Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 348 Isn't this my Jestis blood horse c?

Chapter 348 Isn't this my Jestis blood horse c?

Gauss and Justis, who were struggling to support, were attracted by another light, the brilliance full of life, powerful and gentle, with another gentle quality.

For Gauss, it is a brand new experience.

Lebrondo was also attracted by this light. From this light, he could feel a powerful aura. It seemed that the owner of this light was an experienced and incomparable warrior.

Lebrondo turned sideways slightly, looking forward to it.

Appearing from that dazzling brilliance was a huge silver-black figure lying on its back on the ground.

Ultraman Nexus appeared in front of everyone.

Although it was not his intention to appear in this way...

As if aware of the difference in himself, Nexus stretched out his hand to feel the difference in his body, as well as the houses that were much shorter than him in the near view, which undoubtedly indicated something.

Standing up straight away, Nexus looked around, if it wasn't for the milky white eyes that couldn't reveal the slightest emotion, he might have been overwhelmed by shock now.

His hands were spread out in front of him, the silver palms and skin were completely different from those of humans, and the gleaming arm blades were kept at the sharpest level at all times.

Fuck, am I really Ultraman?

"Damn it, it turned him into a transformation!" Nexus appeared, and Risa angrily wanted to throw the sheath of the evolution trustee, but the sheath disappeared in a burst of light particles.

"A powerful warrior." Lebrondo abandoned Gauss and Justis, and turned to Nexus: "Although I don't know why your appearance is so funny, if you want to shock me in this way, then you have to It’s too naive to say you.”

Although LeBrondo doesn't feel the slightest threat from the energy level, but who knows if the Ultraman in front of him is pretending?

After all, Gauss can switch forms.

What if this one is okay?

Relying on the powerful light energy when transforming, Rebrando knew that the Ultraman in front of him would not be weak.

After realizing that he had become an Ultraman, although Nexus was shocked, he was a little at a loss when he approached LeBlanc.

But after watching the battle between Ultraman Gauss and Ultraman Justis, Nexus mustered up his courage and charged forward with fists clenched.

Even if the fighting skills have been completely forgotten, as long as you wave your fists and fight, it will be fine, right?

Nexus did the same. He waved his fist simply and straightforwardly, punching Lebrondo in the face.

A light blue barrier appeared, blocking Nexus' punch, and slipped across the mirror-smooth barrier, causing Nexus to cut sparks from the shield.

Nexus, who passed by Lebrondo, almost lost his footing and almost fell to the ground.

Lebrondo turned around, although he was still waiting attentively, but there was already some doubt in his eyes.

Powerful Ultra Warrior?
Not necessarily.

Although he didn't know what happened, as long as he continued to fight like this, it would be fine, so Nexus rushed forward with his head covered, still punching him straightforwardly.

But this time, Rebrondo did not open the barrier, but grabbed Nexus's fist with one hand in front of him, and suppressed Nexus with great strength. During the process of the two sides facing each other, Rebrondo despised Nexus. Thurs.

This is a powerful warrior?Don't be funny.

Kicking Nexus on the chest and flying him away, Lebrondo condensed a golden whip with one hand, which belonged to the ability of King Ailei, but when used in Lebrondo's hand, not only the whip was thinner Long, the power has also surpassed too much.

Waving his arms, he lashed Nexus with five consecutive lightning whips, pulling him from mid-air and falling to the ground, shaking up thousands of dust.

"It hurts...it hurts..." This kind of pain made Nexus fall on the spot, and he couldn't get up for a while.

After all, it wasn't the past, and the current Yuanquan hadn't experienced any fierce battles at all, and he was completely Xiaobai.

"Hmph." Holding the flame ball with one hand, making it bigger during the process of instilling energy, Rebrando threw it casually, intending to end Nexus' life with this.

Under the desperate crisis, Nexus endured the pain and rolled away from the spot, successfully evading Lebrondo's attack.

The fireball hit the ground, the rumbling burnt smell and crystallized soil fully demonstrated the power of this blow, right beside Nexus, right beside him.

Lebrondo was not surprised when he missed a single hit. He immediately pushed out with one hand and used the shock wave. The galloping ripples condensed into a solid body, and hit Nexus again.

The source who has never experienced a big battle, even the first battle, raised his hand in fear. At the moment he raised his hand, his agitated heart inspired the operation of light energy, and the particle razor inspired by the air was thrown out by Nexus , and successfully fought with Shockwave to die together.

The energy in his body seemed to change instantly, Nexus raised his hand suspiciously, the attack had been annihilated, but he had no idea what happened.

LeBrondo was surprised for a moment, the energy level of that moment is really not low.

But the appearance on the outside is so infuriating.

I really don't understand what this Ultra fighter is thinking.

Nexus stood up straight, trying to extract the light energy to launch that attack again, but failed to do so after several attempts.

Seeing that guy's funny look, Lebrondo felt that Nexus was insulting people, so he couldn't stand it, so he directly teleported to Nexus, and grabbed Nexus' wrist.

A golden electric current swept over the two of them in an instant. Lebrondo was completely fine, but Nexus let out a scream, half-kneeling on the ground in pain while smoking all over his body.

One hand condenses into a fist, and the shock wave gathers on the fist. Not only LeBrondo's own strength, but also the super shock wave belonging to Gomora is also used by LeBrondo in this punch.

Have you had enough of boring games?
You three Ultramen are more vulnerable than the other.

The high-intensity vibration frequency made it impossible to see Lebrondo's hand clearly. As the punch fell, sparks shot up directly, and Nexus suffered a strong blow to the chest, and was directly hit. Fly out, volley into the distance.

But Gauss had already sensed something was wrong, and took the lead in flying up to catch Nexus' body.

But even so, it was still pushed all the way by the powerful kinetic energy.

Justis took over the task of fighting LeBrondo and went up first.

But Rebrondo, who had lost his playing mentality, just wanted to kill someone, so he directly moved left and right to dodge Justis's attack, and used powerful telekinetic power to suppress Justis in place, unable to move.

In the next second, Lebrondo's chest began to glow, and Jin Guqiao's one-time kill: supercharged energy release was thrown out by it.

Gathering his hands together, he pushed out a circle, and the huge lightning turned into a galloping stream of light, hitting Justis's body in an instant.

The mighty destructive death light flooded Justis's location. Compared with the previous attack, Lebrondo, who was serious, would make the Ultra fighters realize what is called an insurmountable gap.

Gauss finally managed to catch Nexus, and he was full of worries when he finally landed.

The burning earth in the distance, Justis... Could he be...

(End of this chapter)

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