Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 324 You have to remember that you are both a light and a human being

Chapter 324 You have to remember that you are both a light and a human being
With the help of Xiao Musashi, Gauss recovered from the transparent posture to the concrete posture in the brilliant light, not so weak before.

The blue body stood tall on the ground, it was huge, looking up at this huge giant as a human being, the shocking feeling it brought was always so extraordinary.

Gauss, who initially recovered some energy, lowered his head and looked at Musashi and the source.

This is the original Gauss, not the Gauss of Musashi later.

Although the form of the moon god is indeed a gentle form, Gauss himself does not blindly pursue love. When he feels that it is irreparable, he will also use powerful force to destroy it.

Gauss squatted down, and Otto's mental power linked Musashi and Yuanquan's consciousness, so that the two could understand what each other wanted to express without needing to speak at all.

Musashi thus learned the name of Ultraman Gauss and why Gauss was lying here.

And the source is to pay tribute to each other with Gauss. As Ultra fighters, they can naturally have initial trust.

But Gauss is still in a weak state. Although he has recovered his body, it will take a long time to fully recover his energy.

Therefore, in the communication with Yuanquan, Gauss asked Yuanquan to take care of the earth during this time. Once Baltan appeared, he hoped Yuanquan could take action.

Similarly, Gauss also asked Yuanquan to take care of Musashi and protect the child.

Yuanquan naturally agreed, and he also told Gauss about the red ball, hoping that Gauss would pay attention.

After all, in this universe, Gauss is the local mystery, and the source is only an outsider, of course not as well understood as Gauss.

The communication between the two Ultramen was very fast, and Gauss naturally agreed to Yuanquan's request. After the discussion, Gauss turned his attention to Musashi, stretched out his palm, and spread it in front of Musashi.

He has already seen Musashi's heart, and he has a better understanding of the child's future, and since he accepted the child's light, he has already established a bond with the child.

Gauss understands that he will have a partner who will fight side by side, a human body.

After traveling in the universe for many years, he couldn't avoid the fact that he would have a human body.

Of course, this is actually quite novel to Gauss.

After all, it's never been done before.

Musashi is not afraid of Gauss, he has heard the legend about Ultraman until now, and he has a natural affection for Ultraman.

Without any hesitation, he stood on the palm of Gauss, and then, being held in the palm of Gauss, he flew into the sky.

Gauss wants to take Musashi to fly around the sky to let him appreciate different scenery, which is what he can do for Musashi now.

Yuanquan didn't follow. He watched Gauss flying in the sky and knew that Gauss, except Musashi, couldn't see Gauss at all.

Otherwise, such a huge giant flying in the sky will of course cause a sensation among the citizens.

Walking down the mountain slowly, Yuanquan has maintained the image of Ultraman for a long time. Terman's identity.

That is to say, look at the big world and the earth from the perspective of a third party.

It's not that that's bad, it's just that Yuanquan feels that it will create a strong sense of separation from his human side.

He is the last person in his hometown, and he will never give up his identity as a human being.

Even if he doesn't look like a human being anymore, as long as Yuanquan admits it, then he feels that he is still a human being.

The road down the mountain was a bit muddy, probably because of the rain last night. Yuanquan could even see a few children holding the adults' hands and running towards the mountain.

Those children's mouths kept making anxious calls.And what they called was Musashi's name.

Presumably it was the heavy rain last night, and the children who met to watch the lunar eclipse on the top of the mountain were scared away by the violent storm, lightning and thunder, so when they found out that Musashi hadn’t come back in the morning, they immediately dragged their parents up the mountain to look for Musashi.

They were worried about Musashi's safety.

The figures of the person going down the mountain and the person going up the mountain passed by each other, and the intertwined eyes were greeted by the nodding of both sides.

After all, they are just strangers to each other, and it is enough to have such communication.

The source went down the mountain and soon came to the urban area near the edge of the city, where Musashi lived.

At a glance, after walking downhill, there are crowded houses on the left and right of the endless road.As far as this small place is concerned, such crowded high-rise buildings and houses are enough to show that there are many people living here.

Of course, Yuanquan looked at the empty and tall buildings in the bustling urban area further away, and probably understood why it was so crowded here.

Putting his hands in the pockets of his clothes, Yuanquan walked on the street.

The scent of flowers in the flower shop is breath-taking, and the office workers passing by him on bicycles smile and wave their hands; the orderly cars at the intersection follow the traffic lights and wait; they are already in groups, carrying school bags to go Children who go to school are chasing and playing on the side of the road.

The planes whistling in the sky blocked the morning sun and cast a shadow across the body of the source.

The pervasive atmosphere of human society gradually dispelled the feeling of separation in Yuanquan's heart, allowing him to get rid of the sense of separation from human identity brought about by maintaining the Ultraman form for a long time.

He leaned out and greeted the children passing by the road, and nodded to the girls who came home with bags after the corner. Not far away, the boy who was waving the wooden stick in his hand as a peerless sword was chasing after him. The big demon king in front of him, yelling the lines of Zhong Er, passed by the source.

Even the boy who was regarded as the great demon king circled around Yuanquan a few times before making a face and running away again.

The Peerless Excalibur hit the wooden fence while waving, breaking off a section of the front end, but the young man didn't care, as there was not only one Peerless Excalibur, he was chasing after the Great Demon King while shouting, and he was bound to slay demons today Eliminate demons and rescue the beautiful princess.

He had never felt these scenes even in Tiga's time and space.

This kind of gentle feeling, this kind of peaceful atmosphere that relaxes from the bottom of my heart, and can even live lazily, is something Yuanquan has never felt before.

The root cause, the real reason, is probably that when he was in Dijia time and space, Yuanquan was a social animal, the kind who had to clock in and go to work on time every day, of course it was not peaceful
And later became Ultraman, even more tense his nerves, struggling in the days of protecting the earth, in order to become stronger, he dared not relax in the slightest.

The benevolent brave man, the gentle Gauss, did he bring such peace to this universe?
It is simply a peace that I would never dare to think about in other universes. Let me feel the source of all this in person, and I like it from the bottom of my heart.

He also believes that as long as he feels this way, no one will not like this kind of life, such a peaceful and beautiful world.

"This kind of world, red ball, do you have the heart to destroy it?"

His heart is peaceful, but what he thinks in his mind is the arrival of the red ball and the destruction of his own world.

If such a world is finally engulfed by burning flames of war, if such a peaceful universe has since been wrapped up in loneliness and despair, then how can there be any hope in this multiverse?
The source of this thought was in meditation, when he suddenly noticed that the hem of his clothes was being grabbed by a pair of white hands.

A girl wearing red shoes and a white pleated skirt quietly appeared beside Yuanquan.

Yuanquan stopped in his tracks. He had seen the same style of red shoes and pleated skirt in the fragments of his memories, and it was in a burning ruin.

If he's right, this girl should be.
"I'm sorry." Before turning around, Yuanquan heard the girl's apology.

With full apologies and remorse.

(End of this chapter)

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