Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 298 You take the pirated teachings genuine, you are so powerful~

Chapter 298 You take the pirated teachings genuine, you are so powerful~

Nexus looked at the little Taro in front of him. Although he did not have the style of the future, as the prince of the Kingdom of Light, he would have to take responsibility sooner or later, so he must become very powerful, compared to him The older brothers are even stronger.

And looking at Taro's twisted look, Nexus also understood that little Taro was not very confident in himself when he was a child. Although his own light skills and fighting skills were very good, but because Aofu's requirements for him were really high. Too strict, and basically rarely praised Taylor, which also caused Taylor to be unclear about his position.

He also doesn't know his current level, which is already a very good level among Ultraman who is about the same age as him in the Kingdom of Light.

Of course, Ao's father's requirements must be very strict, after all, his expectations of Taylor are too great.

"Don't take me as your master, I don't have the ability to teach you, if you think it's good, you can take me as your friend." Squatting in front of little Taylor, at this moment, in Austrian Kingdom of Light Outside the Special Fighting Arena, that is, under the Plasma Spark Tower, Nexus and Little Taro have been staying here for a while.

In the words of Aofu, it is to cultivate the relationship between each other.

"You and I have heard your story, you are so powerful, you should be very afraid of having an apprentice like me." Xiao Tailuo raised his head, looked at Yuanquan anxiously, his tone was very hesitant, and he was not confident about himself It's already overflowing.

"I see."

"Hey, Taro, you are too unconfident in yourself." Who knew that Taro could think of so many things, and the more he thought about it, the more he got biased. There was no way, Nexus could only explain: "You Your father is just too strict with you, you are his child, the child of Captain Ultra's father, and it is normal for you to have higher requirements than ordinary Ultra warriors."

"You just haven't reached the standard in your father's heart, but among the Ultramans of your age, there are not many who can compare with you."

Nexus is telling the truth, but if such words can untie Taro's heart knot, then Mother of Ultra can do it long ago.

Seeing that little Taylor still looked unconfident, Nexus had no choice but to come up with something that could express his heart without talking nonsense .

Violent flames burst out all over his body, and the sudden ignited fire made Xiao Tai Luo unable to react for a while, and sat down on the crystal floor in shock, staring blankly at the burning man in front of him.

He was fine one second, why did he spontaneously ignite the next second?
"This is Ultra Bomb, the stunt I am most proud of. I think you are very talented. I want to entrust this move to you. What do you want?" Use the high imitation Ultra Bomb to teach the genuine The developers, this is literally face to face with NTR, the husband is currently guilty.
Of course, this is a pleasure that only Nexus can taste, and no one will know about it except him.

"Eh? This is a skill? But there is no such trick in the Kingdom of Light." Xiao Tailuo has read all the skills of the Kingdom of Light, and there is no such trick that can "crack" and spontaneously ignite in the list of skills listed. .

And I'm on fire all over, don't you feel very hot?
"Let me tell you, this move is very powerful, and it's not comparable to ordinary moves." Restraining the flames, he quietly whispered in Little Taylor's ear, Nexus' tone was like a demon It's the same as seducing ignorant teenagers.

Little Tai Luo hesitated. His long-term lack of self-confidence made him doubt himself all the time, and he didn't know whether he could learn it or not, and whether he would disappoint the brother in front of him.

"But, but I'm so stupid"

"There is nothing stupid, no matter how talented you are, there will be times when you are down." Holding Little Taro's hand, Nexus acted a bit stronger, and pulled him to the Ultra Fighting Arena .

"I know an Ultra warrior. His genius is beyond doubt. Even at the beginning, everyone thought he was invincible. But later on, he became more and more alone, because no matter what kind of genius, There are times when the essence is confused by external forces."

"Eh? Is there such an Ultra fighter?" Little Tai Luo's focus is always strange. Compared with this matter, he wants to know who the protagonist in this story is.

"You will know later." Nexus waved his hand, not intending to say it, after all, Sai Luo, you will always see him in the future, even if you say it now, you don't know him.

"Then I'll give it a try?" Although he didn't think he would succeed, Taro couldn't refuse the kindness of the good-looking brother Otto like this.

Even if it's just a try, just try it and let him see that he really can't do it.

"Come on, I believe you will learn this soon." Nexus said with a smile.

After getting on my thief ship, do you still want to get off?

Little Taro, no, maybe by the time you meet Tokotaro, you will be fully grown up.

But your weak heart will always be your weakness.

It's like in your personal TV, Sophie and the others are always worried and often come to help.

What's more, after Tai Luo defeated Tyrant, a powerful enemy that several brothers could not defeat, he felt that he was extremely powerful and surpassed several brothers. This is reflected in the fact that Tai Luo has never experienced any major events since he was a child. .

And the TV of Ultraman Taro is also relatively peaceful, far less than the personal TVs of the first generation, Seven, Jack, and Ace, with so many turbulent waves.

The seriousness of the heart not being sharpened is even more obvious in the later stage.

This can be said to be Taro's only weakness, and it has troubled him since he was a child. As long as this is resolved, Taro will be able to grow considerably.

(Tayro’s EQ problem is true because of his personal experience and Tairo TV’s reason, which caused him to have no feeling for many things at all. To a certain extent, Tregchia was also forced by this kind of Taro. Let's go, after all, what Tai Luo said is true and hurts people.)
But now, what needs to be done is to change this situation and reverse Taylor's low EQ.

So first of all, the first thing is to let him build up his initial self-confidence. Before he has built up his self-confidence, everything he says is useless.

He is like a crumbling string, if there is any more pressure, it may break directly.

You can't get hit right away.
You can't start making big news as soon as you come up, you have to take your time.

And it was during this time that Ace had set off again, heading for Earth.

He doesn't have much to do next, as long as he eliminates all the super beasts and the cosmic beings who covet the earth, he will be able to return to the Kingdom of Light from the earth even if he has completed the mission.

And the one who will go to Earth next time will be Taro.

For that day, both Aofu and Aomu are ready.

Another individual of Taro, Tokotaro, a child who grew up on the earth, has reached the time when the two become one.

Only when Taro and Tokotaro are integrated, Taro is the real Taro.

The Yabo people are dead, and it will take time for their resurrection. The Super Beast Legion suffered heavy losses, and none survived.

And the resurrection of the Yabo people will not know how long it will take.

(End of this chapter)

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