Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 310 It's an unwritten tradition for the villain's younger brother to be killed by

Chapter 310 It's an unwritten tradition for the villain's younger brother to be killed by the boss (forcing the truth)

The high-speed crescent light blade flew past Jin Guqiao continuously, even if some of them couldn't escape, they would be blown up by Jin Guqiao's machine guns.

Fighting in the universe, Jin Guqiao's combat effectiveness has not decreased but increased, becoming even stronger.

And Anton La's magnetism can bring troubles to Nexus, forcing Nexus to avoid Anton La's magnetism.

But Nexus is not without a chance to break the game. Nexus's arms overlapped and released the guillotine in an instant, and released it in the form of a ring of light.

Dozens of light wheels intertwined with each other, following An Dongla's trajectory and moving past.

Whoever made Anton grow a bunch of big pliers simply triggered Nexus' memory of broken horns.

Can't you saw this big pliers?
An Dongla's flying speed was so fast that the guillotine couldn't catch up. Nexus also rushed towards the Golden Ancient Bridge while manipulating it with his mind.

The Sword of Storm popped out, and Nexus knew the power of the Golden Ancient Bridge. It was not a defense that ordinary attacks could break through. Mechanical life forms knew no pain or fear, and all of them were focused on the mission goal.

In Ultraman's world, mechanical life forms will always be one of Ultraman's most difficult enemies.

Jin Guqiao raised his machine gun, unleashing continuous fiery red bombardment, shooting towards Nexus continuously.

The Storm Sword stood in front of them, sweeping away the incoming artillery fire with the Storm Sword, without slowing down, Nexus galloped forward, shortening the distance between them in an instant.

The sword of the storm slashed across Jin Guqiao's waist, and the golden light of the sword passed away in a flash. Nexus and Jin Guqiao passed by, and they didn't intend to turn around, but went straight to An Dongla.

In the next instant, Jin Guqiao's body was cut off at the waist, and the broken body in two staggered apart. The signal light on Jin Guqiao's face flickered on and off, and then disappeared completely, becoming a mass of space junk floating in the universe.

"It's too strong." The Mephilas star witnessed the battle of Nexus and was inexplicably horrified.

It's not that the Otto brothers have faced it before, but compared to the fierce Nexus in front of them, the Otto brothers are also a little worse.

No wonder King Gurant was pulled out. Was it because Nexus was too strong?

"Are you ready?" There is a faint trend of collapse in the frontline battlefield. The Mephilas star doesn't know how long Antonla can hold on. When will King Gurant start? This is what he wants to know most now. .

"What are you panicking about? Doesn't energy transmission take time?" The Naker star was very calm, watching the progress of 90.00% nine on the display stand reached [-]%, and then pressed the release button.

"Already done!"

Unlocking the shackles of King Gurante, the Naker star raised his hands high, shouting like a fanatical believer: "Sa, Gu'a's killer weapon, the big monster that crosses the universe, King Gurante, show your strength!" The real power..."

Before the Nakel star could finish speaking, the next moment, a tentacle suddenly shot out from under the rib-like spikes on the back of King Gurante, piercing the Nakel star's heart.

The mechanical tentacles flickered flickeringly, continuously absorbing the power from the Nakel star, making the Nakel star's body gradually shriveled, as if being sucked dry.

"As my subordinates, you should feel honored to contribute your life to allow us to descend."

King Gurante's narrow red eyes reflected the appearance of the former overlord of the universe, Zhou Da.

It also shows that the current King Gurante has truly awakened.

"What? It's my master! You obviously..." Before the Mephilas star could finish his horrified words, the mechanical tentacles sneaking around from behind pierced the back of the Mephilas star's head directly. in the head.

Zhou Da didn't mean to explain, and he didn't even think about saying a word. His coming needs the supply of life, and he didn't intend to tell these two guys from the beginning.

From the very beginning, he planned to sacrifice these two subordinates.

"The Kingdom of Light...huh!" King Gurant looked out of the window of the battleship with his long and narrow eyes, and he could see the planet like an emerald gem.

The Kingdom of Light, the last force that emerged from Gu'a's entire universe, is what Zhou Da is committed to destroying.

Even if he is still resurrecting from a dead body, even if he loses his body and cannot descend in the material world, he can still exert his power as the overlord of the universe with King Gurante.

The Kingdom of Light, which has not recovered from two consecutive wars, should die.

This time there was no Anduru Guard, and the armored man was not in the Kingdom of Light either.

Zofi, the father of Ultra, they will pay the price for their meddling in the war on Anduru!
With this thought in mind, King Gulant withdrew his tentacles, threw the two mummified corpses aside, hit the wall of the battleship cabin, turned into fine powder and scattered away.


King Gurant let out a beast roar, venting his grievances over the years and the joy of being able to act again.

It's like announcing its return to all the beings in this universe.

I believe that the old people who have experienced the time when Gua ruled the universe should be very clear about who King Gurante represents.

Powerful forces swept through the surroundings, and the battleship was destroyed by King Gurante from the inside. The raging flames surrounded the explosion and continued to explode inside, revealing to the outside world that the battleship in the rear suddenly blew up.

When no one was attacking it, it blew itself up.

Nexus didn't care about this, the halo of guillotines had already surrounded Anton La's side, cutting scars on its hard carapace.

Following behind, Nexus threw out the restraining light, wrapped around Anton La's pliers, and then exerted force with his arms so that he could stand on Anton La's back.

The magnetic force gathered at the center of the horns began to spread to An Dongla's whole body.This also affected Nexus. The powerful electromagnetic force was extremely repulsive. Nexus used both hands to bind Anton La's horns with binding light, so that he could barely guarantee that he would not fall.

Stabilizing his body, Nexus' left foot ignited a flame. In the blazing fire, Nexus raised his foot, and fell heavily on Anton La's back.

A blow filled with flames hit Anton La, and the strong atomic cracking divisions scattered all over Anton La's body, with the back as the center, and the split cracks quickly covered Anton La's body.

In a burst of blue light and shadow explosion, An Dongla's body was shattered by the blast, and the remaining fragments of the corpse burst into light particles, spreading across the entire battlefield.

Nexus turned away from the center of the explosion, and it was not easy to catch up with Anton La, but fortunately, he was superior.

Nexus, who was thinking like this, was directly pasted on the face by a thick red light cannon. The powerful destructive force and impact tore apart Nexus' body surface defense in an instant, and the red corrosive light Scars were corroded on Nexus' red body, pitted and hideous.

The sudden powerful attack attracted the attention of other Ao who were fighting on the scene. It tore through the defense line from the rear of the enemy camp, and the red light that even his own people would not let go hit Nexus.

The power of light, which has the ultimate corrosive ability to light energy, is extremely terrifying. While making Nexus fly upside down, I can't help thinking, what kind of existence in the Showa era can have such terrifying power.

The body that flew upside down was caught by the other guard soldiers who were flying over, so that it would not fly out all the way upside down.

But doing so was not without cost. The corrosive wounds on Nexus' body were touched by other Ultra fighters, and they were also infected to other Ultra fighters.

All warriors who touched Nexus' body were infected.

Realizing that the injuries on his body were different, Nexus immediately launched Mach to move away from the other Ultra fighters.

But even so, these corrosive wounds still spread between them.

The corruption as deep as the scarlet universe, like the bite marks left by evil spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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