Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 319 At the end of o-50, Zaki reappears the tide of destruction

Chapter 319 At the end of o-50, Zaki reappears the tide of destruction

The pure white binding light quickly wrapped around Jugula and Hongkai's bodies from below, wrapped around their bodies and brought it into Nexus' hands.

In the next second, Nexus, who slowly flew up from the bottom of the Warrior's Summit, landed beside the altar above, holding Jugula and Hongkai in his palms, and looked at the dark figure not far away, with an expression on his face. The room was extremely dignified.

He already recognized who this guy was.

The red ball spun slowly and entered the thick clouds, emitting a powerful red light that illuminated the sky, like a red sun.

And this also brought out certain scenes deep in Nexus' memory.

He had seen this red sun before, and he struggled to survive under such light.


The roaring Demon God released a powerful aura, Dark Zaki, who called himself the old enemy of Ultraman Noah, was actually a biological weapon created by the visitor based on Noah, but lost control because it was too powerful.

Dark Zaki fell into a rampage, destroyed the visitor's planet, and controlled the existence of alien beasts, creating corresponding dark giants, spreading in one universe after another, pursuing the existence of Noah.

Essentially speaking, this is Zaki as the front boss of the entire Nexus TV after Lucifer's role was cut.

But in fact, in the real Ultraman world, Zaki is just a biological weapon made by visitors, which cannot be compared with Noah.

And whether Lucifer really exists is something Nexus doesn't know.

Even if the visitors imitate the weapons made by Noah, Zaki's strength is unquestionable, and he is also a villain who can stand out in the entire Austrian series, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary existence.

It was no accident that the red ball called Zaki out.

This guy knew who Nexus' nemesis was, and what Zaki had been looking for.

No, it's better to say that this is the choice of the red ball, or the choice of the unknown life form lurking in o50?

Nexus doesn't know, but Zaki obviously won't let him go.

In front of Nexus, Zaki only had his presence in his eyes.

The black claws condensed powerful dark power, and the hands gathered to form a dark shock wave, and the dark torrent pushed out came straight to Nexus.

Facing Zaki, Nexus did not dare to be careless, and reached the blue youth in the second cut form, and spread out the ripple shield in front of him with one hand, completely blocking Zaki's attack.

At the same time, the other hand placed Jugula and Hongkai in the side altar, and after throwing out a pure white energy shield with one hand to protect the two, the free hand of Nexus condensed eight points of light The wheel was thrown towards Zaki.

The pure white eight-point light wheel tore through the air and flew over against the high-speed rotating gears.

Zaki withdrew the attack, smashed the eight-point light wheel with one hand, and sprinted forward at the same time.

Nexus withdrew the ripple shield, raised his fist and rushed forward. In the first moment of handover between the two sides, Nexus pushed away Zaki's simple, direct and unchanged punch, and slapped Zaki's chest with one palm. While forcing him back a few steps, Nexus hugged Zaki's waist directly, and under the centrifugal force of his body, drove Zaki to rotate a few times, and then smashed Zaki heavily on the ground.

Thanks to Jonias' help (violence) and assistance (hitting), the wrestling skills in Nexus's gymnastics have risen in a straight line.

After all, there is a muscular man by his side. If his wrestling skills fail to improve, the consequences will be very serious.

This is all forced out.

Zaki struggled to get up, but Nexus caught him on the ground, grabbed Zaki by the arm, and punched him in the knuckles.

Taking advantage of the trend, he rolled away from the spot, avoiding Zaki's slapped hand, Nexus was almost completely lying on his side on the ground, and kicked Zaki's chest and ribs.

Huge pain swept Zaki's body, making him even more insane.

Being irrational, he grabbed Nexus' foot and wanted to break Nexus' ankle.

It's a pity that Nexus was already prepared. He rolled his body and kicked Zaki's face directly with his other foot, successfully breaking away from Zaki's control.

The distance between the two sides was widened, Nexus stood up and put on a posture, while Zaki lowered one hand and covered his waist with the other.

In addition to the crazy emotions revealed in the red eyes, there is also a trace of fear.

The melee combat was suppressed, which made Zaki a little confused.

But Nexus would not hesitate, beating a dog in the water was a necessary foundation in a battle, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Nexus strode straight towards Zaki.

Being contused in melee combat, Zaki didn't want to continue for a short time. He took a few steps back to open the distance. Zaki released the crescent light blade with one hand, and released the hand knife continuously, and the dark red crescent light blade continued bombardment.

Nexus popped out the sword of the storm, swung the light of the sword to cut through all these crescent light blades, and the approaching distance symbolized that the two sides were about to collide again at close range.

Zaki's madness overwhelmed reason, and instead of releasing the Crescent Blade, he also rushed towards Nexus.

With three steps and two steps in parallel, he accumulated a powerful dark force, making this punch like thunder.

Nexus also gathered a large amount of light energy on his fist, and emitted a halo of purple fluorescence.

This is a skill inherited from Tiga, accumulating power to punch.

Two fists meet, light and thunder collide, darkness and light each occupy half of the world, powerful energy shock waves sweep through the surroundings, and even form a storm that soars into the sky, stirring the thick clouds on the sky, forming a spiral shape.

The collision between darkness and light was only for a moment, and then the fists and feet came into contact. In the mutual collision, each punch can stir up a large vacuum wave, and each foot can leave deep cracks on the ground.

A single strike of energy at hand can cause great damage.

The wind and clouds were stirring, and the thick clouds began to rain, which was dense and corrosive, causing waves of white mist to appear on the surrounding land.

The fists of the two sides collided again, each of them was pushed back by each other's strength, and the distance opened gave both sides a chance.

Zaki raised his hands flat on his chest, and the bird's core began to emit red light. With a roar, he spread his hands to the sides, and the blood-deep core pulse rushed out, approaching Nexus.

Nexus, on the other hand, curled his hands in front of his chest, interlaced blue halos swam on the energy core, and as Nexus spread his hands to both sides, the blue-gold core pulse was also released. out, hitting Zaki's core pulse directly.

This is the collision of destiny and destiny, and even more the duel between darkness and light.

This is not the end, nor is it the beginning, but a battle between the enemy and the enemy that belongs to the same source that may be staged in every universe.

At the moment when the two opposing core pulses were handed over, the sudden burst of light and shadow covered all the colors in front of the eyes of the only two spectators, Jugula and Hongkai.

Pure darkness reflected in the ultimate brilliance.

A glimmer of light in the deep darkness.

In this battle of light and shadow, Jugula and Hongkai saw two completely different scenes.

It seems to represent the road they will walk in the future, but it is not the same.

The core pulse confrontation continued, and the strong impact caused the ground under the feet of both sides to begin to crack.

The entire O-50 planet began to tremble under the collision of these two forces, as if it would disintegrate and split apart at any moment.

(End of this chapter)

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