Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 304 Jonas: Oh, instead of staying away from me, are you approaching me instead?

Chapter 304 Jonias: Hey, instead of moving away from me, are you approaching me instead? (Confused)
Under the great sage's persuasion and Yuanquan's very strong request, Jonias finally agreed to speak out in battle.

As long as he can beat him, he will tell Yuanquan about the red ball.

So inside the tower, Yuanquan and Jonias returned to Ultraman's size at the same time.

It's just that compared to the identity of the same Ultraman, the difference in physique between Nexus and Jonias is quite strong.

But even so, Nexus was unwilling to back down.

The red ball was something he had to find out, and the reason why his hometown was extinct must also be resolved.

The opponent is Jonias, the strongest fighter of U40, a powerful fighter who can almost keep pace with Aofu. With such an enemy as an opponent, Nexus did not dare to be careless at all, and directly opened the blue youth from the childhood form, skipping the red Youth, unleash the greatest effort he can achieve so far.

What Jonias was waiting for was the appearance of the blue youth, and Nexus in this form was qualified to stand in front of him.

But in the end, Nexus had to show Jonias what his strength was.

The moment he switched to the blue youth, the ultimate speed exploded instantly, turning into a blue streamer and passing away in a flash. Although Jonias had a strong body, his speed was not slow, and he could completely keep up with Nexus's speed. speed.

Two kinds of streamers, one blue and one red, criss-cross the inside of the tower, colliding fiercely. Every time they meet, they can collide with strong sparks. In the tower as deep and dark as the universe, they completely impact.

In the next moment, the red and blue rays of light separated, and the golden energy giant sword extended a kilometer and slashed down directly.

Jonias withdrew from the streamer state, curled up one hand to block the side, blocked the attack of the Storm Sword with his own arm, and at the same time tried to grab the Storm Sword to counter Nexus.

Blocking the slash of the Storm Sword with pure arms, Jonias's physique is astonishing.

After missing a hit, Nexus dispersed the Storm Sword, pulled out the vertical guillotine with both hands, and rushed towards Jonias roaring.

One of the forbidden techniques of Kingdom of Light, does Nexus also control this forbidden technique?

Instead of resisting, Jonias evaded sideways, gathered his fists and placed them on his abdomen at the same time, and punched suddenly with a deep sigh. Pure physical strength compressed the air at the moment of punching, and launched a purely physical air cannon-like attack.

Nexus flew to dodge, the air cannon fell into the vast darkness, and there was a loud noise.

But this is not a big move, it's just an ordinary move. Jonias performed martial arts on the spot, using both fists and kicks. Every punch and every kick can create a powerful shock wave, and he rushed towards Nexus continuously. go.

The dense air cannons compressed the space that Nexus could avoid, but the super power given by the blue youth allowed him to get a very long distance before the air cannons arrived.

Because of this, Nexus appeared behind Jonias in an instant, holding up the Storm Sword with one hand, and slashed down.

Crescent Shockwave.

The crescent shock wave of the second evolution is powerful, the golden sword energy tore through the air, wrapped in powerful power, and is about to approach Jonias' position.

As soon as the exercise of martial arts stopped, Jonias put his hands together in front of him and caught the crescent shock wave with both hands, but the strong propulsion still pushed him back continuously until he reached the edge of the high tower platform.

The thrust of the Crescent Shockwave was greatly weakened, and was guided by Jonias to fly past him and fell into the darkness.

The sword of the storm was inserted into the floor of the high platform, and the upward slash pulled out another crescent shock wave, tearing the floor and galloping away.

Jonias used light energy for the first time, and the raised hand knife was shining with white light. Standing in the same place, he waved his hand and swept across, and the hand knife cut a white light, tearing the crescent moon shock wave directly.

Look calm, effortless.

"It's really good. There are not many in this universe that can knock me back." Jonias put his hands on his hips, and the rare battle made his almost rusty body start to burst out with new kinetic energy.

This body, which has not been exercising for a long time, is now awakening its former instincts.

This also means that Jonias feels the pressure.

And how many things can bring him pressure in the current universe?

"Your control over this form is actually gradually improving." Jonas loosened his fingers, looked at Nexus not far away, and asked relaxedly: "No matter how powerful the power is, you can You have to control it in your own hands to be considered power, your form is very strong, but you know how much you have exerted yourself."

"It's just this level, it can't beat me."

This is the second time to use the blue youth. Compared with the first time, although it is better, it is only a little bit. Nexus understands that he does not have much control.

But now, is the best opportunity.

Perhaps the best chance to free himself was in the fight with Jonias.

At this point, Nexus did not hesitate, and the right hand condensed the Otto guillotine, which began to change in the form of an eight-point light wheel. During the uninterrupted condensation, the volume of the guillotine shrank and gradually became a long and narrow one. Spiral sword.

Afterwards, Nexus put his left hand on the flying bird mark on his chest. After engraving part of the mark, a golden flying bird bow appeared on the wrist of his left hand, which was the position between the two wrist guards.

Putting the spiral sword transformed into a guillotine on the bow and arrow of Guangya Storm, a bowstring composed entirely of energy gradually solidified.

Jonias lowered his body, and even he felt the extraordinary power of this move, and its terrifying power might be beyond imagination.

Is it the nirvana in this form?
A simple light arrow storm cannot pose any threat to Jonias, and Nexus understands this.

A simple Light Arrow Storm can smash even fried chicken, not to mention a physique expert like Jonias.

Therefore, the ever-changing characteristics of the guillotine are particularly important at this time. This is also a combo that Nexus came up with on a whim.

He didn't know the combined power of the Guillotine Light Arrow Storm and these two moves, but he knew that a single skill could never pose a threat to Jonias.

The light arrow aimed at Jonias, Nexus let go of the bowstring, and the light arrow and the arrow turned into the guillotine were shot out together at a very fast speed, and because the guillotine rotated at a high speed , causing the entire attack to rotate at high speed.

The storm formed by the driven vortex gallops out with powerful kinetic energy.

Jonias waited intently. Even though Nexus didn't have enough control over this form, the upper limit was there, and it was impossible for him to be so weak.

The power of this fatal blow was also very powerful, which made Jonias use more power.

The emerald green five-pointed star above the head emits a bright light, just like the Emelium ray, the color is the same, but the only difference is the intensity.

The two strong forces converged, and an explosion occurred in the middle of the air in an instant. The strong explosion swept the surroundings, the tower of the sage rumbled, and the drowning darkness was also crumbling.

The strength of both parties has exceeded the limit of this tower, if it is not because old Joe did not use his full strength, and Nexus did not have enough control over the blue youth, I am afraid that the tower of sages has already been defeated this time. Destroyed in the collision.

But even so, the dark stars dotted in the tower were also shot down a lot.

From a distance, it looks like a meteor shower where the stars fall.

The great sage is as immovable as a mountain, of course he knows the strength of Jonias better than anyone else, and he also firmly believes in the ability of Nexus, but both of them have reservations. Just ran away with bare feet.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the red and blue figures collided at close range, competing in physical skills. Jonias would never be afraid of anyone.

Nexus used the sword as a supplement, and used both fists and swords to cope with Jonias' attack.

In a short period of time, it is still stable.

(End of this chapter)

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