Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 161 The fateful reunion, and the fate of the alien beast

Chapter 161 The fateful reunion, and the fate of the alien beast
"A monster appeared near Wumen Mountain." Captain Ju Jianhui fell into a coma due to the attack, and Ye Rui was the only one left in the command room.

But around that, he immediately conveyed the news of the monster's appearance to Zong Fang.

"It's a meteorite, it's the monster brought by the meteorite that fell from the sky." Ye Rui mobilized the satellites to zoom in on the Wumen Mountain area. Apart from the monster with its teeth and claws, there was also a meteorite that was smoking black smoke. Winding, the scorching heat caused by the friction of passing through the atmosphere, the scorching ground that touched the ground began to crystallize.

"What?" Zong Fang, who was on patrol outside, got the notification from Ye Rui and immediately switched on the communication.

On the screen of the communicator, there stood a monster with a strange shape and a completely different style of painting from ordinary monsters.

Zong Fang couldn't tell what it was like, but it seemed that as long as he looked at this monster, some negative emotions would continuously arise in his heart, and even unreasonable fear swept his whole heart.

Although he forcibly suppressed this fear with his own will, Zong Fang had already raised 12 points of vigilance against this strangely shaped monster.

On Yuanquan's side, it is more clear and straightforward. In addition to the flicker of the evolution trustee, the dark power contained in the meteorite that draws a trajectory from the sky makes Yuanquan raise his head subconsciously, a sense of deja vu The feeling comes from the bottom of my heart.

This feeling of deja vu does not belong to him, it belongs to the light of Nexus, and it belongs to the familiarity that he has experienced in the previous world and even faced countless times.

"Alien beast..." Holding the evolution trustee, Yuanquan murmured and repeated the name of the thing that should not have appeared in this world.

This familiar feeling, the warning of the evolution trustee, and the scene I saw before turning into a red youth in the light last time.

Especially the scene where Faust breaks through the universe with the light of Nexus is still fresh in Yuanquan's memory.

"Faust, are you here?"

Gripping the Evolution Truster tightly, Yuanquan raised his head, remembering the appearance of Faust in his mind.

That devilish figure, the dark giant who once knocked down several capable people, when the light of Nexus took him away, Faust also shuttled behind him.

Although Yuanquan didn't know why Faust hadn't shown signs of showing up until now, but that didn't matter anymore.

What matters is that he is here.

The possible appearance of alien beasts and Fausts made Yuanquan no longer want to trouble Huranos and the vampires.

Compared with Faust and the Alien Beast, Huranos is nothing more than that, and the Victory Team and Dagu are also enough to deal with it.

Essentially, that's not part of Nexus' plot either.

And the alien beast, the alien beast that was found, is the existence that Nexus must eliminate.

Turning the car around, Yuanquan drove directly towards the place where the meteorite fell. Under the guidance of the flickering light of the evolution trustee, Yuanquan went towards the thing he was looking for, and got closer and closer.

But in fact he didn't know that the answer he was looking for was now coming to him.

It's not that the alien beast has discovered the source, but that the city where the source is located has a lot of life.

The instinct of the alien beast drove it to come here immediately after landing from the meteorite.

It can be foreseen that the encounter between the two parties is inevitable.


Yuanquan was not sure how long it would take to drive there. He just watched the flickering light of the Evolution Trustee on the passenger seat become more and more urgent, knowing that the situation might be dangerous.

Yuanquan forced himself to calm down, but he couldn't stabilize his mood, and rubbed the steering wheel with both hands.

That is to say, under such circumstances, the Victory Feiyan No. [-] flew over from the sky, as if the Victory team had already dispatched.

"Currently, we don't know what kind of existence this monster is, but its destination is very clear. It is rushing all the way to Kyoto. If the Victory Team doesn't do anything to stop it, we will see you in less than 10 minutes. Until the arrival of this monster." There are always people in this world who are not afraid of death and like to play thrills, perhaps because they can get a very generous reward from the TV station for delivering such explosive news. In short, Yuanyuan is really lucky to be on the car radio Hear this.

Drop drop drop.

The communicator at the waist rang, Yuanquan turned it on, and saw Kibi Gosuke's big head at a glance.

"Yuan, I've found what you want for you. This is the image of the monster that fell from the sky." Xibi Gangsuke's big head faded away, replaced by a man with open claws and big strides. A ferocious figure stepping forward.

There is a head in the middle, and two heads on the shoulders. The overall image is a devilish sinking black, which looks like a dog's head and a dragon's head.

The thick tail dragged on the ground, and a random dance was enough to cause the destructive power of landslides and ground cracks.

"Galubellos" looked at the appearance of the monster displayed on the communicator, and Yuanquan murmured.

In this world, perhaps only he knows the name of this guy and what the appearance of this guy represents.

"What?" Xibi Gangsuke didn't hear Yuanquan's words clearly just now, and asked instead, "Do you know the name of this monster?"

"Captain, I don't know, and I'm rushing to the battlefield right now, I guess" Yuanquan continued, "I'll be there in about four hours." Pretentiously looking at his watch, Yuanquan continued.

"The ground troops have not received the order to attack, so don't act rashly, Yuan, do you understand? Come back to me quickly!" In fact, Kosuke Kihibi was also affected, but he didn't know it.

If in the past, Yuanquan said that he wanted to attack alone, Kihigosuke would definitely agree.

But this time, he chose to refuse.

Once the heart of fear is generated, even if it is forcibly suppressed, it is useless.

"Understood." After closing the communicator, Yuanyuan agreed on the surface, but in fact he drove the car to the parking lot, and under the dark night sky with no one around, Yuanyuan picked up the evolution trustee.

"It finally came."

"Even though I have come to this world, this is the fate I cannot escape after all." The flashes of the evolution trustees are like answering doubts for the source.

Garubelos has appeared, is the arrival of other alien beasts still far away?

The fate that belongs to Nexus, or the past that belongs to him, will eventually come to him now.

No one can escape his past, no one can escape his destiny.

But Yuanquan just felt it. In the next second, he pulled out the evolution trustee and showed himself in the dazzling red light, cutting through the night sky and heading straight for Wumen Mountain.

His speed was very fast, and he almost landed first before Feiyan No. [-] arrived, because he saw the existence of Garubellos from a long distance away.

And Garubellos, who had been buried in his head, seemed to have noticed the appearance of that light at the moment when Nexus transformed.

Therefore, it has stayed in place and no longer moves forward, as if waiting for the arrival of the master of light.

The silver-black body descended from the sky, and landed steadily in front of Garubellos.

Alien Beast and Nexus, fateful opponents, destined to reincarnate, once again linked the broken fate.

Galubellos' three heads roared at the same time, as if announcing his arrival.

It also seems to have issued a doomed end for this world.

(End of this chapter)

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