Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 330 Galatron: I am the last glory of the Jiazi monsters!

Chapter 330 Galatron: I am the last glory of the Jiazi monsters!
Because of the appearance of Nexus, the Baltan star who had planned to come out with some minor injuries suddenly lost that idea, and even prepared to squat inside Baron's body for a while.

When the turmoil is over, I will prepare to make trouble again.

Anyway, the earth is ready to be taken. If the free country hadn't packaged the biological pictures and coordinates of the earth and broadcast them directly to the whole universe, Baltan really couldn't prepare to locate the earth.

Of course, it doesn't understand what it is to expose its position before it has broken through to interstellar civilization.

It can only be too sandy as a human being on earth, otherwise how could it do this?

Because his own planet has been destroyed, Baltan is leading a whole planet of small Baltan aliens looking for a habitable planet, and the earth is just sent to the door for nothing, with pleasant scenery and good climate, it is a rare good place.

It's just that human beings are an eyesore, and they damage the environment every day.

Except for a certain country on the rooster map who is doing business all day long, the other human Baltans feel that there is something seriously wrong with the designation.

To be honest, since you humans don't cherish the earth so much, then I, Baltan, will accept it with a blunt smile.

If it hadn't been for the encounter with Ultraman Gauss on the way here, and then a war broke out with Gauss, Baltan would have declared war on the earth by now.

Of course, it is also because of Gauss that it has been carefully hidden until now.

Gauss's reputation in the universe is not small. The kind and brave man is well-known in the civilization of the universe.

Facing such an opponent, Baltan felt that it was not an exaggeration to focus on 12 points.

After waiting for several days in a row, when the weather was so calm that Baltan felt that there was nothing wrong, a huge explosion sounded in the universe outside the earth.

Baltan, who was hiding in the body of the monster Baron, looked up. Looking at it, he suddenly found that his planet, the planet inhabited by billions of little Baltans, had exploded.

Surprised by the changes in the situation, why is Baltan willing to continue to hide?
With a roar, he directly burst out of Baron's body, waving his pair of pincers and went straight to the sky.

But in the next instant, Baltan was directly knocked down into the sky by a thick red beam of light, and his out-of-control body hit the ground, stirring up dust all over the sky.

In the next moment, Nexus appeared from the red light, and instantly switched to the red youth form, he flew straight to the universe, and the light particles condensed with one hand were shot out by him, and the space field diffused by the meta field forcibly caught the explosion. Baltan star, including all those little Baltans flying in all directions.

Having done this, Nexus propped up his rippled shield, blocking the red lasers that shot down Baltan.

At the same time, the pure white demon that descended slowly from the darkness of the deep universe also fell into everyone's eyes.

"Robot? This state..." Kido, the captain of the src team, pushed his glasses. He had never seen such an existence.

In fact, this is also the shortcoming of Gaussian Universe. Because the theme is to highlight the benevolent brave, the enemies that basically appear are either cosmic people or monsters, and there are almost no mechanical life forms.

Maybe it's because they know that mechanical lifeforms don't talk about moving or anything like that, they usually just do it.

A task machine without emotion, where is there any need to influence and pay attention to kindness.

Seeing this majestic white mechanical life form suddenly, it is impossible for the members of the src team not to be surprised.

But their surprise and curiosity had no effect on Nexus, because he recognized who this pure white mechanical lifeform was, and knew exactly who caused its arrival.


Clenching his fists, Nexus only felt nervous. After all, this person came from a different dimension, the virtual planet Xia, a mechanical life form sent to Earth by Gilbaris, the strongest enemy of the new generation.

The pure white robot looks like a dragon god. The red core on the chest will emit calming music. The body is composed of rubber spring suspension and other material parts that exceed the laws of geophysics. It is equipped with multiple weapons. , such as floating cannons and swords, etc., but they are usually in an inverted state and are only used in combat.

The eyes can emit laser light, and after the eye laser is fired, there is also the appearance of a magic circle before the explosion.

You say it is the technology side, it can also do magic.

You say it is the magic side, it comes from the mechanical planet.

The existence of Galatron once again verified Nexus' statement that mechanical life forms are Ultraman's most difficult enemy to defeat.

Galatron follows Gilbaris' will and believes that everything has been set, and that human beings have always maintained a low-level civilization that destroys the earth and exhausts natural resources.

The civilization and food chain on the earth evolved in the wrong direction, so it came to the earth with the purpose not only to stop all the disputes and battles in the world, but also to reshape the earth and the entire ecosystem.

But that is the story of the new generation, and this is the Gaussian universe, Galatron should not appear here at all.

And Nexus couldn't be sure whether this guy was the first-generation Galatron or the enhanced ones after that.

"Space-time fluctuations occur, the arrival coordinates are wrong, the earth in the parallel universe needs to be re-judged, and contact the main system..."

Galatron ignored Nexus, his red eyes flickering with bits of data, trying to communicate across the universe.

And Gilbaris came from a different-dimensional universe. In theory, even if Galatron is wrongly transferred, it has a high probability of being able to contact it.

Nexus maintained a vigilant posture. He hadn't launched an attack yet, but he saw bursts of sparks erupting from Galatron's body, and then countless sharp weapons flew out from behind Nexus. They hit Galatron one after another.

But these sharp blades couldn't break Galatron's defense, not even leaving a scratch.

"Attacked, disconnected, turn on the protection mechanism, destroy the attacker!"

The red orb on Galatron's chest glowed, and his eyes glowed like signal lights.

Raising his hands, Galatron immediately stepped forward and started towards Nexus... No, it should be the Baltan star behind Nexus.

The planet was destroyed, countless little Baltans died, and Baltan had already lost his mind.

The only thing it has to do now is to take revenge, to destroy this mechanical life form that doesn't know where it came from.

He also came to the earth to continue the hope of the race, to let the children have a home.

But those children were all killed under this guy's attack...

Baltan brandished his double pincers, and also rushed towards Galatron, so that Nexus, who was caught in the middle, could only choose to fly high and leave the center of the battle between the two sides.

In the next moment, Galatron and the Baltans collided.

There was no balance of power, no stalemate with each other. From the moment of collision, Baltan's strength was crushed, and he was pushed back all the way by Galatron, unable to stop his footsteps at all.

The mechanical arm like a dragon's claw grabbed Baltan's arm, and the mechanical greatsword erected on Galatron's back was lifted by it.

In the process of pushing Baltan's body back, Galatron still had the strength to attack, and his first attack was a very powerful severed hand.

Although Baltan was angry, he hadn't completely lost his mind. His power level was crushed. Baltan decided to cut off his own arm and pay such a price to escape Galatron's control.

Baltan took a few steps back, a new arm regrowth.

Galatron threw Baltan's pliers aside casually, and turned around slowly, like an undefeated demon god, giving off a frightening aura.

?And Nexus, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, also understood that Galatron, who was active in the new generation, was the last of the super-class monsters, and he was afraid that he was going to restore the glory of the super-class monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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