Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 296 - Nexus

Chapter 296 - Nexus
Speeding all the way, he finally returned to the Kingdom of Light at the most important juncture.

Although the security personnel stationed in the Kingdom of Light rang the alarm because Nexus did not slow down, but because Nexus was too fast, they could not catch up and could only look at Nexus. Si plunged headlong into the plasma sparks.

And here, Otto's father and Otto's mother have already made preparations. Among them, Little Taro is also looking forward to the return of his brothers.

The silver light dissipated, and Nexus appeared in the light, standing in front of Ultra's father and Ultra's mother.

In the open palm, the Otto brothers flew away from the palm and quickly returned to their original size.

But the flickering of the timers of the five brothers was already very fast.

The Mother of Ott had already dispatched the Silver Cross team to make preparations. After Zoffy and the others appeared, the Ott sisters of the Silver Cross stepped forward to support them one after another, and sent them back to the Silver Cross Center for treatment one by one. .

The mother of Otto nodded, as a way of saying hello to Nexus, and left here with the Otto brothers.

"Thanks to you coming back in time, Jonas has already told me everything." Father of Otto stepped forward and patted Nexus on the shoulder.

"After we learned that you didn't reach the earth, the Kingdom of Light sent many people to look for you, but the king said that you just left this universe and you will come back soon. Let us not be anxious."

"Everything in that universe is over."

Nexus nodded, and told Aofu about the strength of Gatanjae and his struggle with Ultraman Tiga. While the latter was listening, Little Taro also raised his head curiously. , Listen to everything Nexus said.

Are all these happenings on that planet called Earth?

When I grow up in the future, will I also go to the earth to defend the peace of the earth like my brothers and even the Ultra warrior in front of me?

According to my father, the Earth and the Kingdom of Light used to look almost exactly the same.

But what was the former Kingdom of Light like?
And what is the earth like?
In the bottom of the little boy's heart, there is already hidden imagination about the future and the earth.

Perhaps this is the first time Taylor has thought about these issues, for him who is still young.

"Thanks for your hard work." The experience on the earth in another universe is no less than the tempering on this earth. Aofu also understands that the Nexus in front of him has gone through a long journey. The earth has experienced all kinds of powerful warriors.

Just like the first generation defended the earth and returned to the Kingdom of Light, Nexus has also experienced his own experience, and has completely gone through the final battle.

"Come back this time, do you still plan to leave? I want to invite you to join the Kingdom of Light." The power of Nexus is really important to the current Kingdom of Light, and before the Otto brothers have grown up to be independent Right now, the backbone of the Kingdom of Light is very weak, and many things have to be done by him, the Austrian father.

This is also the result of the legacy of the Great Ultra War.

The battle between Ampera and the Kingdom of Light had too much impact.

Nexus is an excellent fighter, surpassing the Ultra Brothers at this stage, his strength is very powerful, if he can join the Kingdom of Light, it will be for Father Ao... no, for the entire Kingdom of Light It's a very lucky thing.

"it is good."

Just when Father Ao was thinking about how to get Nexus to agree to join the Kingdom of Light, he was a little stunned by this plain acceptance.

He thought Nexus was unwilling to join the Kingdom of Light.

"Everyone is a warrior who protects the peace and life of the universe. I joined the Kingdom of Light because everyone has the same goal. I think it is difficult for me to find any reason not to join." Of course Nexus wanted to join the Kingdom of Light. The country is over, this was brought up by Father Ao himself, which made Nexus's eyes light up when he was thinking about how to speak.

Hey, apply to join yourself, and the supreme leader of the Kingdom of Light invites you to join, this is

The gap is huge.

And the Kingdom of Light is the biggest black in the universe... Bah! The peace organization has a lot of people.Joining such a kingdom of light, whenever I have difficulties outside, I just need to raise my arms, and then the Ott brothers will come together, and Ott will directly surround and beat me.

Such a good place and good organization, why don't I, Nexus, join?

You didn't read Nexus in the original book, because he was the only one, so he was beaten up by all kinds of strange beast Mephisto all day long, and was beaten by the crowd.

I can bear this?

After joining the Kingdom of Light, I, Nexus, will be an organized person from now on.

I see that there are few people who dare to bully me now.

I, Nexus, also want to enjoy the thrill of beating others in groups!
"In that case... would you like to become a member of the Ultra Brothers?" Nexus agreed to join so simply, which made Ao's father a little embarrassed.

Because he hasn't figured out what position he should assign to Nexus. If he thinks about it temporarily, it seems that only the Ott Brothers can be worthy of him.

"Brother Otto?" Nexus was taken aback, and subconsciously set his eyes on Little Taro.

Fuck?I, Nexus, will become the sixth son of Ultra?

Isn't Taro going to become Ultra Seventh?

This, snatching Taylor's position is really too outrageous.

Moreover, Ultra Six, Ultra Seven, and so on, the sense of sight is too strong.

I always feel that one day in the future, when Master Sha Fulin no longer hides it, wouldn't I, Nexus, have to swear allegiance?
After all, the plan to eliminate the Ultra Brothers was decided by Zofi. If I became the sixth son of Ultra, wouldn't I be one of the eliminated ones!
"No, I want to join the Ultra Fighting Training Ground and become an instructor." Nexus tried his best to think about the scene of joining the Ultra Brothers in the future, but he couldn't imagine what it would be like.

But he always felt that it would not be a good thing, maybe he would suffer every day in the future.So after pondering for a while, I finally decided to choose a position full of love.

"... the instructor of the Ultra Fighting Arena? With your strength, wouldn't it be too much to put you there?" Father Ao didn't expect that Nexus would propose to work in a place, but... ...Isn't it overkill to be an instructor?

This is not an era of peace, nor is it the Kingdom of Light in the future. It is not yet rich enough to send a powerful fighter like Nexus to be an instructor.

"The bond alone will be passed on from generation to generation. A powerful Nexus can't do many things, but if there are many powerful fighters like me, then they can do a lot of things. "Nexus also knew that Father Ao wanted him to join the Ultra Brothers, because he wanted him to become a banner of the Kingdom of Light.

With the strength of Nexus, he is also fully capable.

Even though he is a foreigner, Father Ao doesn't mind.

"Okay, but Nexus, I still need to trouble you to solve some things." Nexus made up his mind, and Aofu would not refuse.

"The Kingdom of Light is currently in turmoil, and it needs the help of a powerful fighter like you. You are the instructor of the Ultra Fighting Arena, but I also hope that you are also a member of the Ultra Guard."

"Of course, if there is anything, I will do my best." Nexus nodded, even if it is the instructor of the Ultra Fighting Arena, there is a difference between the chief instructor and the ordinary instructor.

If he goes out to fight with people in the future, once the name is reported, it will be more face-saving.

"Hey, Wuna thief! You don't even ask about it, the Land of Light's Aote Penglai East Road Square, the chief coach of the 80 forbidden army Aote, in front of Nexus, how can you let you be presumptuous!"

With this name, as long as it is revealed, which cosmic being would not be heartbroken?
And it is extremely dark... Bah! The atmosphere of the rivers and lakes!
Unexpectedly, I, Nexus, have worked hard and found the organization, and I will be a person in my physique from then on.

(End of this chapter)

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