Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 321 I'll show you today, what is Lan Nai Che Lan Zaki

Chapter 321 I'll show you today, what is Lan Nai Che Lan Zaki

Zaki-Lightning is a light technique simulated by visitors imitating Ultraman Noah's light, and it is the strongest skill engraved in Zaki's body.

Although it is not comparable to the real Noah-Lightning, it is definitely several times more powerful than ordinary light.

After sensing Zaki-Lightning's strong pressure before accumulating power, Nexus knew that the ultimate light-torrent could not be the opponent of this move.

Perhaps the energy levels are not much different from each other, but the energy output is not comparable.

The ultimate light-torrent will be crushed by the output of Zaki-Lightning.

Can't let Zaki pull this move.

That was the thought that immediately came to Nexus' mind, and he did the same.

The extended storm sword was raised high, and the thousand-meter storm sword exuded a strong golden light, bright and brilliant.

At the moment of the extreme eruption, the sword light fell and slashed impressively.

The powerful slash released a powerful output, and the sword light that formed a long golden line descended from the sky, intending to split Zaki in half.

If he was still accumulating energy in place, the sword of the storm would definitely hit his body first, and then he would only be hit.

Zaki didn't hesitate, and took back the action of releasing the light, turned his head and ran away, avoiding the blow of the Storm Sword.

The moment he landed, Zaki disappeared from the spot, and appeared in front of Nexus in an instant, grabbing the blade of the Storm Sword.

Regardless of the sparks flying from his hand being cut by the Storm Sword, Zaki screamed and intended to twist the Storm Sword.

He was in a frenzy, and he didn't care about anything else at all.

Nexus withdrew the Storm Sword, leaving Zaki caught in the air. His hands and fingers were interlaced, wrestling with each other, and no one was willing to let the other go.

This black and red body, which is highly similar to Noah's body, made Nexus stunned for a while.

Apart from seeing it on the computer, this was the first time he saw Zaki's existence with his own eyes.

Is the Zaki summoned by the red ball the same existence as the Zaki who destroyed his world?
Or... just a parallel individual body.

Nexus couldn't figure out Zaki's origin, but it didn't prevent him from ruining Zaki's life.

Twisting his own wrist, breaking away from the deadlock of wrestling, Nexus grabbed Zaki's arm with his backhand, and drove the arm blade around his wrist, drawing sparks flying.

Zaki let go in pain, but instead slapped Nexus hard on the shoulder, and then made a sideways kick, but was blocked by Nexus's bent arm.

The two sides took a few steps back, deeply aware of the difficulty of the other party, and had to admit that they were both powerful opponents.

But between life and death, only one can survive.

Zaki doesn't care what the ball is red or not, he just wants Nexus dead, that's all.

Nexus has more important things and things that need him to do more, but Zaki cannot let him go easily, so after thinking about it, Nexus has only one choice.

Condensing light particles with one hand, Nexus smeared it on the Storm Sword, making the Storm Sword shine brilliantly like an enchantment.

But Nexus understood that the blow that was released next was a powerful blow that carried the level of cutting through space.

Smear the light particles from the Meta Field on the Storm Sword to form a Dimensional Slash attack, which can shatter the space and create a black hole to absorb the enemy.

It can be said that it was figured out by Nexus, the bottom-of-the-box skill after Ice and Fire.

Zaki doesn't understand these things. He doesn't have the concept of the Meta-Ta domain or Dimensional Slash. For him, he only needs to understand one thing.

That is reckless.

As long as you can wear it recklessly, it's not a problem.

Zaki tore his hands to the sides, and ran towards Nexus while maintaining this full second-degree movement.

As for Nexus, the sword of the storm slashed across the space in front of him, and then slammed down. The crescent shock wave carrying a strong golden light roared past, tearing the ground apart, leaving a shattered ground crack and galloping all the way.

Zaki put his hands in front of him, and his claw-like claws grabbed the crescent shock wave up and down, trying to tear it apart with brute force.

But the crescent shock wave exploded the moment it hit Zaki, and the light particles it carried diffused to the surroundings, shattered the space, and exploded and shattered like a mirror. The black holes that gathered instantly released a powerful attraction. Zaki at the front.

Holding both sides of the space black hole with both hands, Zaki roared and was unwilling to leave. He hadn't killed Nexus, and he hadn't ended Nexus' life, so how could he be willing to leave like this.

Seeing that Zaki was still unwilling to leave, Nexus decided to be a good person and send him back to his hometown.

He raised one hand up to the sky, and then slowly put it in front of him. The next thing he will release is the ultimate light-torrent, but it is not the one in the form of the red youth, but a brand new trick that has undergone secondary evolution.

The blue youth is a re-evolution of the red youth, and the ultimate light-torrent has also undergone a second stage of evolution.

It's just that the ultimate light of the second stage of evolution - Torrent, has a brand new name, and in the form of a blue youth, it can only be used once.

After one time, his timer will blink directly, which costs a lot.

After undergoing fusion and awakening the blue youth form, Nexus has embarked on a completely different evolutionary path from TV.

Therefore, it is very different from the blue youth in the original TV. The Nexus blue youth belonging to the source naturally has its own new tricks.

Accumulating powerful light energy, Nexus began to wave gestures.

But Zaki was taken aback suddenly when he saw such a light starting gesture, and then struggled more violently.

Because he recognized what Nexus' next light was, and he also recognized who inherited this move.

"No...no..." The mindless Zaki seemed to have awakened something because of this. Looking at the light that was completely opposite to his Zaki-lightning gesture, he finally understood the person standing in front of him. Nexus, not just Nexus.


With his right hand resting on the elbow of his upraised left hand, Nexus let out a deep shout, and the golden stream of light formed by Noah-lightning exploded instantly, and at this moment, the timer on Nexus' chest flickered directly.

Zaki roared and wanted to resist, but he couldn't pull out his hand as he was grasping the space wall with both hands. He could only watch Noah helplessly with his red eyes-the golden light stream of lightning hit him instantly.

It was deep and long, as if the eternal light from the ancient times washed over Zaki's body, and wiped out all the darkness on his body.

Immediately, Zaki screamed and exploded. The black and red body was shattered by Noah-Lightning. The powerful impact of the explosion destroyed the black hole and swept the surroundings in an instant.

The concave space expands in an instant. If you stand outside the o50 planet, you can clearly see the swelling of that space and the huge explosion that shakes the planet.

Hovering over the entire o50 sky dome, the thick clouds that existed long ago were blasted away, revealing a rare gray sky.

Although it is still dark, it no longer feels oppressive like you did.


At the place where Zaki was eliminated, the puppet of Zaki, emitting white smoke, fell into the gravel and mud, calmly like a real doll.

Half-kneeling on the ground with one foot, the flashing timer on his chest was about to join together. Nexus' body turned into light particles and scattered. The excessive consumption made him unable to maintain his transformation state, so he could only cancel it.

Yuanquan was panting heavily, even just taking a few steps took a lot of effort on his mind, almost step by step, Yuanquan's knees softened, and he knelt directly on the ground.

Picking up the smoking Zaki doll on the ground, Yuanquan felt that it was outrageous.

He thought it was the real Zaki, but he never expected that the Zaki summoned by the red ball was actually a spark puppet?

Although the strength is the same as the real Zaki, Yuanquan finally understands why this Zaki is irrational and has no communication at all.

Because he is just a spark puppet that has been realized, and everything is driven by instinct.

No brains at all.

(End of this chapter)

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