Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 300 I Just Said Hikari Is the Female Protagonist

Chapter 300 I Said Hikari Is the Female Lead (Funny)
Peaceful days usually pass quickly, but there is one thing that makes Nexus a little annoyed. For some reason, he always feels that his popularity in the Kingdom of Light is rising very fast.

Especially when he went out with his juvenile body on his back, while attracting attention frequently, there were also many female Ultramans hanging around him.

Listening to what they said, it seems that such a pure silver warrior must be very powerful, and he is handsome, so he is very popular with them.

The reason why he wandered around Nexus was mainly because he couldn't open his mouth, and it was hard to directly express his liking attitude.

After all, I have never been to the earth, so I don't know how to confess.

You see, Julian, the princess of the Otto family, has lived on the earth for a period of time. After more than ten years, she has controlled Eddie to death, confessed her love, and at the same time gained autonomy. She is indeed Princess Otto.

Of course, female Ultra fighters are rare after all, as for the reason...

I can't say much about the reason, and if I continue talking about this skill, it should be washed away in a few days, so I just shut up and skipped it.

The life of the inexplicably popular Nexus has been disturbed to a certain extent, especially when Nexus freely enters and exits the Ultra Guard and the arena, it is even more confirmed that he is a powerful banker. The identity of the clan warrior.

And this also led to the first female Ultraman to confess directly to A when Nexus was alone.

To be honest, if a girl likes him, Nexus still thinks it is good.

But he really doesn't want to fall in love at the moment, so he can only politely reject the other party's intention and forcefully send out a good person card.

Reminiscent of the last time he saw that guy Seven went straight to the Silver Cross team after parting, Nexus estimated that Seven was making great efforts for the birth of Sai Luo.

And maybe Sai Luo is now in the process of being conceived.

Don't ask, asking is the germination of Otto.

About half a year later, Ace perfectly completed his mission on Earth (referring to transforming in front of everyone), and finally returned to the Kingdom of Light after a long flight.

The return of Ace basically means that it will be Taro's turn to go to the earth in a few years, to protect the earth under the hands of the aliens and ferocious monsters, and fight for it.

So during this period of time, Nexus has also strengthened the need for some exercise. Little Taro's physical skills are taught by Zoffy, and the light technique and throwing skills are taught by the first generation. Now that Ace is back, this matter will probably be handed over to Ace. Si, the first generation only taught throwing skills.

Seven didn't join, because Seven, as a planetary observer, is a civil servant.

Civil servants understand, the kind to deal with documents!
So Seven spends most of his time outside observing the state of other planets, as well as the environment of the entire planet.

He generally doesn't fight.

Jack teaches the use of weapons. Although Taylor really has an Ultra Crown that can be used as a bracelet in the future, can Jack's bracelet be the same?
Nexus... is acting as a spiritual mentor, responsible for pouring chicken soup, and teaching a few skills that Kingdom of Light doesn't have.

Then there was only bragging with little Taylor.

Living with so many Ultraman, and still in a place like the Kingdom of Light, Nexus felt everything he had never felt on Earth before.

The mode of getting along between Ultraman and Ultraman seems to have no twists and turns, it is pure and simple.

And this kind of getting along without thinking or thinking is really relaxing.

Nexus' life in the Kingdom of Light can only be described as a happy one.

The sense of loneliness, the barrier of being separated from the world is gradually eliminated in the process of getting along day by day, and the enthusiasm is brimming, driving Nexus to integrate into the Otto family.

This is a wonderful time that Nexus never dared to imagine. If it can continue like this, Nexus will be very happy.

But things will never go as beautiful as one expects.

It was also on this day, after clocking in at the arena and returning home after get off work, Hikari's autograph appeared in front of Nexus, and conveyed a report of certain things to him.

"Nexus, I have found some traces of the red ball you mentioned."

Hearing what Hikari said, Nexus hesitated, and left home directly to the Ultra Research Institute to meet Hikari again in his laboratory.

I visited Hikari's laboratory before, except for the addition of two Ultramans from the security department at the door, the rest basically remained the same.

Nexus couldn't understand any of those bottles and jars, as well as those high-precision instruments.

"The red ball you mentioned that travels through the universes to destroy the world and spread despair, I have some signs here, but very few, as if someone deliberately eliminated the trajectory of the red ball Same." Hikari tapped on the keyboard with both hands, zooming in on the thing on the virtual screen, which is the information of the red ball.

"This thing has appeared before. On the u40 planet, Jonias Altman said in his dictation that the red ball is a dangerous thing. It does not know restraint, good and evil, no matter what the person holding the red ball says , it will always answer in the affirmative.”

"But for more specific information, you may go to u40 and ask Ultraman Jonias in person." There is only so much information recorded in the Kingdom of Light, and this is what Hikari has rummaged through for hundreds of thousands of years. It was hard to find the records of Kingdom of Light.

"Jonias... the red ball has actually come to this time and space?" This is something that Nexus did not expect. Of course, it is also fortunate that the person who met the red ball was Old Qiao, and he was not magnified by the red ball. He was bewitched by his ability, and Old Qiao immediately sensed the danger of this red ball coming.

In the follow-up story, Nexus has to go to u40.

Fortunately, Jonias had invited Nexus to u40 last time. With the identity of this invited guest, it was much easier for Nexus to do things.

"Thank you for your help, Hikari, I will go to u40 right now." Nexus thanked Hikari very much. It is not easy to find so much information. The Kingdom of Light has a long history, and there are so many things that happened .

Hikari's strenuous search made all the experiments he was doing now stagnant.

"Are you going to u40 now?" Hearing this, Shikali hesitated, as if he didn't know how to speak.

After all, it wasn't the root of all evil with the thick skin later on.

"Can you give me a copy of your light? I'm really curious, why you can change colors freely, and even strengthen your own strength after changing colors." After a long time of hesitation, Hikari finally insisted Speak out with a scalp.

There is no way, he also knows that it is too much to entrust his personal light to a scientist, because no one knows what a scientist can do.

"Here." Holding a ball of silver light in one hand, Nexus handed his hand to Hikari, and in the latter's unbelievable expression, Nexus continued: "I Knowing what you want to do, not all of the Blue Clan are willing to only do logistical work and scientific research."

"They also want to fight on the battlefield, not just do nothing."

"You want to unlock the secret of my ability to change forms, and then use this ability on the Blue Clan to satisfy those Ultraman Blue Clan who have the dream of being a warrior but are weak."

"You... so you know." Hikari raised his hand and dropped it, quite weakly: "Am I too whimsical? This kind of thing has not changed in the Kingdom of Light for 10 years. .”

"How will you know if you don't try? Aren't you a scientist? You are the kind of person who creates miracles."


Hikari was speechless, slowly raised his hands, and solemnly took the ray of light from Nexus' hands.

"I swear to you, I will never use your light to create things that are not good for you, let alone cause any harm to you." Hikari is very serious, and Nexus believes him so simply, Then he definitely can't live up to Nexus' wishes.

"It's enough to have your guarantee." Patting Hikari on the shoulder, Nexus didn't want to stay any longer, and strode out of the research room.

"Nexus." Suddenly, Hikari said.

"I will definitely create an exclusive device tailored for you, which can solve your problems and assist you better." After a pause, Hikari continued to add: "This is my promise, even now My current self can’t fulfill this promise, but my future self will definitely make it!”

Nexus raised his hand, and the arm with the bracelet danced in the air, silently, as if witnessing the end of this promise.

Witness the friendship between the two beyond the past and the future.

(End of this chapter)

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