remarkable to be able to think about the coexistence of the Lightning Man and human beings before this hatred.

But the solution made Horei feel completely impossible.

Even if pressing this button requires a huge commitment, he is willing to do so.

And Lina belongs to, in the confusion, giving up thinking in the struggle, and handing over the choice to teammates, or Ultraman.

Altman's choices so far have not been wrong, and perhaps this time is the same.

Because of this, in the middle of the night on the ground, Qiaobeliya, who was active again, clashed with the ground troops. The tanks and artillery vehicles in the array were completely nothingness and did not play any role. Even the planes that wanted to evacuate were blocked. Under Qiaobeliai's lightning strike, it was only an instant, and even an effective block could not be achieved. The formations deployed on the ground that could destroy a small country were destroyed right in front of Qiaobeliai.

And this is just Qiao Bailiai doing it casually.

In the midst of questions and answers about self-doubt by the confused Ye Rui, Ye Rui also gave up thinking, holding a Haipa victory gun and rushing towards Qiao Bailiai while roaring.

He wasn't demented by fear, but he was genuinely questioning.

Question yourself, question the monsters, or everyone who is still on this battlefield.

Dagu in the bunker looked at the divine light stick in his hand, and finally called out the question that he had been unable to figure out for a long time.

"Ultraman Tiga, why are you fighting, why are you fighting! Tiga!"

This is the first time that Dagu called out Dijia's name aloud during his transformation, because he was questioning the reason for Dijia's battle, and he couldn't find those things.

As a human being, he has faith, but as an Ultraman, he can't find a reason to fight at all.

In this genocidal war, what did Ultraman...

So Dagu also gave up thinking, transformed himself in the dazzling brilliance and rushed towards Qiaobei Liai, fighting monsters as always, but this time, he didn't have much desire to win.

The beating with punches and kicks seemed to vent his confusion.

On the sky, the Drake cannon was completely abandoned, and the Atdis, which used the Max power system as the main gun, was assisted by the Victory Feiyan II on the left and the right, and two golden rays of light enveloped the colorful The Max cannon rushed to the lair where the Lightning Man was, in the cloud of black clouds.

Inside the Artdis, Yuanquan held the evolution trustee with both hands, and pulled it out without a word. The red light appeared before the lightning man's clouds and the upcoming attack. The water-blue shield propped up will come from humans The attack is completely caught.

A red body appeared in front of everyone, suspended in mid-air, used to be the patron saint on the human side, but now, it is on the other side.

The attack of the Max Cannon and the Texas Cannon was over, but the Victory Team had no intention of continuing the attack, all because of the Ultraman standing in the center of the battlefield.

The giant of light who just stood there was enough to temporarily stop this war.

Nexus withdrew the shield, his eyes reflected the current military power of mankind, so fragile, yet so proud.

Qiao Bailiai's casual attack is enough to make you understand, is that arrogance ridiculous?
Or, now you have to...

"Nexus..." Ju Jianhui clenched his fists in front of him. What does Nexus stand for here? Do you want both sides to stop this war, or...

"Why, why did Ultraman appear here, why..." Xincheng couldn't understand at all, nor did he understand why Nexus stood here to block them.

"Maybe, he is here to stop us..." After pressing the button once, can he still have the courage to press it a second time?The appearance of Nexus gave Lina more choices and more expectations.

"It is impossible for Lightning Man and humans to coexist, and Nexus even wiped out Gazot twice before. He appeared here, really..." Hori murmured, for Lightning Man, Nexus should also be an enemy, right?In particular, Nexus, who had eliminated Gazot in the previous two times, was an irreconcilable enemy in the eyes of the Lightning Man.

Nexus turned around and faced the black cloud. The super five senses gave Nexus enough hearing to hear the communication of the Lightning Man in the cloud.

Although he couldn't understand it, Nexus understood that his appearance directly led to the eager communication that the Lightning Man was now having.

"Headquarters, are we still attacking?" Xincheng opened the communication and asked the headquarters for their opinion.

"Temporarily stop attacking, Nexus... may have a different view." Ultraman is not some mindless weapon of war, he also has his own ideas, his own ideas, this point after the trial of the devil, Zhong Hui Just figured it out.

Ultraman helps humans, but it doesn't mean that they will definitely stand on the side of humans.

Unless... that Ultraman is called Seven.

The thick, swirling black clouds slowly gave way to a passage, and the floating lightning men, that is, their bodies, instead of the mutant existence like Gazot, slowly came in front of Nexus.Arranged one by one, flying up and down around Nexus.

Nexus stretched out his hand and caught these little lightning men with his outstretched palm. A weak electric arc passed between the two. In this way, the lightning men were telling the history belonging to the lightning men. Their past, and even everything in the past of the earth.

Nexus did nothing, kept his posture still, and quietly listened to what the mortals told, the long and infinite stories of their family.

"Are you communicating?" This scene was seen by everyone, and there was no doubt that they were communicating. No one was curious about what the Lightning man was telling Ultraman.

But human beings have never known that Ultraman can speak, and it is impossible to intervene in this kind of communication.

During the process of the Lightning Man’s story, Tiga also dealt with Qiao Bailiai on the ground and came to the air, floating in front of the Artdis. Compared with the original book, Tiga is much stronger, and there is no need for high-heat blasting to eliminate it. Qiaobei Liai, even when Tijia flew up, the lights didn't flash.

At the same time, the Lightning Man no longer surrounded Nexus, but ran aside.

Nexus curled his hands, condensing golden light particles in his hands.

Just when the victorious team thought that Nexus was about to attack, they saw that Nexus shot the light particles upwards, and the light particles that exploded like fireworks lavishly surrounded the surroundings, forming another enclosed space.

Those splendid scenes will include the Lightning Man, the Victory Team, and Ultraman Tiga.

After the radiant brilliance dissipated, what caught everyone's eyes was the endless darkness after the brilliance was exhausted, and the sinking was like a hell-like hot wind sweeping in.

The condensed vortex hovered in the sky like a funnel, and no trace of life could be observed from the fighter plane's radar.

At a glance, on the endless horizon, there are only two giants standing tall.

And behind the two giants is the reality that shocked everyone in the winning team.

(End of this chapter)

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