Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 150 Sheila, Nezu, Asami

Chapter 150 Sheila, Nezu, Asami
Injuries are trivial, but Yuanquan did not expect that he had been lying in the hospital for almost a month, and he finally recovered from his injuries. As a result, he watched the door open and was pushed on the car by everyone. Zong Fang, whose head was wrapped around, was sent in by everyone.

Yuanquan rolled his eyes.

Yoyo, isn't this Zongfang's vice-captain?Why haven't seen you for more than a month, and you're lying down too?

Of course, this was just a joke. After the doctors and nurses left, everyone in the Victory Team dived in. Dagu’s arm was also bandaged, causing his team uniform to be disheveled and he could only hang down body.

Looking at Dagu's current state, Yuanquan probably understood what happened.

"I didn't expect to see you again, it would be like this...how do you..." Yuanquan tried to pick up some unnecessary words and said, looking at Dagu and the others' guilty expressions, they knew that Zongfang had suffered such a serious injury this time, they estimated and also……

"In the morning, a strange bird appeared in the Japanese area. We were ordered to stop it, but we received an order from our superiors, asking us to stop the strange bird head-on and prevent the monster from moving forward." Lina could barely Explain, because she was not flying the plane at the time.

It's just that although the No. [-] machine can catch up to the speed of the strange bird, it can't match it at all in terms of steering.

"In the end, the attack was indeed an attack, but the turnaround was too late, causing the No. [-] plane to crash on the spot." Xincheng rubbed his hair, very puzzled.

"Just because of that Zelda gas, the commander will suffer such a serious injury? Knowing that a frontal attack would be dangerous, what are those people above thinking!"

The new city has always been set up to talk quickly, and he is very dissatisfied with the fact that the upper echelon temporarily intervened in the battle command.

"Once the Zelda gas leaks, almost one-tenth of Japan will be gone. The upper management is also thinking about this. It's just the casualties..." The order was actually issued by Director Sawai, but he was also forced to helpless. Well understands this.

Sometimes it's not just the team members who can't help themselves, even Director Sawai, who is in a high position, has to consider many factors.

"Zelda gas, you are talking about, is it the energy gas that caused a sensation in the academic world back then, but was eventually defined as a high-dangerous explosive?" Yuanquan struggled to sit up, he was very eager to know the answer.

Even if he has forgotten most of the whole story of Ultraman Tiga, but this episode, how could he forget this episode?
Dr. Nezu, Asami, Shira...

These two people plus a cockatiel constitute this chapter, and even the most touching and touching story in the entire Ultraman Tiga, which is the endless display of the glory of human beings.

The golden phoenix that soars in the universe and travels with its master Mami in the endless universe has become a miracle that is sung in countless universes.

"That's right." Xincheng nodded: "I just didn't expect that there is such a dangerous thing, and it was even invented by humans themselves!"

"You...that strange bird, you..." Yuanquan opened his mouth, wanting to tell Shira's information, but he couldn't explain why he knew all this.

Opening his mouth and stammering for a long time, Yuanquan finally didn't say anything, but fell silent.

"Dagu, you stay here to accompany the conductor, and you have to take care of yourself." Lina looked at Dagu's hand worriedly. Although Dagu's injury was light compared to Zongfang, it was actually very serious. serious.

"I'm fine, you go." Dagu shook his head, looking very disappointed. After all, he was the one who piloted the plane to fight Shila head-on. He also felt that he was responsible for the accident of the plane and the injury of the commander.

"It's not good, at the gate of the ground headquarters, there is a man named Genjin who wants to break in." Yerui's voice sounded from Lina's helmet, and this also made Xincheng's anger find a target to release.

"Genzu? He still dares to come?" Xincheng stood up suddenly, his face was full of anger, and he couldn't wait for a second as he rubbed his wrist: "Okay, it's just in time, Zelda Qi is him Fiddled with it."

"I can't spare him!"

With that said, Xincheng opened the door and rushed out, frightened Lina hurriedly followed, for fear that Xincheng would make an irrational move.

"New town! New town!"

Dagu also felt that the situation was not good, he nodded to Yuanquan and apologized, and followed with difficulty.

And what about the source?He was also struggling to get up, and wanted to go down to the gate of the ground headquarters to see Dr. Nezu.

It's just that although he has been recuperating for a month, his healing is still a bit slow, his feet touched the ground, and Yuanquan walked down with difficulty wearing slippers, even if he gritted his teeth, he still wanted to go.

This impressive episode is almost an episode that is engraved deep in the brain and cannot be forgotten. Yuanyuan said that he must go to see Dr. Nezu.

In particular, Yuanquan remembered that when he watched Ultraman Mebius, he had an idea that Emperor Ampera was not defeated by the light of Ultraman, but by the bond between human light and Ultraman.

If this is the case, Dr. Nezu, Asami, and even the golden radiance transformed by the thoughts of Shira Sanfang, can Ampera withstand such a radiance?

This question cannot be answered at all, because Shira cannot meet Emperor Ampera.

After finally taking the elevator to the lobby on the first floor, Yuanquan had already accelerated his pace as quickly as possible, but he still barely made it to the end.

If Dagu hadn't accidentally seen the source of the stairs and told Xincheng them aloud, everyone might not have seen him.
"Why are you here? You're so seriously injured, wouldn't it be good to heal your wounds?!" Dagu himself was also a wounded person, so Lina had to support both Dagu and Yuanquan, hugging left and right, Lena was speechless.

Of course, with the two Ultramen in her arms, Lina can be regarded as the only existence in the Ultra world.

"There is a person, I want to meet no matter what." Said, Yuanquan set his eyes on Dr. Nezu.

This old man over half a century old has already suffered serious internal injuries after being attacked by Zelda gas for a long time, and it can basically be concluded that the time is numbered.

And Dr. Nezu has persisted until now because he still has unfinished things waiting for him to do. Before he finishes this thing, he can't die no matter what.

Holding a breath with superhuman belief, he will never die before finishing.

Dr. Nezu's mind is so strong that it is rare in the world.

"Young man, with such a serious injury, I'd better go back and rest early. I'm an old man with few days left. I have nothing to look at." With black and white hair and a numb expression, on those dead eyes In his eyes, there was still a last trace of obsession supporting him.

In front of Dr. Nezu, Yuanquan unconsciously puffed up his chest, as if he was facing a very great existence.

"I've heard all about your story, and I feel very sad about what happened to you." The source is complicated and hard to describe. I have never personally experienced the tragedy of killing my daughter because of something I have always insisted on. Such people are not qualified to say empathy, and Yuanquan can only express it with such indescribable emotions.

"It's so rare that someone still remembers my ridiculous things." Dr. Nezu shook his head, his expression full of self-mockery.

(End of this chapter)

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