Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 320 The fried chicken bucket like lightning 1, its taste...

Chapter 320 The Fried Chicken Bucket Like Lightning, Its Taste...

A powerful force was stimulated from the dark abyss, forming a third force that hit the center where the core pulses were facing each other.

This sudden third force upset the balance, causing the core pulse to explode.

During the rumbling explosion of the three forces, Nexus took a few steps back and came in front of Jugula and Hongkai, propped up the corrugated shield to block the shock wave of the explosion.

He knew that with the protection he had arranged before, he couldn't stop this strong impact.

And the source of the third force... Is there really another intelligent life form in the dark abyss?

Or is it the will of O-50?
The fact that the red ball can summon brand new existences one after another is also responding to this guy's wish?
But...what is in the dark abyss below the top of the o-50 warrior, which was never mentioned in the original plot.

No, it would be better to say that there is no such setting directly, there is no such thing as a dark abyss at all.

But when Nexus stood on the land of the planet O-50, he could fully feel the existence of the dark abyss.

Powerful explosions pierced the surface, a deep chasm stretching far into the distance, to the end of the planet that not even Nexus could see.

The turbulent magma erupted, and the magma, which swelled like a sea tide, was slightly embellished in the tumbling, and fell on the ground to make a sizzling sound.

Zaki, who rushed out of the explosion without any damage to his body, went straight to Nexus. He only saw the existence of Nexus as an enemy. For him, it was still not as important as killing Nexus.

Sensing the two gazes behind him, Nexus also knew that he couldn't retreat, so he rushed forward with his fists clenched.

Tilting his head to avoid Zaki's fist, Nexus bent his arms and attacked Zaki's stomach.

After the continuous heavy punches, Zaki, who felt the pain, became more and more frantic. He shook Nexus forcefully and brought Nexus in front of him. The pitch-black fist continued to hit Nexus hard on the abdomen, as if he wanted to hurt himself. Everything is paid back.

After taking a few punches, Nexus grabbed Zaki's shoulders with both hands, and instead of retreating, he directly hugged Zaki's body and pushed him forward.

In this way, his subsequent attacks will not be able to continue.

Pushing a good distance, Zaki clasped his hands together, and hit Nexus on the back like a cannon hammer.

This powerful punch knocked Nexus down, and he half-kneeled on the ground directly. The burning pain on his back told Nexus the pain he had borne.

Zaki's attack was not over yet, Nexus only had time to put his hands in front of him and blocked Zaki's kick, but he was kicked out and rolled several times on the ground. He rearranged his fighting posture and half-kneeled in a vigilant posture.

Zaki roared a few times proudly, and condensed a powerful energy ball with one hand. The black-purple energy ball released light of uncertain brightness and darkness, and was thrown away by Zaki with one hand.

Nexus was not surprised either, he raised his outstretched palm above his head, and also condensed a blue-white energy ball, which was thrown out by him.

Light and darkness collided again, and while both were annihilated, fists and feet collided again.

As far as the two are concerned, neither side can tolerate the other's survival, and it is bound to compete here to decide each other's life and death.

"What did you think of?" Hong Kai stared at Nexus without blinking his eyes. This is a battle of legends and a battle of giants of light.

Opponents emerged endlessly, and the extremely powerful enemies made Hong Kai cry out in terror.

But the giant of light in front of him held on.

Jugula's question was automatically ignored in his ears, and now Hongkai just wanted to give his brain to his eyes with all his heart.

He wants to engrave this powerful posture in his memory and never forget it for the rest of his life.

No matter what the future holds, the existence of the giant of light is real, and he has seen it with his own eyes.

Jugula's focus was different, his focus was on the red ball, the red ball that was being chased by the giant of light, and became more and more strange and ominous.

Juggler didn't know what this thing was useful for, but that didn't stop Juggler from wanting it.


And here, Zaki is worthy of the visitor's imitation of the weapon made by Noah, and Nexus has a deep understanding of the strength of this strength.

Except for Jonias and King Gurante, this was also the first time Nexus failed to win quickly after turning on the blue youth form.

But Nexus still has confidence. After several fights between the two sides, he has a general understanding of Zaki's strength.

Zaki is not an invincible target, and he was also misled by the plot where Zaki was eliminated by Noah in the plot. He thought that Zaki can only be taken away by Noah, but it is not the case at all.

After realizing this, Nexus joined Zaki in the battle, and the almost identical skills and abilities of both sides made the situation of the battle stalemate for a while.

But Nexus already has the assurance of victory.

Zaki was still crazy, especially after seeing Nexus, the madness became more serious.

There are more and more abilities and skills in the battle, but the delay in taking down Nexus makes Zaki more and more manic.

This mania was reflected in Zaki's actions. He couldn't even wait for a moment. Almost the moment the two sides separated, he rushed up and attacked Nexus again.

The interval was very short, and even up to now, Zaki wanted to grab Nexus.

Commonly known as, getting clingier (not).

Instead of using the Storm Sword, Nexus began to attack with the arm blade, and the extremely sharp arm blade drew sparks on Zaki's body. Zaki actually endured the pain and grabbed Naixus tightly. With the other arm of Kesos, a strong lock man came directly.

Zaki was behind him, and Nexus couldn't attack him for a while.

In another place, the red ball emitting a unique red light seemed to have found what it was looking for, and constructed a space tunnel by itself, and the red ball flew directly into it without looking back.

If Nexus hadn't been chasing it all the time, at this time, the red ball felt that he should have arrived at that place.

"Wait! Don't even think about leaving!"

Seeing that the red ball was about to run, Nexus was also in a hurry. He really wanted to catch up, but he couldn't do it, because Zaki, who was like an idiot, grabbed his back and made him unable to do anything. get away.

Furious, Nexus burst out with intense flames, which burned Zaki's body in an instant.

This time, instead, Nexus seized the opportunity and hugged Zaki back when Zaki was subconsciously let go by the flames.

The powerful explosion of the Ultra Bomb devastated the land of O50 once again, causing the planet to suffer unspeakable pain.

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, Zaki flew out. Floating in mid-air, he looked at the deep pothole on the ground, and at this moment his tyrannical heart became slightly calm.

And this peace was shattered again after seeing the blue figure slowly getting up.

Zaki roared and waved his hand, and began to accumulate light energy.

What he will use next is a nirvana that is more powerful than the core pulse.

Visitors use Noah Altman's light as a template to create and simulate the light stunt.

Zaki - Lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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