Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 160 No One Can Get Rid of Their Past

Chapter 160 Nobody Can Get Rid of Their Past

In the eyes of many people, the Ultraman human body has no hidden effect at all, and can only deceive ordinary people on earth.

In fact, as long as it is a cosmic being, or an existence with special powers, it can discover the identity of Ultraman's human body.

Especially in the eyes of a group of dark creatures, the guy who entered their domain with extreme arrogance was like a streetlight that suddenly turned on in the dark night, bright and conspicuous.

But the too dazzling light made them have no intention of touching it at all, and they understood even more that they, who could not see the light, had no chance of surviving in front of such a strong light.

But rationally, they feel that they shouldn't touch this light, but physically, this light is so attractive that they can't help but want to reach out and hold this light in their hands.

It's like a moth to a flame, knowing that he must die but still going.

Therefore, the vampires killed along the way from Yuanquan came all the way to the present. Although there were no corpses on the road, they were all turned into molecules and dissipated into powder, leaving no corpses at all.

"You have to be careful, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will kill your wife with one shot." While walking forward, Yuanquan did not forget to tell Onoda behind him, for fear that he would go crazy and couldn't hold back. , and even his wife called the roll call.

"Don't worry, before that, I will remind you first." Onoda's current expression is a trace of joy in astonishment. In his opinion, the invincible vampire, such a terrifying existence, is in front of this In Yuanquan's eyes, it is estimated that he is like a chicken and a dog.

As for such a ferocious guy, there is actually no news about this in tpc.

Now I, Onoda, finally understand the reason why this guy can often meet monsters and aliens, but still live well.

If I had such strength, would I still be nesting outside every day, wanting to come in but not daring to come in?

Didn't I kill it directly?
Onoda looked at Yuanquan's back, both grateful and envious.

Thank him for being able to help me.

I envy him for being so powerful.

Blocking the palm sweeping out from the corner with one hand, Yuanquan grabbed the opponent's joints, and with the help of powerful strength, he forcibly pulled the opponent out of the darkness.

Raised one foot, trampled heavily on the vampire's head, and stomped it under his feet. The source bomb had already burned out the cigarette butt, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation, killing him with the energy blaster.

This is the gap in absolute strength, and it is also the source of the merciless and unaffected attitude.

In the face of these inhuman things, Yuanquan has no intention of communicating, let alone showing mercy.

Walking down the stairs, the vampire, who had already grasped the roof with both hands, saw the opportunity and fell from the sky, but the target was not the source, but Onoda who was following behind the source.

I can't afford you, and I can't afford this ordinary person?

Of course, the idea is good, but Yuanquan said no. Although I set up a flag at the beginning, it is impossible for me to make this flag right.

As the vampire pounced downward, Yuanquan jumped up with one hand on the railing, and kicked the vampire away with a flying kick.After smashing through the wall, he had already rolled to the other side of the wall.

Then, there was a rumbling explosion, and Yuanquan looked at his left foot belatedly.

No, I haven't transformed yet, and I don't have the leggings on my left foot. How could it explode if I kick a monster?

This question continued until the source stabilized and there was a smell of burning electricity, and only then did I understand what happened.

Oh, it turned out that the motor room was behind the wall. I kicked him into the motor room with a jio and hit the wiring box.

That's alright...

I thought I could really kick out a nuclear explosion in jio in human form, it seems that I was thinking too much.

With some regret, Yuanquan patted Onoda who was still in shock. In the latter's flustered expression, Yuanquan was very calm: "See, I said you will be fine, then you will be fine."

After the near-miss encounter, Yuanquan began to search the entire house, but to his surprise, he didn't see the vampire's coffin on the ground in the TV at all.

Not to mention the coffin, even a vampire is two or three big cats and kittens, they don't look threatening at all.

"I said, you must have found the wrong place." After searching around but still couldn't find it, Yuanquan couldn't help but shift his gaze to Onoda: "You have been looking around for so many days, could it be that you are looking at a lonely place?" Bar."

"You...I..." Onoda held back for a long time, but couldn't utter a word. The truth is that the situation here is a little different from what he imagined.

There are indeed vampires, but these vampires are not the vampires he was looking for!
The same idea was born in the hearts of Yuanquan and Onoda at the same time.

"Oops, I found the wrong place."


When Yuanquan was attacking, the Victory Team and others who also carried a large bow and crossbow to patrol the streets were driving, but on the way they met a woman who fainted in front of their car.

Adhering to the heart of not being able to see death without help, Dagu and Zongfang together decided to take her back to the medical department of the sea base for treatment.

The following things are also clear. How many things are normal for the winning team to bring back to the base from the outside?
The point is that they didn't realize it, so the vampire Xue Na, who successfully entered the sea base, took this opportunity to find the lounge of the victory team captain Ju Jianhui and launched an attack.

If Zong Fang hadn't come to the base to find the staff member who was also attacked and fainted, I'm afraid he would have come a step late.

In that case, it would be a shame for the captain of the winning team to be transformed into a vampire in his own base.

However, if this is the case, Captain Ju Jianhui was also seriously injured. Zong Fang blamed himself very much for this. It was he who made the decision to bring the man back, so of course the responsibility lies with him.

It was here that Zong Fang developed a complete killing intent towards vampires.

Understand, after all, the woman he had a crush on was attacked, and Zong Fang was already so angry that he was about to go crazy.

I found a lonely Onoda and Yuanquan to part on the way, and returned to the bar where he had been staying. Just in time, Zongfang, who was in a state of rage and suppressed in his heart, approached him, and the two exchanged information.

Zongfang successfully learned about the existence of vampires and their weaknesses, and Onoda also learned the news that the victory team was about to dispatch, and his lost mood soon returned.

It's impossible to be like that guy this time, looking for the wrong place for nothing.

At the same time, Ye Rui, who was still using the satellite observation in the base, saw a huge meteorite coming from the depths of the universe with a long tail in the picture sent back from the satellite. After penetrating the atmosphere , landed in the mountains of Japan.

The trajectory pulled by the meteorite can clearly see the fiery red traces in daylight.

And at the same time that the meteorite landed, he was driving the car to go back to the source of the ground headquarters, as if he suddenly noticed something, and took out the evolution trustee in his underwear pocket.

However, the evolution trustee who had not moved in the past, was flickering on and off at this moment, stable and long-lasting.

It was as if telling Yuanquan that something had come to him.

(End of this chapter)

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