Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 322 The debtor who has not evolved into a debtor is scolded by the debtor

Chapter 322 The debtor who has not evolved into a debtor is scolded by the debtor
Putting the Zaki doll back into his arms, Yuanquan had no intention of throwing it away.

The strength of the Zaki doll is not weak, exactly the same as the real Zaki.

It's just that Nexus couldn't find a way to materialize Zaki.

If you have to say it, it should be the dark spark or the galaxy spark, which is something that only two guys, Ultraman Ginga and Luke El, can materialize the flash doll.

But the source of these two things didn't exist, and he couldn't find where Yinhe and Lukiel were.

At this moment, Yuanquan sensed a burst of powerful light energy, illuminating the entire o50 planet in an instant.

This light is wide and broad, as if it can wrap anything in it and become a part of it.

But this light is very weak, it is the new light, it comes from the planet at the foot of the source, given by O-50.

After recovering a little physical strength, Yuanquan climbed up from the bottom of the pit with difficulty, and he just happened to see the man standing in front of the altar on the top of the warrior, evolving from a human appearance in the light, and gradually becoming a giant of light Yes, Ultraman in the form of Hongkai.

The whole body is composed of red and white, and the ring-shaped timer on the chest looks completely different from the general Ultraman.

At this moment, the newborn Ultra fighter was very confused looking at the surrounding environment, and he didn't even know what happened.

The source of these red and white giants of light knows that this is the first stage of Ultraman Orb, the real nascent form.

Later, Uub experienced the story of the beginning of the original, and after completing the trial task given by o-50, o-50 will give him the light of evolution again, so that Uub's body will be dyed black, and the texture of the body will also be changed. There will be changes.

And that's Ultraman Orb's true form.

Ultraman Orb who can hold the Holy Sword of Orb, manipulate the four elements of the universe, and gather various forces to reconcile and change.

That is what Yuanquan said, an existence that can toss out dozens of attributes in one identity.

Yuanquan didn't cover up his whereabouts, not only Uub, even Jugula, who was in a state of shock, also reacted at this time.

Although he was not selected by the Warrior Summit to become the Giant of Light, Jugula's heart was full of doubts and disbelief, but at this moment he had no intention of breaking up with Hong Kai.

The break in the true sense also occurred in the plot at the beginning of the birth and the subsequent experience, which indirectly led to the differences between Hongkai and Jugula.

After subconsciously blocking the front, Jugula's body suddenly froze, and only then did he remember that Hong Kai was no longer a fragile object that needed his protection.

He is now the Giant of Light, the legendary omnipotent Giant of Light.

"Did the newborn Ultra warrior pass the light given by the o50 trial?" Although he knew Uub's origin and future, Yuanquan could only act like he had just learned about it, in order to fool him people.

"...Are you that giant of light just now?" Juggula let go of his guard, mainly because after realizing the identity of the source, Juggula didn't feel that he could play any role, so he was a little frustrated.

"Nexus, I'm Ultraman Nexus. Of course, I prefer you to call me Yuan." Yuanquan raised his head and looked at Uub, who had roughly understood what happened, before continuing. Said.

"Release your power of light, let the holy sword of Uub in your hand dissipate the power of continuous release, and think about contact transformation in your heart, and you will be able to transform back."

Uub looked at the source under his feet, nodded and obeyed.

And soon, Uub returned to the appearance of the human youth Hongkai in a burst of light.

Transforming for the first time was a huge burden on Hongkai's physical strength. He was sweating profusely and lay down on the edge of the altar, panting heavily, almost suffocating to death.

"The first transformation, the coordination of the power of light and the body for the first time, it is normal to consume more physical strength." Yuanquan shrugged, and he still felt quite happy to see Hongkai and Jugula here.

After all, he is the first face-to-face Austrian in the new generation.

"What were you chasing just now, and what is that dark giant?" Juggula put down his guard, the giant of light in front of him seemed harmless, and Juggula wanted to inquire about the information he was interested in.

Without being able to become the giant of light, Jugula had to make some new plans, so that he would not be pulled too far away by Hong Kai.

