Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 315 Hello everyone, I am a loving brave, gentle warrior, I am...

Chapter 315 Hello everyone, I am a loving brave, gentle warrior, I am...

The relationship between Ao's father and Zhou Da can be said to be that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet, but it's a pity that Andurumeros is not there, otherwise Zhou Da will definitely go crazy.

Kane, who had once defeated himself with the Anduru Guard back then, of course knew what King Gurante's weakness was. This guy's sudden appearance disrupted Zhou Da's thoughts.

"Although particles are the basis of matter, particles can also change themselves due to different environments. This is the real reason why King Gurant is immortal, because no matter what kind of attack, you can manipulate particles to change , become the corresponding particles generated by the attack attribute.”

(The above are all nonsense, don’t ask, I don’t know if you ask.)
Aofu releases the light of Spaceum, which can almost be regarded as the general light of the Kingdom of Light, which explodes with powerful power in his hands. The powerful positive and negative energies carry the opposing light waves, which are similar to those released by King Gurante. The attacks are opposed to each other, and they can even go upstream, pushing a lot towards King Gurante.

As long as he doesn't get hit in the waist and abdomen, Aofu is trustworthy, and his strength is the pinnacle level of cosmic civilization.

"Damn it, Kane! Why aren't you dead yet, old man!" After being told that King Gurante's secret had been revealed, Zhou Da was furious and yelled at Aofu directly.

What kind of cosmic overlord's coercion, at this moment, there is no joy in directly cursing others.

"That's it, so I only need to use attacks with more than four attributes to change the particles. The compatibility of the particles is greater than the repulsion, but the energy generated by the particle's own changes due to changes in the environment, the relationship between each other are incompatible.”

Now Nexus understands why the cosmic miracle light will directly blow up King Gurante. It is not just as simple as gathering the energy of the six brothers Ziot. The cosmic miracle light should contain Otto The brothers have different attributes of energy.

Combined with the multiple attributes of Spesium, Emelim, etc., the cosmic miracle light hit King Gurant, causing the metal on King Gurrant to change dozens of times in a second, which eventually led to the The incompatibility of the Rand king was thus completely wiped out.

The idea of ​​injecting the ice-fire crescent shock wave with the freezing beam and the Ultra bomb before was correct, but just ice and fire is not enough, and at least two more attributes must be added to cause real damage to King Gurante.

Arming Nexus, which had absorbed enough power, behind the corrugated shield, Nexus released King Gurant's power as a counterattack energy source, and a blue-white countercurrent began to appear from inside the corrugated shield.

Although it was slow, it rushed forward at an increasing speed, and then came into contact with the light of Aofu's Spatium, and successfully gathered into a powerful force.

The spiral light tore through King Gurante's penetrating light, and bombarded King Gurante like a bamboo shoot.

The rest of the power scattered in all directions, and the strong impact made the Meta Domain begin to become unstable. The broken traces like a mirror covered the entire Meta Domain, and then, a gap leading to the outside world was revealed.

King Gulrant, who was red all over, exuding high temperature and heat, flew with jets of gas, and went directly through the Meta domain to the outside world. The horns on the top of his head smashed into the universe to open a portal, and flew in directly.

"Kane, just wait for me, Zhou Da will return again!"

After entering the space gate, the entire wormhole closed quickly, as if Aofu and Nexus were catching up because they were afraid that the closure would be late.

Before leaving, Zhou Da was cursing.

Nima's, there is a spoiler dog, so I stopped fighting and slipped away.

"The tolerance of the Meta Domain is not so fragile." Nexus canceled the Meta Domain, and he really couldn't do anything about this mechanical life form.

No wonder it is said that mechanical lifeforms will always be Ultraman’s greatest enemy. Fighting against others in close quarters is painless, and it is even more true to bombard mechanical lifeforms from a long distance. No matter how you look at it, it feels that Ultraman’s winning rate has been lowered. limit.

"Gua has already studied the use of space tens of thousands of years ago. King Gurrant is a weapon of war, and it is the highest masterpiece of Gua. Whether it is King Gurrant or Zhou Da, they all have the ability to travel through space. " Father Ao lowered his arms, explaining the power of Zhouda and King Gurante to Nexus beside him.

