Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 162 Chapter 158: Galubelos

Chapter 162 Chapter 158: Galubelos

Garubelos, a phantom monster, a demon-type alien beast, although its strength is relatively weak, it is also relatively speaking. It has super healing properties, which makes it crawl back from hell quickly even if it is defeated , set foot on the battlefield again.

It can shoot fire bombs from its mouth, and the eyes on its two shoulders can release phantom rays, which can make humans fall into illusions.

In the original, even Nexus fell for this trick.

It is also able to manipulate the dead to carry out activities, has a strong hypnotic ability, and its strength must not be underestimated.

Even if it is placed in Ultraman Tiga TV, except for a few strong ones, it is the overlord of the strongest.

The appearance of Nexus did not surprise Galubellos, it would be better to say that Galubellos stopped when he felt the existence of this light.

In the roaring voice, there was unspeakable excitement and cruelty.

This new world, so vibrant but also full of darkness, Galubellos is very satisfied with it.

Nexus put on a fighting posture, facing the alien beast for the first time, Nexus said that he was not nervous, that was all a lie.

Although he knew about Galubellos' information and characteristics, it was one thing to know it, but another to face it.

The two claws were tearing the air, Galubellos didn't wait, and rushed towards Nexus, but Nexus paid full attention, and released the photon with one hand first. The blade hit Garubellos in the chest, and then he rushed towards the opponent.

The photon blade briefly made Garubelos' impact pause for a moment, and it was this momentary pause that gave Nexus the opportunity to quickly step forward and kick sideways, and the powerful whip kick hit Garubelos. Ross's left shoulder and head, kicking him to the side.

Nexus seized the opportunity, jumped up and sat on Galubellos' body, and slashed heavily on him with his raised hand knife.

Especially that head, which is the object of Nexus' focus.

Although Galubellos was screaming, the head on the other shoulder began to release hypnotic light waves, sweeping Nexus' head.

The sudden hypnotic light wave caused Nexus to have a splitting headache, and he couldn't help covering his head. Galubellos seized this opportunity, flipped Nexus down, turned over and slapped Nexus with his tail .

At the same time as a large number of sparks were fired, Nexus was also sent flying, and hit a big mountain heavily.

Although it was painful, Nexus also understood why he was attacked by hypnotic light waves, and when he suddenly saw the appearance of a strange beast, the ripples in his heart made Nexus unable to maintain a calm heart and a stable state of mind. , then the ability he has cultivated, such as the mirror and water, will not work, and let the hypnotic light wave have an effect on him.

Nexus suppressed the doubts in his heart, wanted not to think about it, and wanted to stabilize his state of mind.

But the more you don't want to think about it, the harder it is to calm down.

Galubellos roared, and the flame bombs he spit out continuously rushed towards the direction of Nexus.

On the other hand, Nexus immediately converted light energy, pulled out the particle lightsaber, cut through the flame bomb in the impact, and approached Galubellos.

Seeing this, Galubellos immediately stopped breathing, and instead swung his paws down.

Nexus blocked the claw with his other hand, and the particle lightsaber pierced Galubellos' arm.

Garubellos screamed in pain, and the head on his shoulders immediately turned his head, spitting out a flame bomb at Nexus, but Nexus dodged it by tilting his head.

Raising his hand, the Nexus Armor slid across Garubellos' left shoulder. The golden Nexus Armor was extremely sharp, and the sparks that shot out left a deep streak on Garubellos' left shoulder. scars.

The bent arm grabbed Galubellos' head, and Nexus condensed the light energy, and in Nexus's mournful cry, he hit Galubellos' throat heavily.

Galubellos took a few steps back, clawing at his throat with his claws, looking extremely painful.

Nexus turned a few somersaults, moved away from the driver, and prepared to organize the next attack.

The reason why Nexus did not open the Meta Domain is also very simple. His Meta Domain is full of alien beast factors and dark forces.

Although it is a version that has been weakened to the point that it cannot be weakened any more, once the alien beast enters it, the degree of difficulty will rise sharply.

