Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 331 Chapter 328: Galatron: Glory, be with me!

Chapter 331 Chapter 328: Galatron: Glory, be with me!
Baltan and Galatron fought, and now Nexus didn't know what to do.

Because both sides are not good people, these two guys fight, for Nexus, he can't help anyone.

So don't say that he was standing on the sidelines watching the show, the situation is actually quite complicated.

But one thing Nexus is certain of is that Baltan will definitely not be Galatron's opponent.

What a joke, Galatron's strength is not something that Baltan, who can't even deal with the moon god Gauss, can defeat.

Moreover, Galatron just used his sword simply now, and the floating cannon behind it didn't even use a single one.

Just with the strength of the body, one can achieve absolute crushing.

Baltan is aware of the gap in strength between the two, but the deep hatred is in front of him. Even if the gap is too big, Baltan must go up and take revenge.

It came to Earth for the life of all the little Baltans, and Galatron destroyed the planet without saying a word, so Baltan will also destroy Galatron without saying a word!

Although it seems impossible now.

Nexus, who was watching the play from the sidelines, watched helplessly as the floating cannons behind Galatron began to float, and the parallel floating cannons combined together to form a circle.

Afterwards, crimson rays shot out from the floating cannons, and the gathered floating cannons strengthened the power of this blow, and the aiming position was impressively where Nexus was.

Sudden attack, Nexus immediately spread out the corrugated shield to block in front of him, but the continuous bombardment of floating cannons pushed Nexus back, crashing into a building, and then resisting Galat Ron's attack.

"Lifeform of Light, obliterate!"

The mechanical sound came from the red gemstone in Galatron's chest, hollow and emotionless.

That was not Galatron's voice, but the voice of Gilbaris recorded in Galatron's program.

But this is also what Jill Barris wants to express.

The newly condensed hand turned into a long sword during the transformation and reorganization, and Baltan began to restructure his body, becoming more specialized and more in line with his posture in battle.

At the same time, the appearance of the shoulder armor and the reorganization of the musculature on the body have increased Baltan's strength and speed by a large margin.

Of course, its image has also become more terrifying.

It's all about vengeance, and in order to eliminate Galatron, Baltan has pulled out the bottom of the box.

But facing the Baltan star who had changed in appearance, Galatron simply raised his hand, and a unique magic circle appeared in front of its claws, and driven by the magic circle, a long sword was The magic circle spat out and landed on the ground in front of Galatron.

Bending slightly, Galatron picked up the great sword and held the hilt with his hands like dragon claws. It was just such a movement, but it brought a heavy and unbearable pressure to the evolved Baltan.

Why does this guy look stronger than Altman Gauss?
When will there be such a powerful civilization in the universe?

And which cosmic civilization did this mechanical life form come from?
To be able to manufacture such a powerful weapon, this civilization shouldn't be unknown in the universe.

Holding the sword in his hand, Baltan knew that there was still a gap between the two sides, and he entered the battle mode, but it is still unknown how much the mechanical lifeform has played.

Baltan decided to test it out. When the shoulder armor was flipped open, countless tiny thorns flew out. These spikes made up the shoulder armor, and they could also be used to attack.

Countless small spikes struck. Although Galatron's computing core saw it as nothing to attack, Galatron obviously had a better way to deal with it.

The pure white mechanical long sword was cut across the sky by Galatron, and the jewel like a signal light suddenly lit up, emitting a bright and vivid red light from the center of the sword grid.

As if he had received some signal, the mechanical long sword slashed out a stream of sword energy, and the crimson sword energy rushed forward, breaking through Baltan's attack all the way.

Without hindrance, under Baltan's horrified gaze, he directly hit Baltan's body.

If it wasn't for the transformed body, this blow would be enough to take Baltan's life.

But even so, Baltan didn't feel very good. After being kicked out, he leaped sideways in the air and fell to the ground. He couldn't stop his backward movement, smashing four or five buildings along the way, and was buried by steel bars and gravel. Collapsed in the messy ruins, lost the ability to recover.

The next moment, the floating cannon behind Galatron suddenly exploded, and the powerful counter-propulsion bombarded Galatron's back, completely hitting it.

Galatron couldn't help but staggered a few steps forward, and then stopped his pace with his sword on the ground.

Even without looking back, Galatron understood why the floating cannon exploded.

It's still the same set of versatile combos, the ripple shield resists the attack, and the Nexus arm absorbs the converted energy and releases it to complete the counterattack.

Although the combo is old-fashioned, as long as it works well, there is nothing to say.

Galat turned around sharply, and the hollow sound of the machine sounded again.

"Erasure all life, eliminate the living body of light!"

After solving his opponent Baltan, Galatron set his target on Nexus hair, and the responsibility it shouldered was originally the responsibility to wipe out the living body of light.

That was a direct order from the highest planetary leader, Gil Barris.

Nexus didn't dare to be careless, the opponent was a strong enemy of the new generation, a mechanical life form from a different dimension world.

Facing the enemy in the form of a red youth, Nexus is somewhat uncertain.

That can't be helped, mainly because the opponents Lan Nai has encountered in the recent period are really outrageous one by one.

For a long time, Nexus was almost unable to determine his own position.

His blue youth form should be weaker than that of Jonas Aofu.But wouldn't it be much weaker?
But thinking about it carefully, I was killed by Jonias with all his strength... The gap seems to be quite large...

Although there is also the reason why I haven't developed the blue youth form in depth, but only initially controlled it.

The red youth who accompanied him in the battle for a long time, the most proficient in controlling, the most perfect form, has infinite possibilities, it is the proof of Nexus and that world, even the fetters with Dagu, he does not believe his own Red Youth is just that (Note).

Blue... Actually, it's a bit embarrassing to say, the blue youth is Nexus' biggest trump card right now...

Although this hole card has been used many times, and it has suffered a lot...

Galatron raised his hand, with the same horizontal slashing sword energy, the same mechanical great sword, but the result was completely different.

The golden crescent shock wave instantly contacted it with the exact size and range, and the two collided with each other. The direct impact of the sword qi and the sword qi consumed their respective energies, and an explosion occurred in the next instant.

Galatron deployed his magic shield, Nexus deployed his corrugated shield, and both sides resisted the blast wave.

But Nexus saw how the surrounding cities were severely damaged by the explosion, and knew that he could not fight Galatron in the city.

The battle between the two sides will become more and more intense, and the damage caused by that time will turn this city into ruins, and even a forbidden area for life.

With this in mind, Nexus immediately made a decision.

 Don't ask, the question is that Lannai is a data monster, Hongnai is idealistic, this is the setting I gave...

(End of this chapter)

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