Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 149 Knee Pillow!It's a lap pillow!

Chapter 149 Knee Pillow!It's a lap pillow!

This wave, this wave is because he didn't have time to call Shi Zhiyi over before he lost consciousness, so Yuanquan can only lie in the hospital and cannot move.

But when he opened his eyes, the first thing he felt was pain, the kind of pain that penetrated into the bone marrow.

When he bit the bullet and took the Max cannon, Yuanquan knew it would end like this.

Although it is not as powerful as the star-destroying cannon eight years later, the current Max cannon should not be underestimated. It would be better to say that he is still alive.

"Are you awake? The handwriting is very successful, you have already..." The owner of the voice sounded from the side with a narrow tone, but the owner of the voice still grabbed Yuanquan's hand very simply, so as not to prevent him from unconsciously blowing his breathing tube Pulled out.

The severe pain in his chest made Yuanquan unable to speak at all, half of his body was bound with bandages, and even one hand was put in a plaster cast, so he couldn't move at all.

The hand that was still free was also very weak.

Yuanquan turned his head laboriously, and saw Mayumi beside him at a glance.

"Why you." With a dry and hoarse throat, it was difficult to utter a word, Yuanquan's lifeless eyes reflected Mayumi's figure, and he still couldn't utter half a word if it was true.

If you take such good care of me, will Tuomo be jealous?

"It's my friend after all. I took the initiative to apply to take care of you." Carefully raising Yuanquan's head, Mayumi gave Yuanquan a treatment that he couldn't enjoy at all.

knee pillow!
Difficult to drink the water in the cup in Mayumi's hand, Yuanquan looked at... the ceiling that was obstructed by something, smashed his mouth and said: "Is the headquarters all right? There are not many people injured, right?"

"It's a good thing you informed your teammates, otherwise, things would have been troublesome." Mayumi felt chills when she thought about the scene at that time. Yuanquan rushed to the battlefield as soon as possible, and Koda, who got the news, immediately notified the ground headquarters Xi Bigang helped, and then uploaded to the upper layer of tpc, and the whole tpc immediately started to operate in a very short period of time.

Rescue, breakthrough, and assembly all in one go.

Although the monsters were wiped out by the two Ultramans, even the Atdis was controlled by the enemy and almost attacked the sea base.

If Nexus hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

It was also fortunate that the personnel had already assembled, so that after the monster was eliminated, the rescue force rushed to the scene so quickly and began to rescue people.It also minimizes the loss of tpc.

In addition to absorbing most of the energy stored in the sea base, in terms of casualties, the most serious injury is the source.

The others were fine, they were basically locked up in a separate area, and they didn't suffer any harm.

"The situation is dangerous, so we can't wait." Hearing that there were almost no casualties, Yuanquan smiled. Fortunately, the hard work was not in vain, and neither was the injury.

"You are the most injured here, and I have heard that you dare to face that monster, and even fight with it! Do you think you are Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Nexus? The other party is a monster, how can you beat it!" Mayumi was a little anxious, but she had to admit that Yuanquan really had the ability to fight monsters.

Because this is famous in the entire tpc.

Especially this time, he actually fought one-on-one with that monster, and even rushed all the way to the 30th floor, which means that he killed more than 60 monsters.

You must know that when this news was delivered to the top of TPC and even Ju Jianhui, everyone was dumbfounded, with disbelief on their faces.

Is this still a person?
You just say that people fight with each other, and it is impossible for one person to defeat more than 60 people.

Let alone a monster.

A monster more ruthless than a man!
Good guy, if you shrink the monster to be about the size of the source, this guy will be able to destroy the monster with his fists up.

Is this the flesh monster?

Then we ordinary humans can only say one thing, awesome.

"I have to report the news of your waking up to them. Don't be in a hurry, wait here for my return." After enjoying the good time of the knee pillow for a short time, Mayumi put down the source, and gave a worried voice. Only then did I leave with the bed sheet in my arms.

Seeing Mayumi leave, Yuanquan actually had a thought in his heart how wonderful it would be if this were my girlfriend.

But soon, he threw away this thought. Mayumi has a boyfriend, and Takumo was rescued by herself. When I watched the show, I regretted that the two of them could not be together. Now that I have the opportunity, why not matching?

The source is to wake up, you are greedy for other people's bodies, you are lowly!
But think about it carefully, am I really going to find a girlfriend?

Looking at the ceiling with both eyes, the source of his wandering thoughts, not knowing where his thoughts went, was awakened by a burst of noisy footsteps. When he looked back, the door of the small ward was actually a little crowded.

The door couldn't afford to have so many people rushing in at once.

Xibigang led the way, followed by Dagu and Xincheng, and then Lucia and Zara.

In short, as long as Yuanquan knew friends, except for those who could not come to the sea base, basically all of them came.

This small ward was unbelievably crowded for a while.

"Okay, okay, tell everyone one by one, no loud noises are allowed in the ward!" Mayumi squeezed in from behind with difficulty, opened her hands to stop everyone's enthusiasm, and shouted loudly: "Just from, just from... ..."

"I'll come first!" Luckily, Kihigosuke was able to suppress Mayumi's voice with a louder voice, and started to answer directly, and took advantage of the gap to bypass Mayumi and stand in front of Yuanquan's hospital bed.

"Hahahaha! Well behaved Yuan, now you are embarrassing our sixth team!" It can be seen that if Yuanquan was not seriously injured, Xibi Gangsuke might not be slapping Yuanquan vigorously now The shoulders said yes.

But even so, he couldn't stop his loud voice, which could be heard almost in the hospital corridor.

"Is it necessary to have such a loud voice?" Yuanquan rolled his eyes helplessly, and finally understood why Director Ji Gang had to bring you with him every time he went to a meeting.

With such a loud voice, if there is an argument in the meeting, who can suppress you?

"Isn't this happy!" Xibi Gangzhu coughed a few times, trying to suppress his unique talent: "Don't worry about recuperating, it's the kind of paid vacation, so don't worry."

Saying that, Xibi Gangsuke gave a thumbs up, and Yuanyuan, whose eyes were glowing and showing a rare smile, raised his hand that was still intact, and gave a thumbs up tremblingly.

Good job, my old captain, from now until you are discharged from the hospital, you are my dearest captain.

Whoever dares to bully you, I will be the first to refuse!

Behind Kihigosuke, Koda, Ryo, and Nakajima, who were in the crowd, could only wave their hands in time. It was impossible to rush out of the crowd.

"Original!" After Xibi Gang helped, the second one was Hori, who came forward with a guilty face, his hands were restlessly placed on both sides, his entangled heart and worried expression were all placed on his face. It's written all over your face.

"It's my fault that caused you to be injured so badly, I'm really sorry!"

"Forget it, Horei, it's not your fault. If Hizomo can really communicate, it is indeed a very useful existence for human beings. You also think from this aspect. How can I blame you." Yuanquan Shaking his head, Horei's starting point is good, but he doesn't have the ability to predict, how could he know that Bizomo would be such a major flaw?
Unless Hori also watched Ultraman Tiga, that's impossible.

"If you really want to apologize, I know a good barbecue restaurant in Kyoto, and I've wanted to have a meal for a long time." Yuanquan showed a knowing smile: "If you don't mind, let's go have a meal?"

"Of course, if you want." Hori also showed a rare smile, not to mention the barbecue in the center of Kyoto, even if you go to the International Hotel, I, Hori, will not even frown!
(End of this chapter)

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