Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 316: I can start Versailles anytime, anywhere.

Chapter 316: I can start Versailles anytime, anywhere.

After finally running away quietly, Nexus inevitably became famous in the Kingdom of Light, especially as a blue warrior.

Although the other Ultra fighters found that Nexus was very similar to a certain red warrior and a pure silver warrior except for the color, they were almost exactly the same except for the different colors.

But in line with the idea that the Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light does not change color, everyone did not think too much, and did not confuse these three Ultraman fighters as one person.

Although these three were originally one person...

After King Gurant was forced to retreat, the pressure of Zhou Da's resurrection was on Ao's father's head again. Coupled with the reappearance of Gu'a, the current Kingdom of Light can really be described as precarious, and the burden on Ao's father All of a sudden it became heavier, and he sighed and didn't know what to do.

Under such circumstances, Nexus wanted to leave and set foot on the road to find the red ball, but with the current situation in the Kingdom of Light, he always felt unbearable if he left.

Therefore, he could only put back his eager heart for the time being, and help the Kingdom of Light to overcome the immediate crisis first.

So during this period of time, Nexus took on a lot of tasks. He was obviously not a member of the Ultra Guard, but he was still doing the work of a member of the Guard, and very quickly.

Whether it is a signal from a low-level civilization calling for help to the Kingdom of Light, or a monster invading a certain planet to wreak havoc, Nexus travels one by one in the shuttle of red light, bringing hope to these suffering civilizations and planets.

Since then, the name of Nexus has become more and more resounding, and has been sung among countless civilizations and cosmic people.

After all, running around the universe like this is really good for gaining prestige.

The red body in armor and cloak, the golden storm sword, once became the nightmare of the unruly cosmic people in the universe, and also became the savior of those civilizations that were trampled arbitrarily.

How many monsters he wiped out, how many civilizations he saved, and how many planets he left behind his own legends, Nexus himself doesn't even remember.

He just wanted to show off his reputation and make himself a banner to deter those who were still plotting against the Kingdom of Light.

And in that case, it shouldn't matter even if the self with this name disappears for a while.

At that time, the deterrent force had already come out. Even if he disappeared, those guys would never do anything until it was confirmed that Nexus had completely disappeared.

Nexus' idea was good, and he did the same, but he also paid a price for it, that is time.

Even when he was hunting monsters in the universe halfway, he was contacted urgently by Aofu halfway, and then directly shifted his position in the universe starry sky and went straight to the earth.

The tyrant monster Tyrant has appeared and is currently breaking through the Ultra brothers' defense line, and Ace is struggling to support it.

Once Ace is defeated, Tyrant is bound to come to Earth.

As for Taylor, Ao's father didn't think that Taylor had the ability to defeat Tyrant, so he hurriedly called Nexus to help.

Taro, who was integrated with Toko Taro, is no longer at that young age now. Fused with Toko Taro, who also belongs to Taro's half body, Taro's growth has been completely supplemented, and he has returned to his true age and height.

Two in one is the real Taylor.

But when Nexus arrived on Earth, Tyrant was already dead.

It was Taylor who discovered that Tyrant's weapon was the equipment that could really kill Tyrant during the battle, and successfully eliminated Tyrant.

But Nexus knew that after the elimination of Tyrant, Taro felt that he surpassed his five brothers and swelled.

Because the five brothers lost one after another, but he defeated Tyrant, doesn't that mean that Taylor > the five Ultra brothers?

The inflated Taylor has completely lost his judgment, and completely ignores Sophie's advice.

And this, he soon ushered in his fiasco.

Nexus has no intention of getting involved, the Ultra brothers are all on the earth, even if something happens to Taro, the Ultra brothers will handle it properly for him.

And the next person to have this treatment will be Ultraman Mebius in the future.

After Tyro defeated Tyrant, Nexus informed Aofu with Ott's signature, while he himself went straight to the original mission.

That is to go to a certain planet to eliminate the three-headed dragon that entrenched there and fell from the universe. It has the power to manipulate gravity, and its strength is extraordinary.

And it was under such circumstances that an invisible fluctuation began to spread.

This is a wave that spreads from outside the universe. It is the same as the factor of the alien beast, but it is a little different.

Nexus, who noticed this fluctuation, stopped instantly, because from this fluctuation, a picture began to appear in his mind.

That is above a huge sacred tree, a red sphere hangs high in the sky, and at the same time, a pitch-black figure is spit out from the space by the red sphere.

Nexus didn't have time to see clearly who was spit out, and the picture in his mind was interrupted directly.

But in the end, he saw the Devil's Claw, a weapon that belonged to the dark giant that he was no longer familiar with on the island.

"Faust is dead, could it be... Mephisto?" Faust had died a long time ago, but Mephisto has not appeared for a long time, which also confused Nexus.

In the scenes that Stone Wing told him, Mephisto absorbed almost all the light of Nexus, and only a small part came to him.

This also led to the fact that although the source can become Nexus, its attributes in all aspects are even lower than those of the juvenile body.

If it wasn't for the miracles happening again and again, I'm afraid that this incomplete light would only be to that extent.

Having almost absorbed the entire Nexus light, Nexus didn't think that Mephisto couldn't find him.

Even Jing Hu can do it, why can't the stronger Mephisto?

So either Mephisto is sitting on the sidelines, or Mephisto is doing something more important.

And the arrival of that wave of fluctuations means that the red ball is very close to the universe where it is now, and it may be next to the Showa universe, the door next door.

Jonias said that the red ball is in a very remote place, and now that it has come here, does that mean that the red ball has destroyed that remote universe?

The guy who controlled the red ball destroyed a world again and got everything he wanted?
Thinking of other worlds suffering the same fate as him, an invisible pressure suddenly oppressed Nexus, even as if he was strangling his neck and slowly shrinking hard.

He really wants to set off immediately to the world where the red ball is, he is very urgent.

But at the same time, he also understands that the Kingdom of Light still needs his help.

He's not the type to just do his own thing and leave everything behind.

However, one has to choose between the two.

"Go, Nexus."

Just when Nexus was hesitating, King Ao's voice sounded suddenly, across the distance of countless light-years, directly resounding in Nexus' mind.

"Do what you want to do."

"But, once I leave, the Kingdom of Light..."

"Don't underestimate the Kingdom of Light, Nexus, in another timeline, even without your arrival, the Kingdom of Light can still get out of the predicament." After a pause, King Ao added One sentence.

"What's more, the Kingdom of Light cannot be destroyed. In this universe, there is no one who can destroy the Kingdom of Light."

"Really?" Why did Nexus always feel that these words were just bragging?

Judging from the current strength of the Kingdom of Light, that is really impossible.

"That's right, if I said that the Kingdom of Light will not be destroyed, then the Kingdom of Light will not be destroyed."

The plain words were filled with the calmness of explaining the facts, as if Ao Wang was just stating a very simple matter.

Of course, for him, it is indeed very simple.

(End of this chapter)

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