Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 303 U40 Supreme Sage?Big idler!

Chapter 303 U40 Supreme Sage?Big idler!
Jonias said he would not tell himself, but Nexus knew that it was just that we hadn't communicated in depth and didn't know each other's depth.

So after resting for a day, Nexus went straight to the sage tower of u40, which is where the great sage is.

Because he was summoned by the great sage of u40, so that this sage who is only in the legend wanted to meet Nexus, so Nexus was taken to the tower of the sage early in the morning It is the tall tower that stands on the ground of u40, similar to the plasma spark tower.

"The great sage is already waiting for you inside, Ultra fighter from the Kingdom of Light, please come in." The muscular u40 man who led Nexus here shrunk in size in a burst of green light, and walked from Ultra Man turned into a human.

"Please enter as a human being."

Nexus had nothing to do, and he also restored the original image of the source. Feeling the light of the sun above his head, the source narrowed his eyes slightly, and stepped into the building of the sage.

The moment he first entered, Yuanquan saw the piles of books and the projection of the planet hanging independently on the roof.

That is the projection of the planet u40, rotating quietly.

And below, the long stairway leading to the high platform has almost no end in sight.

At the top of the high platform, what awaits Nexus is a test.

"Ultraman Nexus, please go up the stairs and meet your test." The thick voice resounded throughout the entire tower. It was not Jonias's voice, it was old but full of meaning.

If the prediction is correct, it should be the voice of the great sage.

"Why did I need to accept the test when I came to u40, or why would I accept this test?" Yuanquan is not a person who will do what others say. If you want him to climb this level, you don't have a Let him come out with a convincing reason, and he can't run up no matter what.

"Ultra warrior from other universes, from your body, I feel the gaze of a great existence, he is watching your growth, and resides on you like a patron saint." Since Yuanquan wanted to If you want a reason, the great sage doesn't mind giving him a reason.

The great sage who was able to predict the new generation of Ultraman in the Showa era certainly has this power.

"But at the same time, you are homed by the flames of war, you are homeless, you are the last proof of a lost universe, you are..."

"That's enough, don't continue talking." Yuanquan interrupted the great sage with a wave of his hand. Speaking of this, it seems that this ladder is worth climbing.

Good guy, he even knows that his own world is destroyed.

What kind of power does the great sage have?
"Don't you want to know? The last two sentences are the unexplained fate that is silent on you. If you don't do something, the most important thing will be lost for you in the future." The great sage did not mention it cryptically. Something, that is the bracelet on Yuanquan's hand.

As an existence that has seen through fate, the breath on the bracelet is incompatible with this time period. In other words, it comes from the future.

So the source of the future must have something to regret, and he needs to change it in the past.

Even if it may lead to the disappearance of him in the future, it is the kind of determination that does not hesitate.

"...Let's hear it." Yuanquan thought for a while, and finally wanted to know what kind of prophecy the great sage could make.

"You are the one destined to be king."

"All right, all right, I'm afraid of you, whatever you say is fine, don't say that I was born to be a king." Hearing these two words, Yuan's goosebumps were about to rise.

God damn is born to be a king. When you say this, I always feel that in the future, someone in me will be eaten up all the way to death, and when the end is over, the final form will be smoked like a grandson.

All right, there are plenty of people who are born to be kings, so don't bully me, I can't stand someone.

"Is there another sentence?" This sentence almost killed Yuanquan, but now he just wanted to finish listening to the last sentence, and then started to climb the stairs.


The great sage was silent for a while, as if he was considering how to give the final prophecy. After a long time, the great sage spoke out six words in a flat manner.

"Be careful, brother Rob."


I said, what kind of influence will those two fools have on me in the future.

Counting the warning from the great sage, this has been two consecutive times that he has been warned to be careful.

Aren't those two also Ultra fighters?What can I do to someone?

Could it be that these two borrowed their strength and only caught me borrowing it?Forcibly screwed me up?

Afterwards, the great sage never made any other prophecies, so Yuanquan began to climb the long ladder.

If it weren't for his extraordinary physical fitness, just such a step could have cost him his life.

During the climbing process, he couldn't help complaining, why did you build it so high, you are such a powerful technological civilization, what are you doing with an ancient and backward thing like the whole ladder?

Is your whole elevator out of order?

Or do you want a sense of ritual here, so that sincerity can lead to success?
Come on, everyone is Ultraman, there is no need to come here, it is tacky and tacky.

After climbing the stairs to the end, the unbearable source directly instilled light energy into himself, turning into a white streamer and rushing all the way up, at a very fast speed.

Let alone the slow crawl, the source is really unbearable.

At this speed, Yuanquan quickly reached the top of the ladder, and he also successfully saw the appearance of the great sage here. Generally speaking, he is an old man in white robes, and his image is extremely familiar, which makes Yuanquan feel that Where have you seen it?

"I've been waiting for a long time, man of destiny." Calmly putting his feet without shoes and socks back into his white robe, the great sage said calmly, "I already know your reason for coming, but Jonias' will I can't change it, even if it's me, what he doesn't want, I can't do anything about it."

"Wait a minute, you already know why I'm here. Didn't you call me here?" Yuanquan raised his hand to interrupt the great sage's pretentiousness, and unceremoniously demolished the stage: "Why is it like Is it like I asked to see you?"

"Ahem, that's not important. What's important is that I will tell you the solution." The great sage coughed a few times, and he assumed that the problem had been covered.

Let's not mention this, okay.

"You have to show Jonias your determination, and simply speaking in words won't do anything."

"The strongest fighter of u40, the friendship is all in the fist, you have to let him see your heart clearly, and then... hey, I'm not finished yet!"

The unfathomable words were pulled back to reality in an instant by the last sentence, the great sage looked at the source of turning his head and walked away and hurriedly called to stop.

"I was planning to go to Jonias to have a fight. If you hadn't called me over early in the morning, I would have been fighting him now." Yuanquan rolled his eyes, my good guy, is this the great sage?

How do I feel like a big idler?
"No, you can't find Jonias." The great sage showed an enigmatic smile.

"You say you can't find it, so you can't find it?" Yuanquan folded his arms and looked at the great sage from the corner of his eyes.

He wanted to see what nonsense the great sage could come up with.

"Great Sage, I've arrived. You summoned... Huh? Nexus?" At this time, Jonias, who was trotting forward from the stairs, climbed to the top here in the form of a human, and first faced the Great Sage. The sage said hello every day, and then he saw where Nexus was.

"Of course I asked you to come over and discuss something." The great sage's smile became brighter and brighter, as if he was telling Yuanquan: Look, I said you can't find Jonias.

Feeling the aura of Jonias beside him, the great sage was shocked by the truth of the source.

I feel that if you are idle and have nothing to do, why not connect to the earth, there are a lot of keyboard warriors and mouth kings there, I guess you will not be idle from morning till night.


Oh, I forgot that the earth is only in 1980, there is no highly developed Internet communication network, and the folk customs of the global village are still simple.

That's fine.

(End of this chapter)

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