"That is something that can travel through the universes and execute destruction, and that dark giant was summoned by it." After a pause, Yuanquan added: "I have been chasing it for a long time, time is running out, I am here to stay Not for long."

"Destroy the universe? Senior, do you need my help?" Hong Kai regained some strength, and after hearing the conversation between Yuanquan and Jugula, he immediately came up to help.

Yuanquan subconsciously took a step back, and then suddenly remembered that Uub hadn't become a debt king yet, and since he got so close, there would be no risk of being borrowed.

In other words, the current Uub is someone who can get close.


"Time is tight. If I hadn't had important things to do, maybe I would have stayed and taught you how to control this power and become stronger." Yuanquan looked at Hongkai with approval, and his eyes exuded The light made Hong Kai afraid from the bottom of his heart.

Especially when Yuanquan said that he was going to teach him.

"I have to continue to pursue the guy who destroyed the world, I hope you take care of yourself." Saying that, Yuanquan set his eyes on Juggler.

"I can tell that you are a qualified fighter and he is also a good friend with him. I believe that if it is you, you will definitely be able to guide him on the right path."

"...Hmph, I don't have that leisurely mind." After a moment of silence, Jugula snorted coldly, turned his head away and stopped talking.

Hong Kai showed an awkward yet polite smile, obviously he was already used to Jugula like this.

"I can't tell you much. After all, becoming an Ultra warrior means responsibility. From now on, you will also fight on the front line and experience countless battles and life and death." Generations of fighters sit idly by.

Especially when he thought that Uub would experience such an outrageous and weird thing at the beginning of his birth, he had more to say.

"There are only two things I want to tell you. First: You are an Ultra warrior, you are yourself, your views on things, your choices about things, you must have a sense of responsibility and self-understanding, instead of following the crowd. Follow other people's opinions, and take it for granted." Yuanquan is also to prevent Uub from encountering the duo of confusing Asuka, confusing Gauss, and paddling water earth at the beginning of his original life. He has completely lost his self-assessment, and will only follow the crowd with other Ultra fighters.


Hong Kai straightened his waist and responded loudly.

Although Jugula on the side seemed to be looking at the scenery, the subtle little movement of pricking up his ears to listen completely exposed his thoughts.

"And the second point... Let me repeat another Ultra fighter's message to the new fighters." After pondering for a while, Yuanquan cleared his throat, and then said loudly.

"1: Don't go to school hungry."

"2: Dry the quilt in good weather."

"3: Pay attention to passing vehicles when crossing the road."

"4: Don't rely on the strength of others."

"5: Don't walk on the ground with bare feet."

"This is especially the fourth article, you must remember." He patted Hongkai's shoulder earnestly and earnestly. With the latter's pensive expression, Yuanquan stepped back calmly, leaving Hongkai behind. Take some time to think.

The later generations, the predecessors of the pioneers, face to face with the debt king, there are only so many things that someone like me can do!
Whether the debt king can rein in the precipice, change his mind, and start a new life depends on Ott's third son, and the words of the tribute Jack are not enough!
 Interpretation of the Five Oaths of Otto in detail.

  Article [-]: Don’t go to school hungry Meaning: You must be fully prepared before doing anything. If you are not prepared, it is likely to lead to failure and waste of previous efforts.
  The second article is to dry the quilt when the weather is good Meaning: grasp a specialty and carry it forward, don't miss opportunities and good opportunities

  The third one should pay attention to the meaning of passing vehicles when crossing the road: when doing things, pay attention to any detail, not to miss a fish that slipped through the net, and be careful. Details focus on success or failure
  Article [-] Don’t rely on other people’s strength Meaning: Do your own things by yourself, no matter what, you must rely on your own strength. The satisfaction after completing things with your own strength is something you can’t experience when others help you complete it.

  Article [-] Don't play barefoot on the ground Meaning: You must be prepared for everything, and the heart of defense is indispensable.

  Jack's message was very emotional. I said that Jack is the strongest in Showa TV because he basically got full marks in every aspect, and his standpoint, three views, and all aspects fully met the standards. (I will put a personal opinion here to avoid a big war waiting.)
(End of this chapter)

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