Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 299 The ancestor of Saiwen, if you make a mistake, you will make a mistake!

Chapter 299 The ancestor of Saiwen, if you make a mistake, you will make a mistake!
Getting along with little Taylor was quite harmonious, mainly because of the need to build up the self-confidence of Taylor, which caused Nexus to have a rare and pleasant face, and did not show a cruel side.

If Yinhe and Shengli saw the amiable and approachable Nexus, they might be stunned and called Nexus to treat them differently.

Of course, the two of them are not in this universe yet, so it seems impossible to see them.

Thanks to Nexus' hard work for several days, little Taylor initially built up some self-confidence, and made him think that he could do something that was completely impossible, and it became a little bit possible for him to be able to do it.

Although it is weak, it can be regarded as some progress after all, isn't it?
The main reason is that it only took Taylor a few days to learn the Ultra Bomb, which allowed Taylor's self-confidence to be erected.

Although he didn't know why, Taro was very handy when learning this move, and even some things Nexus couldn't explain clearly, he thought about it and figured out the key points, and then he learned it naturally.

For a time, Tai Luo himself couldn't believe it, exclaiming that it was impossible over and over again in his heart.

With great results, Nexus pushed Little Taro to continue to learn other things, that is, other light skills.

After initially mastering the small skills of palm cursor and fingertip throwing knife, Nexus no longer let Taylor learn other skills, but started to let Taylor practice his aim, that is, to hit the skills, to be able to effectively Hit people, not miss.

Reminiscent of the situation where Little Taro in the story of Otto couldn't aim at the free-falling stone with light, Nexus also took great pains to prepare some moving targets, and the targets that didn't move very fast made him Taylor practice.

After all, there is a foundation laid by Aofu's training, Xiao Tailuo's qualifications are not bad, and the foundation is also very solid.

Nexus gradually rose from the slowest moving target at the beginning, until it was adjusted to a faster moving target, which exceeded Taylor's limit a little.

The rest is nothing more than Tai Luo surpassing his previous self. After reaching the current level, he will adjust the moving target faster, and this will continue without end.

In terms of physical skills, Nexus does not want to intervene, because this aspect is taught by Sophie. As the eldest brother of the Otto brothers, Taro has full admiration for Sophie. It can be said that Sophie is what he dreams of becoming. Ultra warrior.

And after Nexus saw Zofi took little Taro away and wanted to train little Taro's gymnastics, he finally understood why Barton could kill Taro and Zuo in Taro TV. Fee.

Changing the soup without changing the medicine makes no difference.

Barton said that the two styles are the same, I will kill randomly!

With the establishment of the Kingdom of Light, Nexus can be regarded as having his own territory, with a home, a room, and a salary, which can be said to be comprehensive.

It's just the room with radiant crystals that I always feel a little uncomfortable, but the rest are fine.

Maintaining his juvenile form, Nexus walked on the streets of the Kingdom of Light. Apart from his huge size, the Kingdom of Light was actually similar to humans on Earth.

Although they all seem to be Ultraman, not all Ultraman are fighters.

In addition to the distinction between the silver, red, and blue tribes, there are also more ordinary Ultraman, living like ordinary people on the earth.

Residents of Kingdom of Light are just residents, not good at fighting.

The red tribe is best at fighting, and although the blue tribe is not good at fighting, they are unparalleled in scientific research and logistics.

If it weren't for a scientist like Shikali who couldn't explain clearly, everyone would still be immersed in the fixed impression that the Blue Race is a rookie.

As for the Silver Race, they are good at manipulating subtle changes in energy and light changes, and they usually work in organizations like the Silver Cross or the Security Section.

So in fact, the red race is better at fighting, and the light technique belongs to the side they are not good at.

But in Ultraman's TV performance
As fighting races, the distinction between the Red Race and the Silver Race is not very clear. Anyway, they are all rushing to the front line, and it's over.

Along the way, Nexus saw a lot of Ultraman, all of them were ordinary Ultraman living in the Kingdom of Light, not the reserve of the Guard, or simply a member of the Guard.

He has also seen a lot of Ultraman of the silver race, but it is said that the silver race has more white stripes than the red stripes on the body, while the red race has the opposite.

The two stood together, and Nexus felt that he was so blind that he couldn't tell the difference.

"How do you feel about this place?" At this time, a thick voice sounded from behind Nexus, and Seven came walking, the ice ax was shining coldly, but it would not be easily damaged in the Kingdom of Light.

This is a man with a knife on his head!
"Very good, just like the beautiful world I imagined in human fantasy." If there is a real utopia for human beings, maybe the Kingdom of Light is the one that is closest to the ideal.

But Nexus also understands that it is still a long time before the earth wants to reach such a level.

"But in the universe, there are always people who want to destroy this place and the Kingdom of Light." Seven and Nexus walked side by side. Although Nexus is not well known, there is no red in his body. A pure silver warrior, that is definitely a rare commodity.

The rate of turning heads when walking on the main street of Kingdom of Light is basically [-]%.

How do you say that?

The juvenile Nexus has a [-]% turning heads when he walks on the street, because he is a pure-silver warrior. The Kingdom of Light has never seen such a thing, and it must be very rare.

Nexus of the red youth walked on the main street of the Kingdom of Light with only 40.00% turning heads. There is no way, it’s just red, white and black. It’s commonplace.

And what if Nexus of the blue youth was walking on the main street of the Kingdom of Light?
Maybe it's the white face
"For them, the existence of the Kingdom of Light is too dazzling, and they don't need an existence like the Cosmic Court to interfere with them all the time." When talking about the Cosmic Court, Nexus also quietly looked at it. Take a look at Seven.

For him, among the Ott brothers, his perception of Seven is the worst.

After all, it is really hard for people to feel good about him for what Seven has done.

Perhaps as a human being, one should be grateful to Dade, but Nexus is not just a human being, he is also a giant of light and an Ultraman.

From this point of view, Seven's actions made him speechless.

Once, Nexus said that the determination to destroy a race, neither human beings nor himself could withstand such enormous pressure.

But Seven, he can, he can really destroy the Nongmaltes.

Even if human beings are the invaders, the unrighteous ones who invaded the Nongmalts and occupied the earth, he can still exterminate the Nongmalts for this reason.

The savior of mankind, the lucky star of mankind, but for the Nongmalte people, Seven is the greatest injustice.

This is also what Nexus once said, what kind of consequences will be caused by God's partiality.

Seven is the god who gave the order of destruction for the Nongmalt people.

Nexus, who was fully aware of the ins and outs of this incident, found it difficult to have a good impression of Seven.

Of course, there is no reason to draw a sword to question.

(End of this chapter)

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