Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 347 How can evolution trustees become Nexuses?Online waiting, in a hurry!

Chapter 347 How can evolution trustees become Nexuses?Online waiting, in a hurry!
"Brother Yuan! Brother Yuan!"

Musashi, who came trotting all the way, stumbled, holding the red ball, he still came to the front of Yuanquan with difficulty, panting, and exhausted a lot of physical strength, he lifted the red ball in his hand high.

"Look! Brother Yuan, I found it."

"What is this?" Yuanquan certainly couldn't understand what it was, he had forgotten all his memories, he recognized Musashi, but he couldn't recognize the red ball.

"I heard from her that the person who owns this red ball can realize one of my wishes." Although Musashi was panting, he could tell the importance of the matter: "And she said, as long as you bring the red ball in front of you , we can grant countless wishes!"

"Make a wish..." Yuanquan stared at the red ball with wide eyes. Can this ordinary red ball do such a thing?

Satisfying a person's wish is not even said to be a wish limited to a certain level.

That is to say, if you wish for world peace, can this red ball also do it?
"Eh? Why are you here too!" Musashi, belatedly, saw Risa in Yuanquan's arms, and staring back at where he came from.

There before, he met a girl with red shoes who was exactly the same without any difference, and it was she who told Musashi everything.

After Musashi understood what the girl said, he rushed to find the source, but he didn't know that she appeared here suddenly.

How is it so fast?
"Brother Yuan, I heard from that girl that you are also an Ultraman, as long as I make a wish on this red ball, then I can make you an Ultraman." Musashi was not sure if this was true or not, But he saw the battle of Gauss not far away through the location of the source.

Even after switching forms, Gauss is still at a disadvantage.

If Justis had already dealt with the opponent and rushed over to support him, Gauss might not be able to hold on any longer.

This is not the Gauss of the future. If the corona can't stand it, it can also open a solar eclipse.Without Musashi, the corona is already in the form of a Gaussian pressure box bottom.

But even so, he can only struggle in front of Lebrondo.

And Lebrondo didn't kill the killer completely, but played with the two Ultramans with a cat-and-mouse mentality.

Although he couldn't believe it, Lebrondo could feel a very powerful force gathering in the dark.

This power is so powerful that it cannot even be measured by words.

Although in this universe, the power of omniscience and omnipotence cannot be used, but it comes from the sixth sense of the strong, allowing Lebrondo to try to avoid pushing the two Ultramans into a desperate situation.

Although he really wanted to know what would happen after driving these two Ultramans into a corner.

But to be on the safe side, it's better not to take such a risk.

Rebrondo didn't know that his experience and prudence had won him the right to live this life until now. The cat-and-mouse-like game behavior caused Gauss and Justis to consume a lot of energy.

The energy timer of Justis, who appeared first, was already blinking, and it seemed that time was running out.

"Brother Yuan, I will make a wish for you to become an Ultraman now!" Holding the red ball high, Musashi was speaking shocking words.

If there were no people around, I'm afraid Musashi's behavior has attracted the attention of greedy humans.

Risha didn't dare to speak, she was already trying her best to stimulate the ability of the red ball, and the ability to stimulate human desires was already at its maximum, but it didn't have the slightest effect on the boy in front of her.

Does Musashi really have no desire at all?
Across countless universes, this is the first time Risa has encountered such a situation.

You must know that even the source of being an Ultra warrior has regrets that cannot be erased in his heart, as well as things and desires he wants to do.

But Musashi...

"No!" The sudden force made Yuanquan stand up successfully, and he grabbed Musashi's hand. Under Musashi's puzzled eyes, Yuanquan gasped, and continued: "You can't use this thing, although I don't know what it is. What, but there is no such thing as a free lunch, it has to cost you something you can't see."

"Musashi, you can't use it." Shaking his head, Yuanquan put Risa beside Musashi, and stood up straight on the spot with a wobbly body.

The evolution trustee was already stained with blood, looking at this thing that was very important to him but didn't know how to use it, Yuanquan took a deep breath and lifted the evolution trustee above his head.

He wasn't completely ignorant of what Lebrondo said. Although he had forgotten the past, Lebrondo's two Ultramans clearly focused on him.

That is to say, in the eyes of Lebrondo, he is indeed Ultraman.

Plus the girl's voice that sounded in my heart.

If I'm really Ultraman...

"No transformation? It doesn't look like it's used like this..." He held the evolution trustee for a long time, but there was no reaction at all. Yuanquan changed his posture, held the evolution trustee's hand in a circle at high speed, and then stabbed forward suddenly.

Still no response.

Yuanquan was not discouraged, and changed his posture again, jumping up on the spot and circling three times in mid-air, and holding up the evolution believer after landing.

no response.

Rotating three times on the spot, the evolution trustee raised his hand and drew a few words in the air, but there was still no response.

"It's ridiculous, Musashi, if you make a wish to me, you can get back everything that was lost to him." The red ball can't confuse Gauss, and Nasha has to use words to make Musashi have to make a choice.

And as long as you make a wish to the red ball, there will be flaws in the heart of a strong person.

In that way, he will never be able to break free from the red ball by himself forever, and will become a slave of the red ball.

Abducted the human body of Altman Gauss?

Risa was also full of interest at the thought of such a thing.

"I..." Holding the red ball tightly, Musashi fell into hesitation.

"Look over there, your favorite Ultraman Gauss can't hold on any longer~ You don't want Ultraman Gauss to be killed either."

Musashi followed the sound and saw that the red warrior, who was knocked high and landed on the ground shaking countless gravel and smoke, was almost at the end, and the beeping timer symbolized that Gauss had also reached his limit.


His fingers rubbed the red ball unconsciously. Although Musashi hesitated, his heart at the moment was indeed inclined to start using the red ball.

"Shut up for me!"

Yuanquan, who was trying to transform himself, heard Risa's words, and immediately turned around angrily and threw the evolution trustee in his hand at Risa.

Risa, on the other hand, snorted coldly, raised his hand to stimulate energy, and sent the evolution trustee flying away, but Yuanquan's speed was faster, and ran forward to hold the evolution trustee in three steps at a time, as if holding a dagger The same stabbed Risa.

"Musashi, wake up, she's lying to you!"

The evolutionary believer who stabbed straight was held by Risa with one hand, and he could no longer move forward.

"Cheat? What did I cheat? Isn't it true?" Risa felt that she had a great advantage, and Musashi would become her slave, while Gauss would die at the hands of Lebrondo!
It's a must-win situation.

"Fart!" The source of anger suddenly withdrew his hand, wanting to take the evolution trustee back, but accidentally caused the evolution trustee to be pulled out.

Unexpectedly, such a thing would happen, the source of strength that could not be restrained stepped back a few steps, and suddenly lay on the ground.

Grabbing the hand of the evolution trustee and raising it up unconsciously, it is this kind of action that arouses the power of the evolution trustee.

The red light particles began to explode, forming a bright light of life that enveloped the whole body of the source, and with the bulging light, the figure in the light became bigger and bigger until it was completely formed.

Looking at the sheath of the evolution trustee in his hands, Risa only felt that his eyes were pitch black.

I caught the evolution trustee but accidentally caused the source to pull out the evolution trustee, allowing him to find the correct transformation method?

...Calm down, I have lost my memory, so what if I transform?
Would he, Nexus, still remember how to fight? !
(End of this chapter)

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