"I didn't expect even Zhou Da to be resurrected. It seems that life will be difficult in the future."

It doesn't matter, it's just King Gurante.

My Nexus can do suppression, but I can't do lore.

But Super Taro is different!
Cosmic Miracle Ray, yyds.

Nexus himself didn't have more than four attributes, so he could only use three if he was going to die, and he still had to use tricks to do so.

Using different attributes to create different light powers, such things as having five, six or even more than a dozen different attributes on an Ultra warrior can only appear in the new generation.

And now, Super Taro is the only possibility.

King Gurante ran away, and the remaining Gu'a army also left to rein in the mess, and had no intention of staying longer.

After leaving a pile of space junk outside the planet of the Kingdom of Light, he patted his ass and left. It was a chic and straightforward way to leave.

Nexus was about to retreat from the blue youth form to the juvenile body, but his father prevented him from doing so.

"Everyone has witnessed your battle, especially the battle of your blue body. Now, you are a great hero of the Blue Clan." Ao's father said with a slightly teasing tone: "They are all waiting for you, the Blue Clan! The heroes are returning to the Land of Light."

"What kind of hero of the blue tribe, there is no such thing, don't you think I am a blue tribe just because I am blue?" Nexus looked at the blue and white stripes on his body, don't tell me, It really looks like a warrior of the Blue Race.

But my family knows my own affairs, I Nexus is not only blue, I can also be red and silver!
"Everyone in the Kingdom of Light only needs you to keep the blue color and go back, and it's only for today."

Father Ao said, and patted Nexus on the shoulder: "Xikali will find a reasonable excuse for you. Of course, today you must be the great hero of the Blue Clan."

"...Okay, then I'll pretend for a while." Nexus also felt helpless, and the natives of the Kingdom of Light insisted on thinking that he was a soldier of the Blue Clan, but he couldn't help it.

You can't switch forms directly on the spot.

Even in the future, I, Nexus, will never even think about having a stable life.

After all, the Ultra warrior who can switch colors at will, the current Kingdom of Light, but I am the only one, this must be a rare item among rare items?

Thinking about how the scientists of the scientific research institute headed by Hikari would chase after him and try to get some light from him, Nexus fought a cold war, and even more resolutely made it a secret that he could change colors .

Father Ao and Nexus slowly descended to the Kingdom of Light. Before they landed, Nexus had already seen many Ultraman of the blue race that he rarely saw.

You must know that he used to walk on the main street of the Kingdom of Light, and he basically didn't see a few blue people.

And today, it's full of darkness!
Nexus, who was looking straight ahead, felt his head go numb.

"The Kingdom of Light has once again been saved in the hands of the invaders. We have warriors fighting for it, brave and fearless of life and death!"

"The one who repelled King Gurante and protected us from Zhou Da was a warrior from the Blue Clan. He swept away the Blue Clan and gave people the impression of being weak. He was strong and broke out with King Gurante. Great battle, no retreat!"

Facing the presence of many Ultraman, Ao Fu had the idea of ​​pushing Nexus out.

Being able to suppress King Gurante has already proved Nexus' current strength.

The Kingdom of Light really needs such a powerful fighter.

After breaking through those two battles, no one wanted a powerful fighter more than Aofu to become the current leader of the Kingdom of Light.

"That's right, this heroic blue warrior, his name is!"

"Gauss, my name is Gauss, I am a kind brave, gentle warrior, Gauss-Ultraman!!" Nexus answered directly before his father, and directly made a blue Ultraman name.

Excluding the solar eclipse and the corona, even including the miracle of Luna and the miracle of the universe, Gauss is indeed blue (true)!

Sorry, Gauss, you are blue anyway, and you have basically never been to the Land of Light.

You are a gentle warrior, a kind and brave man, the King of the Sea who can open the harem wherever you go, and you have become famous in the Kingdom of Light, which will only make you feel like a fish in water!
But I, Nexus, can't do it!
In this current predicament, let me, Nexus, borrow your name to use it!
I will definitely repay you in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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