Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 305 Can you guarantee that your original intention will never change as it is now?Nexus!

Chapter 305 Can you guarantee that your original intention will never change as it is now?Nexus!
Wanting to compete in physical strength with the Ultra fighters of the u40 series is the stupidest thing Nexus has ever done.

Especially when the opponent he challenged was Jonias, it was even more desperate.

Realizing that he was at a disadvantage, Nexus swung his sword across the distance to open the distance, backflipped to open the position, and the moment he stabilized his body, he directly released the crescent shock wave.

The horizontal crescent shock wave tore through the air, galloping out again.

If Jonias can break through once, he will naturally be able to break through the second time. His hands are covered with gleaming white light, and with just one blow, the crescent moon shock wave is split from the middle.

The old Joe, who was still in awe, stepped forward, leaving footprints on the ground.

The pressure brought by the tiger-like posture is too great.

Nexus stepped back slightly, lowering his body to prepare for the impact. When Jonias approached, the moment he launched an attack was Nexus' opportunity.

Only once, and in a flash.

The fist and sword light flashed at the same time, Nexus was punched and flew out, but at the same time, the Storm Sword also left a white mark on Jonias' chest.

Rolling a few times on the ground in embarrassment, Nexus tried his best to adjust his state so that he would not fall off the high platform.

After finally standing up, he saw a ball of white energy rushing towards him at a glance.

At this distance, at this time, it was too late to react.

The sword of the storm rested on his chest, using the sword as the only shield in front of him. The white energy ball exploded at the touch, and the rumbling explosion pushed Nexus back again until it reached the edge of the high platform.

Just one step away, and it will fall down.

Converging the sword of the storm, Nexus condensed the light energy on his fist, and punched suddenly, the atomic flash burst out again, and the continuous golden lightning wrapped all the space in front of him, covering the blows layer by layer, all the way forward Rush, wrap Jonias inside.

But this was not enough, Nexus knew that the atomic flash could not cause much damage to Jonias, so he didn't expect this move to have any effect.

Burning raging flames all over his body, the power of the second-evolved Ultra Bomb may have surpassed the genuine one.

Flames blazed, and Nexus plunged headlong into the atomic flash.

Jonias walked over without making any resistance. For him, these lightning bolts couldn't break through his defenses, and they couldn't even cause a little pain.

His leisure is based on the confidence of absolute strength.

But this leisure, when seeing that guy with burning flames speeding all the way, he couldn't keep it.

The flames became deeper and deeper, and no one knew how powerful the secondary evolved Ultra Bomb would be, because this was the first time Nexus used it in the blue youth form.

The leisurely Jonias stretched out his hand and intertwined with Nexus's hands. During the wrestling process, Nexus popped out the Storm Sword and circled his wrist, forcing Jonias to have no choice but to Don't let go.

It was this opportunity that Nexus was waiting for. Fittingly, he hugged Jonias' waist, allowing his own flame to spread to Jonias.

In the ever brighter splendor, Nexus roared and exploded directly.

The power of this Ultra Bomb brought another shock to the Sage Tower. Compared with the last time, this time it was more serious.

The only spectator who witnessed this battle, the great sage, wondered whether the tower could hold on.

The explosion in the pitch-black sage tower was as dazzling as a star erupting, shaking the universe and releasing intense light and heat.

Two figures flew out from the center of the explosion.

Jonias was covered in white smoke, and the entangled high temperature stayed on his body surface, constantly burning with the air.

Nexus' blue body was also surrounded by a layer of red light, which was because the high temperature had not dissipated from his body.Like Jonias, they are at the very center of the explosion.

"Are you going to die with me?" The high temperature on his body lingered for a long time, but Jonias didn't care about this. What he wanted to know more was what Nexus did.

"I said, I will do my best." Nexus panted slightly, and using Ultra bombs is also a common thing.

No one can prevent me from knowing where the red ball is.

No one can stop my wish to return to my hometown.

"... Is hatred driving your desire?" Jonias withdrew his fighting gesture, which also meant that he stopped wanting to continue fighting and chose to communicate.

"No, I clearly know that that thing is destroying one world after another, causing my pain to happen to people in other worlds. I know that I can't do nothing." The high temperature lingering on the body surface dissipated , Nexus clenched his fist and said affirmatively: "Whether it's hatred or stopping it, I will do it no matter what."

"This is what I need as the last person in the world of suffering." The sword of the storm popped out, and there was another confrontation, another conflict. Still have to fight.

"Really?" Jonias finished his two short words, causing the atmosphere to fall into silence for a short time.

But after a while, Jonias spoke again, showing his new attitude now.

"The red ball from another higher universe has the wish to realize any creature, but that requires a price. If you drive yourself with greed, you will sink deeper and deeper and be completely controlled by the red ball."

"We don't know what kind of civilization the red ball came from, but the only thing we can be sure of is that it is carrying out the mission it was created for, which is to respond to people's wishes."

"Even if the wish brings ruin in the end."

"The current red ball is at the boundary of the distant universe, another universe, very far away from the m78 nebula."

"I know you have the king's cloak, maybe you can really find the red ball, but I can't guarantee whether you will be bewitched by the red ball or not."

Jonias expressed the worries in his heart. Tens of thousands of years of life experience have allowed him to see through many things. Like a wise man, he looks at the ups and downs in the universe calmly.

"You are the warrior King of Ultra is optimistic about. Maybe, you really have something special." This sentence is a compliment, but then it is a more severe accountability: "But I also understand that with your experience, resistance Can’t get rid of the temptation of the red ball.”

"Why?! I know it's..." Nexus has different opinions on this. What does it mean that I must not be able to resist the temptation of the red ball?

Is my experience along the way fake?
Or am I really so vulnerable that I really can't fight desire?

What kind of ability can the red ball have, and what kind of wish can I realize?
"You can't resist."

Jonias walked up to Nexus, looked straight into his eyes, and said word by word.

"I don't believe it, unless you..."

"If the red ball tells you that it will help you rebuild your world, prevent the tragedy of your hometown from happening, and even change the ending of destruction!" Jonias' voice was like thunder, saying every word The resounding resounded in Nexus' heart, making Nexus speechless for a while, and he couldn't even give a rebuttal immediately.

"Then, can you still say firmly that you can't do it like this at this time?"

"Nexus... Ultraman!"

(End of this chapter)

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