Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 311 A certain young man of the blue race in the land of light began to have crooked thoughts

Chapter 311 A certain young man of the blue race in the land of light began to have crooked thoughts

"Scatter, all scatter, and the later fighters should not come into contact with the infected fighters, scatter quickly!"

"What are these things? Can anyone tell me, hey! That one over there, don't fly around."

Chaos fell on the battlefield in an instant, and the infected Ultra fighters suffered unspeakably, suffering from the pain of this burn, and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

And these burns are constantly eroding towards other parts of the body.

If it wasn't for most of the older generation in the Kingdom of Light who died in battle, then someone should be able to know what this is.

This is exactly the same as the wound caused by being hit by King Gulant in the battle between the Kingdom of Light and the Gua Legion ten thousand years ago.

Once it corrodes the whole body, it will be completely devoured and eliminated.

Because these corroded wounds are alive, these are not wounds in the true sense, but devouring weapons composed of weak amoebas, which will indiscriminately devour and contaminate all living and dead objects.

Ultra fighters, of course, also exist in the devoured menu.

"Go back and find Father of Ultra immediately." Sensing that the injuries on his body were showing signs of spreading, Nexus gave the order, and at the same time he switched his form directly.

The red lines on his body turned into blue in the twisting transformation, and the blue youth form that was displayed again unfolded in the smoke and dust, and no one knew it.

This was supposed to be the strongest form of Nexus, but it caused the other Ultra fighters on the battlefield to fall into a sluggish state.

As natives of the Kingdom of Light, their standard for red and blue is that the red race is warriors, and the blue race is in logistics.

And now, the Red Race is gone, and what appears is the Blue Race Ultraman?

What the fuck?
The sudden color change caused the surrounding noise to stay for a moment, but it was helpless for Nexus to turn on the blue youth form.

The light of evolution erased the sizzling corrosion on the body, covering and destroying the amoeba. Only in this way can the corrosion on the body be erased.

Although Nexus doesn't know who his opponent is yet, but to be able to control such a terrifying power, the opponent's strength must not be bad.

In the next moment, a rumbling explosion sounded from the position behind the enemy. Facing the storm rolled up by the explosion, the bronze-colored ferocious monster stepped on the flames of war, carrying turbulent power to the universe.

In this long-awaited world, King Gurante is announcing his return.

"That is……"

Aofu, who was watching the battle in the Land of Light, saw the great battle in the universe through the projection screen of the Bureau of Science and Technology. The corrosive light had already made Aofu have bad guesses. The copper-colored monster confirmed Ao's father's guess.

It's just that if possible, Aofu really doesn't want such speculation to become a reality.

"Zhouda... Has the Ancient A Legion made a comeback?" Aofu, who had participated in the battle against the three brothers and sisters of Zhouda tens of thousands of years ago, went hand in hand with the Anduru Guard at that time, and with the help of Zuo Fei, Let Zhou Da drink his hatred and lose.

Although it was the Anduru Guard who made great efforts, in this era, the Anduru Guard has long been disbanded. The resurrected Zhou Da couldn't find the main target to vent his grievances, so he set his sights on the Kingdom of Light.

If the opponent is Gu'a, then it will be really troublesome.

The power of King Gurante is even more powerful enough to traverse the current universe without rivals.

In a hurry, where did Father Ao go to get Andurumeros back?

Sophie may be able to contact the other party, but Sophie is not in the Kingdom of Light right now.

Nexus also saw King Gurant stepping on the flames of war.

In the Showa era, a formidable opponent that could only be defeated by the combination of the six Ultra brothers.

King Gurante, the embodiment of Zhouda's power.The power to dominate the universe cannot be underestimated.

In the current Showa era, it is the only existence of the strongest level.

"In that case, you are the Ancient A Legion." Seeing the appearance of King Gulant, Nexus roughly understood who the cosmic beings who invaded the Kingdom of Light were: "I didn't expect you to be resurrected!" gone."

"All Ultraman, be damned!" King Gurante's hands, like cattail fans, are made of unique metal, and the ordinary light hitting it can't cause any damage at all.

The figure of Nexus was reflected in the long and narrow red eyes. Zhou Da controlled King Gulant by remote control, and was about to unleash the anger of his resurrection from the dead.

The red beam of destruction burst out again, and Nexus was the first to bear the brunt. The ripple shield spread out in front of him, perfectly blocking the beam of destruction.

Nexus' body retreated tens of meters, and this was the price he paid for the blow.

"and many more……"

Nexus' performance was far beyond Ao's father's expectations. He was ready to fight, but he didn't expect Nexus to be able to block it.

"Blue Nexus? This... Could it be that he..." Hikari didn't know that Nexus could turn into a blue youth form. After all, Nexus never said that, Hikari Thought Nexus could only turn red.

It's just that the blue body appeared in the projection, which inevitably disillusioned many people in the Kingdom of Light.

Although I know that Nexus is not from the blue tribe, but...

"That's..." Amongst the ignorant expressions, a certain young man from the Blue Race stared blankly at Nexus who was resisting King Gurante on the screen, and his heart was full of shock.

Since he was a child, he has always heard the saying that the Blue Clan is weak, that the Blue Clan is not suitable for fighting on the battlefield, and is suitable for doing research and so on.

Now, a soldier of the Blue tribe is at the forefront facing the King Gurant who once ruled the universe, and he propped up his shield to resist the damage, which made the heart of the young Blue tribe who had given up his heart burn again.

He once dreamed that he wanted to accompany Tai Luo to the battlefield. No matter what the price was, he only wanted to stand by Tai Luo's side, not someone else who would take his place.

The people around Taylor, only he is enough.

That requires strong strength, and now, this blue warrior who is fighting on the front line makes the young blue tribe eager to know how to become strong.

"Tregchia, what's wrong with you?" Hikari's voice rang in Tregchia's ear, pulling Tregchia's thoughts back from his ecstasy, and he quickly replied.

"It's nothing, Captain Hikari, who is this blue warrior?" Tregear calmed down, raised his head, and asked his boss.

Yes, the young Tregear has entered the Academy of Sciences of the Kingdom of Light and started working.

And what forced him to work hard now was just because he wanted to help Taylor.

It's just such a pure wish.

"That's Ultraman Nexus, not just a warrior of the Blue Race." Hikari didn't say much, after all, the fact that Nexus can change color is still a secret.

When the projection screen showed the battlefield, Hikari didn't immediately turn the camera to Nexus because of this.

"Really?" Tregchia murmured, returning his eyes to the screen again, his fiery heart propelled him forward, and he didn't want to wait for a moment to go again.

He wants to be strong, to gain power, to gain great power, to be strong enough to stand by Taro's side!
Do not!
Be strong enough to protect Taro!
In the picture, King Gurant restrained his attack, and instead of spewing out beams of light, white gas spewed out from behind, falling towards the Kingdom of Light.

Nexus withdrew the shield, condensed the light particles with one hand, gathered them on the fist, and punched out suddenly at the right position.

The attack came later and hit the back of King Gurante. Although it didn't cause much damage, the different space composed of diffused light particles wrapped King Gurante in it.

Zhou Da wasn't sure what it was for a moment, but this hesitation made him miss the best chance to escape from the Meta Field.

The huge body of King Gurante disappeared into the universe, and the blue body of Nexus flickered, disappeared under the eyes of everyone, and turned into nothingness.

But in fact, Nexus entered the realm of Meta and confronted King Gurante.

What?You, King Gurante, are going to the Kingdom of Light to burn, kill and plunder?

come in you!
(End of this chapter)

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