Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 323 Red Ball: That's right, I'm going to take Gauss's life today!

Chapter 323 Red Ball: That's right, I'm going to take Gauss's life today!
The deep and vast cosmic starry sky, the eternal darkness is an eternal theme, and the fleeting meteor is just the existence of a star for a moment, just the birth and death of a planet in the blink of an eye, which is embarrassing.

The red ball is chasing in front, and the blue streamer is biting at the back. The battle between the two chases spans countless universes. Even if the red ball runs away first, for Nexus who has the king's cloak, finding the red ball The location doesn't take much effort.

He has already remembered the breath of the red ball, and because of this, he has locked the position of the red ball. No matter which universe the red ball leads to, he can trace it, and immediately give Thunder a heavy blow.

The chasing battle in the dark universe has lasted countless times. Without the existence of intelligent life forms, it is a big problem for the red ball. It cannot exert its full power and can only be chased and fled in embarrassment.

But the main reason is actually because she miscalculated the strength of Nexus, never thought that Zaki would be defeated.

The consequences of miscalculations need to be borne by oneself, but the speed of the red ball is not slow, and she is not really fleeing aimlessly. Under the command of her master, she is looking for a world with Ultraman.

And that Ultraman's name is Gauss.

She has a very important task on her shoulders, which is to take the life of Ultraman Gauss.

Although she didn't know why her master wanted her to come to the Gaussian universe across multiple universes, and exert her full strength here to destroy Ultraman Gaussian and this universe, but the red ball was only responsible for the execution.

It was the will given by her master, and she accepted it, and acted on it as the carrier of the wish.

The purpose of the red ball is very clear, but Nexus does not know.

He came after the red ball, and he had no way of knowing what the universe was, but soon, after the red ball passed through the starlight of the river system, it plunged into a galaxy that Nexus was very familiar with. .

That is the solar system, the galaxy in which the earth is located.

"The target of the red ball is the earth in this universe?" After realizing this, Nexus speeded up again, trying to intercept the red ball before it fell to the earth.

Because Nexus clearly understands that once the red ball enters the earth, as long as it falls into the hands of humans, the red ball can exert its full power.

At that time, even he couldn't locate the red ball.

The power of the red ball in the hands of human beings is not comparable to that of the red ball that is now being chased and fleeing in embarrassment.

Nexus is fast, but the red ball is even faster than him.

No, the red ball directly tore through the space, ignoring the distance and directly escaping into the earth's atmosphere.

In the next second, the golden light particles from the meta field flew across the space, just a little bit, and could lock the red ball in the small black room.

But only a little bit.

Nexus came to the place where the red ball was before, and he could only watch the red ball enter the earth, and then in an instant, he lost his sense of the red ball, completely unable to find it.

Apparently, the red ball has entered the human world, and is even held by human beings now.

And human beings don't know at all that what he holds in his hand is the key to destroy the world.

If you enter the earth, you can't enter it in the posture of Ultraman, it is too conspicuous, and Nexus doesn't know what kind of earth this earth is, so he restrains his light and turns into a small The seeds of light penetrated the atmosphere from outside the earth, and entered into the interior of the earth.

In the process of being unnoticed, it landed in a wild forest.

It wasn't that the source randomly chose a place, but that when it descended, the source sensed a very weak breath of light energy.

This light energy is very weak, and under the vague feeling, if you are not paying special attention, you may only regard it as an illusion.

Following the breath of this light energy all the way, the source landed in this forest. Guided by the evolution trustee in his hand, he followed the path to find the past in the flickering brilliance.

At this time, Yuanquan walked to an open place and saw a busy child in a dense forest.

And that faint breath of light energy came from here.

"This scene, could it be Musashi and Gauss?" The sense of déjà vu of this scene is too strong, so strong that Yuanquan noticed something wrong at the first sight.

After all, it is the theater version of Goss, which tells the first story of the encounter between Musashi and Goss.

Not to mention the appearance of the crayfish Baltans, which made Yuanquan still remember it.

Of course, what he remembered more clearly was that Coronal Gauss hit Baltan with Nebast rays, directly pushing Baltan back all the way, flattening all the tall buildings along the way
love?You look at my fiery red corona body, you know now you want to talk to me about loving kindness?

I love you chatter!
Musashi already had a lot of ideas when he was a child. Of course, the kind heart he had since he was a child is the proof that he can maintain the bond between himself and Gauss.

Especially now, he is trying to use the reflection of the mirror to inject energy into Gauss.

That makes sense, this kind of thing is as outrageous as people shining flashlights on Tiga in the world of Ultraman Tiga. After all, if Ultraman can be resurrected with full blood by being illuminated, that would be too much. bug.

So according to Yuanquan's personal experience as an Ultraman, what awakens Ultraman actually comes from the light in the hearts of human beings.

After all, idealism is the only way to explain it.

As Little Musashi swayed, those mirrors also successfully gathered light, converging into a blazing light betting on the completely transparent Gaussian timer.

Because of this, Gauss's body began to have a rough outline, instead of being completely transparent and invisible as before.

Looking up at Gauss, although this huge figure has been seen in another universe, Gauss at that time and Gauss now are two different things after all.

The one here is the beginning of all the stories.

"Eh? Big brother, who are you? How did you get here?" Musashi looked at Gauss' body contentedly, turned around full of pride, and saw Yuanquan standing behind him at a glance.

He had no idea when there was a person standing behind him, and he had been watching for so long.

The existence of Gauss, isn't this big brother also
"Musashi, you are really doing a great thing." Touching Musashi's head, the quite familiar source stepped forward: "But this kind of light can't wake up Gauss, what he really needs is you. "

"How do you know my name?" Musashi muttered, he was sure he had never seen this person before, and he didn't look like a neighbor.

But these are not important, Musashi was attracted by what Gauss really needed, raised his head and asked.

"Me? How could I become Gauss?"

"Of course you can become Gauss, because the bond between you has already begun from this moment." The bond between Musashi and Gauss has been established, and there is no distance between the hearts, and they are completely bonded together.

Because of this, Gauss got the power of Musashi's mind and recovered faster.

(End of this chapter)

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