Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 297 The light will be passed down from generation to generation, so little Taylor, let me te

Chapter 297 Light will be passed down from generation to generation, so Little Taro, let me teach!
The appointment of Nexus will be announced at a later date, not now.

After bidding farewell to Ultra's father, Nexus walked alone in the Ultra Fighting Arena in the Kingdom of Light.

This is the training place for the new generation of fighters, and it is also the place where most of the future Ultra fighters will go through honing here for the first time, until they go out from here and become a member of the Ultra Guard.

Walking in the Otto Fighting Arena in the form of a juvenile Nexus, I have to say that Nexus' reputation is still very useful in the Kingdom of Light, mainly because it appeared once, making most of the Kingdom of Light Ultraman are aware of his existence.

Not to mention attacking the Imperial Stars with Sophie and successfully killing them.

This is an unforgettable record in the current Kingdom of Light.

Nexus looked around. Under the transparent crystal wall was a unique space made with technology.

It seems that it is only on a high platform, but in fact, in this crystal tower, each suspended high platform has the ability to evolve a virtual world independently, which can simulate different scenes, so that the newborn young Ultra warriors can live in Training here.

Of course, it's just the initial training. If you want to go to the next level, you need to go to the universe to find the corresponding suitable planet.

Looking around, there are all kinds of Ultra fighters on the dozens of high platforms, most of which Nexus has never seen before, and a small number are some not very well-known Ultra warriors. warrior.

Among them, Max and Jeno, who are the strongest in the younger generation, will always be the ones leading the trend.

As long as they fight in the arena, they can attract the eyes of a large number of Ultramans to watch.

Among the young Ultra fighters, Max is the most dazzling star.

Few would question whether he could join the Ultra Guard.

Max is a strong man. Of course Nexus understands this. In the Heisei era, a macho man who could clear his own TV in one form, how could Max be weak?
Moreover, his TV is full of monsters and monsters, which can only set off the strength of Max.

Stopped to watch the battle between Max and Jeno for a while. In the close combat, Max was able to win an overwhelming victory.

But when Jeno started to entangle Max and fight Max in a dogfighting way, Max showed great discomfort and was very difficult to deal with.

It can be seen from this that Max's fighting skills tend to be open-faced, and he is very bad at fighting.

Of course, he is not a perfect Ultraman, and it is normal to have some aspects that he is not good at.

For example, Nexus, he really has nothing to do with the guys who are on the ground, especially the guys who specialize in the bottom lane.

Max will be in a tough fight, but it also depends on how long Geno can pester Max.

Hearing the continuous sound of cheering in his ears, Nexus shook his head in the distance, turned and left.

And just by turning around, in the vacated field, the Ultra fighter who was training alone in the virtual arena was extraordinarily far away.

It's not the old Ultra warrior, but the young Ultra warrior, even smaller than the current little Taylor.

Ultraman at this age shouldn't be in the Ultra Fighting Arena.

The overall shape has not yet grown, and the still young Ultra warrior can't tell who he is just from the patterns on his body.

But judging from the unique blue crystal on his arm, if Nexus' guess is correct, this guy is most likely Libut.

Nexus just wanted to take a few steps forward to take a good look at Libut, but the sudden light of Ott's signature forced him to stop.

"Nexus." Jack walked down from the platform not far away, and after seeing Naot's signature, he explained: "The captain is looking for you, and he is at the plasma spark tower."

"Is your injury healed?" Nexus asked with concern.

"Ah, thanks to your timely return, my injury has been healed." Nodding, Jack stroked his chest. Although it was humiliating to be tied to a cross before, in his own TV, Jack was also The calculation is very miserable.

He was even captured by the universe, and was tied to an execution rack to parade around the earth in the sunset for the people on earth to watch.

Humiliation or something doesn't matter at all.

The only way to prevent such a thing from happening again, and to prevent the tragedy in oneself from repeating itself, is to become stronger.

"Let's go together, I have a lot of things I want to ask you." The perception of Jack can be said to be the best among Nexus among the Ultra brothers.

Throughout the entire Alt TV, Jack's TV plot, conception and depth are all pinnacle works, and they are classics among the classics that are difficult for latecomers to surpass.

"By the way, did the previous eight-point light wheel help you? In your world, I..." Jack had nothing to do, and the two Ultraman walking side by side gradually drifted away, attracting most of the arena. The eyes of the little soldiers don't know it.

Jack was originally the instructor of the arena. His reputation spread far and wide, and his reputation was very grand. His sternness and warmth were revered and loved by the students in the entire arena.

But the one next to Jack, although he looked familiar, did not seem to have seen the existence of this Ultra fighter in the arena.

Is it because they rarely come?

Naturally, Nexus and Jack didn't know the doubts of the little Ultra fighters in the arena. After they left the arena, they flew directly to the bottom of the plasma spark tower.

After each landed, Otto's father held Little Taylor's hand and had been waiting there for a long time.

"Nexus, you have already visited the Ultra Fighting Arena." Father Ao nodded to Jack, and then turned to Nexus and asked.

"Well, those are a group of Ultra fighters with a promising future. I believe their future will be extremely bright." Nexus is right, let's not talk about Max and Geno, and the younger Little Libut, even in the future, has Mebius and Seiro.

In the farther future, there will also be warriors like Zeta.

It can be said that there are not many outstanding Ultra fighters who have walked out of the Ultra Fighting Arena.

"It's fine if you're satisfied." Ao's father hesitated for a while, as if he had finally made up his mind, he pushed Little Tai Luo who was beside him forward.

"I want to ask you one thing. I have already asked the king, and the king agreed to it." Ao's father always felt that he had lost something, but as his son, little Tai Luo couldn't go on like this forever.

He must become an excellent fighter, which is the expectation of him and Mother of Ultra, and even more so, the expectation of the entire Kingdom of Light.

"You don't want to make Taro?" Nexus is like watching a ghost, let him train little Taro?

Can he still be treated like this?
You must know that this is the sixth brother of Otto, the prince of the Kingdom of Light, with a noble status and extremely strong future strength.

If there is a representative to be elected in the Showa era, Taro is the one who is least likely to be forgotten.

"Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Sophie, the first generation, Seven, and Jack Ace are all recuperating in the Kingdom of Light for a period of time, so I want you to cooperate with your own teaching methods and teach Taro." Father Ao nodded .

"After all, he will soon go to Earth to perform protection missions."

If you make up your mind, you won't regret it.If Little Tai Luo needs someone to support him on his growth path, it is not only his father, but also the earnest teaching of his brothers, and the guidance of a senior.

Little Tai Luo's status is noble, but no matter how noble he is, he is also an Ultra fighter, and he is also a fighter who needs to fight at the forefront.

"But, captain, is Taylor too young?" Jack couldn't help asking.

"No, when I was his age, I was already a member of the Andrew Guard." Father Ao shook his head, disagreeing with Jack.

(End of this chapter)

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