Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 332 Why are all the monsters that I sourced from someone so strengthened!

Chapter 332 Why are all the monsters that I sourced from someone so strengthened!
The explosion caused by the direct collision of sword qi and sword qi overturned the surrounding ground in an instant, the houses were shattered, and the messy wires flew around with electric sparks, and the shock wave spread from the center point of two powerful forces, circle by circle spread to the outside world.

Even Galatron and Nexus need to turn on their shields to resist, which is enough to witness how terrible the explosion is.

"That robot is so strong!" Watching the surrounding high-rise buildings being destroyed into ruins, and seeing the excitement of Ultraman with their own eyes, people can't help but worry about the battle.

The opponent's destructive power is so powerful, if we continue to fight, this city...

"To destroy the lifeform of light, right?" Nexus withdrew the shield, threw out a particle razor, and took off directly with one foot: "Then follow and try to see if you can destroy me. "

Without the defensive particle razor, it can't break through its defense anyway. Galatron spread his hands to the sides, and a brand-new equipment popped up behind him. The surging jet device sprayed a large amount of white mist. But it is the best offensive device.

"Life body that wipes out light!"

Repeating this sentence, Galatron also took off, and the mechanical wings on the back spread out, making it look like he could master swordsmanship. The pure white wings were scattered and criss-crossed, in the completely unobstructed sky Flying everywhere, approaching Nexus.

This is an ability that Galatron did not show in the original book. Nexus was surprised but not surprised.

How can there be so many scripts in the real world.

Galatron is the product of the highest technology, and its own intelligence and behavior are quite advanced. It will adjust itself according to the different opponents it encounters in battle. Leza was even more terrifying.

At a glance, at least a dozen pure white wings were manipulated by Galatron to surround them from all directions. Nexus just cast a glance and knew that he was going to be in big trouble.

But if he fell to the ground now and fought in the city again, he couldn't do it.

The sword of the storm popped out, but this time Nexus did not pop out one, but the golden grooves of the Nexus arms on the left and right hands popped out the sword of the storm respectively.

With the two swords in hand, Nexus rotated his body at high speed, and the two swords swayed more crescent light blades, flying around indiscriminately, blocking the wings that were biting behind him.

Galatron's speed increased again, and the remaining floating cannons that hadn't been destroyed also attacked at the same time. After precise calculations, they locked on the trajectory of Nexus, and the floating cannons released red beams one after another. Hit can hit Nexus.

And Nexus also stopped his spinning body, dancing with his two swords, cutting off the red light beam, and the sharp edge of the storm sword could even tear the light beam itself.

It is acceptable to be on the defensive for a while, but there is a limit to continuing.

With the two swords crossed in front of him, Nexus cut out the crescent shock wave, which formed an "x" shape without any additional attacks, and rushed towards Galatron with a howl.

The three manipulated wings appeared in front of Galatron in an instant, combined and began to rotate at high speed, forming a circular shield.

The engraved magic circle was exposed on the round shield, completely resisting the attack of the crescent shock wave.

In the next second, a flying kick burning with blazing flames followed, and immediately attacked at the moment when the crescent shock wave was ineffective, and kicked the shield.

The atomic splitting ability caused by the atomic kick made the three wings unable to withstand being destroyed, and exploded directly.

Nexus maintained his flying kick, broke through the smoke, and headed straight for Galatron.

A red magic circle floated above Galatron's head, and the mechanical great sword that fell from the magic circle again blocked Galatron's front with an extremely clever timing.

Nexus' atomic kick hit the mechanical greatsword, not only did not deal any damage, but even all the power entangled in the flying kick was completely absorbed by the sword.

For the first time, the flames burning at Nexus' feet died out, signifying that the power of the kick had been fully absorbed.

On the mechanical great sword, the unique ruby ​​flashed a gleam of light, and in an instant, the blade of the mechanical great sword ignited raging flames.

From this flame, Nexus could feel it completely, and it was exactly the same as the power of his atomic kick.

Sensing that the situation was not right, Nexus used the power of the mechanical greatsword to turn himself over and leave, and the moment he left, Galatron grabbed the hilt of the mechanical greatsword and raised a blazing The big sword cut directly.

In an instant, the absorbed and transformed atomic explosion energy was thrown out as a flying flame, and the almost continuous blazing energy turned into a storm and went towards the landing point of Nexus.

An unexpected development, but Nexus has a strategy for coping.

Don't forget, Ultraman can fly.

While turning over to hide, Nexus flew directly above the sky, successfully dodging Galatron's attack to calculate his landing point.

Missing a hit, Galatron was not discouraged at all.

It's a machine that doesn't have any emotions, and I'm afraid that I won't have anything to do with it.

Following Nexus' back, Galatron's speed was not slow at all. The two sides quickly passed through the earth's atmosphere and came to the dark universe, where a real battle broke out among the stars.

And here, too, Nexus was able to fight freely without causing much damage on Earth.

When he came to the universe, Galatron's strength was also fully exerted, his claws were raised forward, interlaced electric currents floated between his hands, and the concentrated electric shocks rushed out in an instant, heading straight for Nexus.

Extracting the light energy from Nexus' armament, Nexus flicked out the Crescent Light Blade, but his eyes were actually attracted by the mechanical sword in Galatron's hand.

This thing never appeared in the original book!

If Galatron really had this thing, Uub would just get another Thunder Medal, and he probably wouldn't be the guy's opponent.

"I know that you can communicate, and I also know who you are hiding in the world of another dimension." Five consecutive crescent light blades offset the impact of the electric shock, and Nexus conveyed his words with his thoughts.

Galatron, he believed, understood.

A tiny magic circle appeared behind Galatron, and with its roar, red chains flew out from behind and wrapped around Galatron's body.

And at the end, there is a sickle with a crystal-shaped sickle emitting a faint light.

Looking at Galatron's inexhaustible armament, Nexus felt in his heart that it was outrageous.

So much equipment is too much.

Why are you guys not so strong in the original book?

Could it be that the guys I met were all strengthened monsters? !
Nima's, why!
"Gilbarris, you should know that you came to the wrong universe, but why didn't you leave!" Nexus didn't mean to hide it, and directly said that the maker behind Galatron was also its real owner .


Galatron had no intention of communicating, and rushed up directly waving his sickle, and the crystallized blade pulled out a purple streamer.

It must not be cut by that sickle, otherwise terrible things may happen.

This was the subconscious feeling that surfaced in my heart when I saw Nexus rushing forward with Galatron holding the knife.

The Storm Sword popped out, and Nexus also flew forward. The first collision between the sword and the scythe ended with the scythe's complete victory.

The crystallized blade directly cut off the highly condensed light particles of the Storm Sword, cutting it effortlessly like a knife cutting tofu.

If Nexus hadn't evaded in advance when he saw that the situation was not good, the knife might have already hit his chest.

Flying back to keep the distance away, he glanced at the chasing Galatron in a hurry, Nexus had no intention of entanglement with it, and speeded up to keep the distance away from it.

(End of this chapter)

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