Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 301 Stone Wing is still on the way

Chapter 301 Stone Wing is still on the way
After meeting the father of Otto and saying goodbye to Little Taro, under the gaze of Sophie and Little Taro, Nexus switched to the form of a red youth, flew over the Kingdom of Light, and headed towards At the other end of the universe, u40 set off.

It's not that he's not coming back, he's just going to ask u40 about some things.

Nexus had no idea who the guy holding the red ball was, so he could only target the red ball.

As long as you find the red ball, you can find the mastermind behind the scenes.

And all the misfortunes that happened to him had a source.

The reason for switching to the red youth is also very simple, that is, the flying speed will be very fast, much faster than that of juvenile bodies.

But it was Stone Wings who wanted Nexus to complain the most.

Because he left the Tiga universe again, Stone Wing was on his way again.

In other words, when Stone Wings arrives in the Showa universe, it is completely unknown when it will arrive.

As long as Nexus thinks about going to another universe in the future, Stone Wings will keep chasing after him.

Doesn't that mean that Stone Wings is equivalent to no?
What the fuck?
The silver light pierces the deep and dark universe, and the pulled tail looks like a shooting star from a distance. Nexus's forward speed is not slow, and it is also exposed to the eyes of many cosmic people and monsters.

The monsters roared at the silver light, and the people in the universe observed Nexus in the light with the help of their own technology.

After the battle of the Imperial Stars, the name of Nexus resounded almost throughout the universe, just like the Imperial Stars wanted to challenge the Ultra Brothers and use the Ultra Brothers as a stepping stone to achieve their own prestige.

Nexus' debut battle also stepped on the top of the imperial star.

In the current universe, the strength of the Imperial Stars can almost be called a very heavyweight strongman, but even such a strong man was defeated by Nexus.

Although there are suspicions of Ott gang fights, but without that strength support, how could it be possible to support Ott gang fights?
After discovering that it was Nexus, most people in the universe gave up their thoughts of targeting him, and what great strength brings is enough security.

Although Nexus looks young, he is powerful. He is backed by the Kingdom of Light, and he is rational. Such a guy is like a hedgehog. If you can avoid it, it is best not to touch it.

But not all the cosmic people have given up completely. For example, the model workers in the Ultra world, the crayfish stars (Baltan stars), always focus on Nexus, and silently plan in their hearts. wearing something.

As well as Mephilas, Baxter, and Sharplei, who are both resourceful and powerful (Baxter:?), they are all circling what to get from Nexus.

From a silver family to a red family, not only changed a color, but even became stronger.

Comparing the energy levels detected by their respective spaceships, the silver Nexus is at best at the level of ordinary Ultra Guard members, but the red Nexus has a high energy level, even surpassing the current Otter Bros.

It is at the level below the Austrian father and above the Otto brothers.

And the standard of the ordinary Ultra Guard team members transitioned to the level beyond the Ultra Brothers, just changing the color of their bodies.

What is the reason for this, or is this something researched by the Kingdom of Light?
Can this kind of power be obtained by them, the people of the universe, and become more powerful by virtue of it, and control a new way of becoming stronger?

They were just about to move, eager to catch Nexus, and he was always consuming energy during his galloping flight.

In other words, he will continue to be weakened. When his timer lights up, it may be the time for these cosmic people with their own ghosts to make a move.

All the way to search, all the way to search, the malicious eyes moved with the movement of Nexus, until when Nexus entered a crimson nebula, all the cosmic people all stopped tracking in unison , directly turned the spaceship, turned around and ran when the power was full, without any intention of touching even a little bit of the nebula belt.

This crimson nebula has a name. It is not well-known in the universe, but it is marked with extremely dangerous warnings in the archives of all major universe-level civilizations.


... You said that Nexus was going to come to U40. If we had known that he was here, why would we follow him?

Isn't this just turning around and leaving?
Are you kidding me, we dare to jump back in front of the Kingdom of Light, it is naturally because the Kingdom of Light is full of old, weak, sick and disabled, if there is not a King of Ultra, you can see that the current is extremely weak Will the Congress of Light be overrun by the Cosmic Alliance?

The Kingdom of Light is really not a threat at this stage. The Otto brothers have not grown up. The older generation of soldiers are all killed. The Kingdom of Light is purely a cjb.

That's why they dare to jump in front of the Kingdom of Light.

But that doesn't mean they dare to jump in front of u40!
Are you kidding, u40 has not experienced the battle of Zhouda and the invasion of Ampera. The whole u40 has been in a rising period, with strong strength and countless elite fighters.

There are great sages, prophets who predict the direction and future of the universe, and Jonias, the strongest man who intimidates the universe and is faintly equal to Aofu.

Down below, u40, which has developed peacefully and has never had wars or civil strife, remains perfect. There are countless strong men in the older generation, and even more elite fighters. There are also many talented fighters emerging in the younger generation.

It can be said that no one dares to mess with the current U40.

No one has the guts to challenge such a U40.

It's a rare kindness that these tough guys didn't rush out from the U40 to eliminate them guys.

Wouldn't there really be a blind guy who wants to twitch their brows?
If this makes U40 angry, no one can afford it.

Forget it, there will be opportunities in the future, let Nexus go first.

Nexus also knew that these cosmic beings followed him all the way, and after entering the range of U40, these cosmic beings finally failed to catch up.

It can be seen that he is quite self-aware.

Breaking away from the light, Nexus expended a lot of energy. He looked at the star in the center of the crimson nebula while panting slightly, and knew that his destination this time had finally arrived.

Just as he was about to move forward, a deafening beast roar rang through his ears, followed by a green beam of light that wiped out the endless dark universe in front of him.

With the flash of this beam of light, a huge figure fell from above, covering Nexus' body.

It was a huge monster whose height completely crushed Nexus, no, it should be said to be a star beast.

Looking at its appearance, it should have been knocked down from above the universe by someone.

Nexus immediately launched Mach to move away from the original place. Only after he got out of the enveloped range could he truly see the whole picture of the monster.

Good guy, cut off the head and tail, it's at least two hundred meters away.
If it were placed on the earth, it would be a disaster of movement. A random kick could make Xiang Yuanlong cry, and a random turn could make Xiang Yuanlong faint from crying.

It is true that I live in Bengbu.

(End of this chapter)

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