Due to emotion and reason, Nexus cannot open the Meta Field.

Garubellos seemed to want to spit out the flame bomb, but he couldn't.

Nexus gathered his hands around his waist, and after a short charge, he was about to make a "ten" with both hands, wanting to release a cross storm to end the battle.

Nexus wanted to end this battle urgently.

But just as the posture of accumulating power was put on, the attack from behind made Nexus involuntarily stagger forward a few steps, and the posture of accumulating power could not be maintained.

When he raised his head and looked to the rear, he realized that it was the Victory Feiyan that was attacking him.

The driver is Xincheng.

This is not the world of Nexus original TV, but the world of Ultraman Tiga. Furthermore, Nexus and Xincheng have fought side by side several times, and the two sides have already established incomparable trust. Therefore, Xincheng cannot Attack.

Then the only possibility is...

Nexus turned his head sharply, and the eyes on Galubellos's head on the right shoulder were shining faintly, and the phantom light waves released made Xincheng fall into an inexplicable hallucination.

In other words, Xincheng is now actually being manipulated by Galubellos, causing him to fall into an illusion.

Perhaps in the eyes of Xincheng at this moment, Nexus is not Nexus, but Galubellos.

Looking at Nexus' gaze, Galubellos let out a triumphant cry, and the head on the left shoulder, which Nexus had focused on, also began to release phantom light waves.

But since Nexus knew what was going on, he wouldn't give it a chance to continue.

Putting one hand in front of his forehead, after a brief energy storage, Nexus extracted enough thought power to gather it into a ray, and the green ray released by raising his hand hit the Victory Feiyan No. [-].

The glowing green light completely enveloped Shengli Feiyan No. [-], and gradually penetrated into the body of the driver Xincheng.

This also made the illusion in front of Xincheng gradually disappear. In his eyes, Nexus, who should have been his comrade-in-arms, became Garubelos, but the monster he attacked turned into Nexus. xers.

"Xincheng team member! Xincheng team member! Please answer! Xincheng team member!" Ye Rui in the command room was going crazy. Although Xincheng was captured by the phantom light wave, he didn't!
He looked at Xincheng's output to Nexus, and he was dumbfounded.

The hasty inquiry also represented the anxiety in Ye Rui's heart at the moment, but he didn't reply before, and Xincheng, who was attacking with his head covered, finally gave him a reply.

"Just now, what happened?" Xincheng was stunned, especially when he saw himself next to Galubellos, he was so frightened that he drove the plane away immediately.

"Xincheng, were you controlled by something just now?" Ye Rui asked.

"I don't know, I just, I just attacked the monster?" After waking up, Xincheng also became suspicious of himself, because he really didn't know what he did just now.

"Xincheng, stop attacking temporarily until you receive the order from the headquarters." Ye Rui didn't mean to say what Xincheng did just now. He is still fighting, and speaking out will definitely affect the state of Xincheng.

Wait until after the battle to talk about it.

"Understood." Although Xincheng wasn't sure what he had done, he had some guesses in his heart that he might have done some very bad things just now.

Victory Feiyan No. [-] left the battlefield, Galubellos lost control of the object, and roared several times angrily.

Damn it, why didn't I see you use this trick in the last world?
Nexus didn't understand what Galubellos was thinking. After resolving the crisis in the new city, in order to avoid such a thing from happening again, he seemed to have turned into a red youth form.

The raised fist exploded like fireworks in the enveloping golden light, and the Meta Domain included Nexus and Galubellos, and they disappeared at the same time under the radiant brilliance.

"Where's the person? Where's Nexus?" It disappeared without a trace, as if Ultraman and the monster hadn't appeared at all. Feiyan flew around the battlefield several times, but still didn't find it.

Although Ye Rui didn't understand, he still asked Xincheng to guard around, waiting for orders at any time.

While in the Meta Domain, Galubellos let out a proud roar as he looked at the scene that was so familiar to him that he could no longer be familiar with it.

Yo, isn't this the world we've ravaged, we've destroyed?

(End of this chapter)

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