Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 318 A certain o-50 local Hei Ao came up with a ring sword and was a jump cut

Chapter 318 A certain o-50 local Hei Ao came up with a ring sword and just jumped and cut

"So that's it, isn't this the universe I'm in? Is this thing calling me here?"

Mephisto, who came from another universe, quickly figured out what was going on now. The red ball was spinning around, and not far away was the familiar red youth Nexus standing there facing him. .

Even after leaving that universe, what he has to face is still Nexus.

It's just that it's not the Nexus he knows well either.

But it doesn't matter, since he can fight against Nexus in his own world, he can also fight against Nexus in other worlds.

Anyway, they are all the same Ultraman, they are the same in every way, so I, Mephisto, am not the same random killer?

"What a surprise, I didn't expect to get the light of other Nexus, it's really..." Mephistopheles rubbed the devil's claw in his hand, looking very satisfied.

But his satisfaction is only for this moment, because the red figure rushing towards him in the next second hit Mephisto's chin with an uppercut, which was very powerful and powerful.

The Rising Dragon Fist drove Mephisto into the thick clouds, and the criss-crossing lightning seemed to sense the entry of a foreign object, and the entangled Thunder Snake spread to Mephisto's body, flashing lightning.

The continuous lightning strikes lasted only a moment, and Mephisto reacted quickly, tearing apart the staggered thunder with his devil's claws, flying down with smoke all over his body, and rushed out of the thundercloud.

But what immediately greeted him were three crescent light blades flying in succession.

The three attacks all hit Mephisto, knocking him down from the sky, and falling into the abyss of boundless darkness.

Nexus, ignoring the batch of Mephistos who served this dish, directly changed direction and rushed towards the location of the red ball.

Although he didn't know what the red ball was doing when it stayed at the top of the Warrior's Peak, it definitely wouldn't be a good thing.

Nexus was flying very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of the red ball.

He just wanted to reach out and grab the red ball, but a black and purple sword light whizzed past him, forcing him to take a few steps back.

And a master?

Backing back a few steps, a turbulent sword light emerged from the ground, and at the same time, a large circular sword swept across, which was blocked by Nexus with his arms bent.

It was at this time that he saw clearly who was attacking him.

Holding a very strange ring-shaped sword, the energy timer on the chest is also the symbol of the ring, black and purple stripes criss-cross on the body, looking at Nexus with evil eyes and tilting his head, unable to say terrible.

The dark purple gem crystal above the head emits a strong light.

"This posture, this appearance... Are you Uub? No, you are Dark Uub."

Of course Nexus knows what Ultraman Uub looks like, especially since this is O-50, which is where Uub was born.

Although Dark Uub should never appear during this time period, the red ball can do such a thing, turning the impossible into possible.

Dark Uub seems to have no sanity, and everything is driven by instinct.

The holy sword missed, and Uub swung his arm directly to strike with the ring, but was still blocked by Nexus.

What confuses Nexus the most now is how Mephisto and Dark Uub got here.

Except for Jugula, Hongkai, and him, the three living beings, o-50 currently doesn't have any intelligent life.

Whose wish was the red ball calling out to these two dark giants one after another?

Why did it come all the way from other universes, but here the red ball can do such a thing.

Or is the planet O-50 really alive?

At the same time, Jugula and Hongkai were also climbing with difficulty. Although a great battle was erupting above, the appearance of the legendary giant of light made them eager to witness the legendary true self, the giant of light. look like.

With the motivation to persist, the speed of climbing has become much faster.

Jugula and Hongkai climbed to the top of the warriors one after another. Panting and exhausted all their strength, they could only lie limply on the ground, looking at the sky covered by thick clouds, panting heavily to recover their strength.

The dark purple flames flew by, and fell from the top of the warrior peak into the boundless dark abyss. Jugula stood up with difficulty, grabbed Hong Kai by the collar, and pulled him towards the altar together. go.

The next moment, the dark holy sword was inserted into the ground, and the violent tremor caused the entire top of the warrior to become unstable.

Dark Uub has no concept of protecting his hometown at all. With the ability of the Dark Holy Sword, he is launching an attack of earth elements, intending to shake the peak of this warrior down.

It is impossible for Nexus to tolerate Dark Uub to continue, and he also popped out the Sword of Storm, but he does not control the four elements, nor does he have the complex power of the Holy Sword of Darkness, so Nexus who popped out the Sword of Storm is the only one What can be done is to surround Wei and rescue Zhao, and directly attack Dark Uub.

Flicking the Storm Sword with one hand, Nexus covered the Storm Sword with a new layer of light particles, making the entire Storm Sword look even more dazzling.

Immediately, Nexus slashed a crescent shock wave horizontally, rushing towards Dark Uub with a roar.

Dark Uub didn't intend to raise the holy sword, but directly gathered his hands to form a cross, released the dark light, and hit the crescent shock wave head-on.

But the Crescent Shockwave was not affected, it cut through the light like a bamboo, and directly hit Dark Uub's dull eyes.

The moment the crescent shock wave hit, that piece of space was stagnated in a brilliant glow.

Golden light particles covered the entire space, and then, cracks appeared abruptly in the stagnant space like a shattered mirror, the sound became louder and more damaged.

Until that piece of space completely collapsed and completely turned into a space black hole.

The black hole of distorted space engulfs the fragments of space to form a storm, causing continuous cutting on Dark Uub's body.

Dark Uub, who was absorbed by the black hole, had no ability to escape. He grabbed both sides of the black hole with both hands, trying to prevent himself from being sucked in.

Without the slightest hesitation, Nexus immediately began to put on a posture, preparing for the ultimate move forward gesture, and then formed an "L" shape with his hands, releasing the ultimate light-torrent.

The golden-red light spans many distances and is about to hit Dark Uub.

But at this last moment, a black-purple energy ray inserted from the side, instead of blocking the ultimate ray-torrent, it came straight to Nexus.

The ultimate light-torrent hit Dark Uub, powerful force swept Dark Uub's body, the power of atomic cracking spread to his whole body, and the cracks began to spread.

Dark Uub lost the power to resist, loosened his hands, was absorbed by the black hole, and fell into an unknown dimensional crack.

At the moment when the space was about to close, a resounding explosion announced the fate of Dark Uub.

But at the same time, Nexus was also hit by this powerful light, pushing him back all the way until he was blown out and fell towards the dark abyss.

"that is……"

The giant battles that broke out one after another stunned Jugula and Hongkai, who used to only exist in legends, but now appear one after another as if they are worthless.

Especially the existence that came out of the endless darkness from under the red ball, even just looking at it, made Jugula terrified.

The lowered hands showed that the light just released was released by it, and the violent and deep breath swept the audience with a strong impact.

The whole black body looks thin and thin, but it actually contains quite powerful power in the body.

The energy core of the red flying bird imprint on his chest shows the long-standing connection between him and Nexus.

Red tear stains slipped from the corners of the eyes, and the claw-like hands were torn apart towards the sides.

The roar of the sky turned into sound waves, and the vibrating air circle after circle sent Jugula and Hongkai directly flying, and swayed from the top of the warrior like a garbage bag with the air waves.

In mid-air, they are about to fall to the top of the corporals and be swallowed by the dark abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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