Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 349 Launch the magic card evolution, evolve Gauss into eclipse, and evolve Jestis into smash

Chapter 349 Launch the magic card evolution, evolve Gauss into eclipse, and evolve Jestis into smash

White smoke was billowing all over his body, and the energy timer on his chest was already flashing rapidly. Justis knelt on the ground, clenched his fists and wanted to get up unwillingly, but the severe injuries to his body made it really difficult for him to continue.

Struggling to raise his head, what finally caught his eyes was the gesture of LeBrondo stepping forward slowly.

"Excellent fighter, but unfortunately, still not enough." Lebrondo stepped forward, each step was enough to cause violent tremors on the ground.

The closer it is, the more deterrent it can bring.

The blazing Nebastian light passed Justis's side, carrying a strong impact and heading straight for Lebrondo.

Rebrondo no longer chooses to use the power of monsters, but directly uses his telekinetic power, which is so disdainful to the universe that no one can match it, and directly arranges a line of defense in front of him to block Nebaste's light. Accumulate energy and be ready to explode at any time.

But if it wanted to explode, it had to ask Nexus whether to agree or not.

Although it took time to run over, Nexus attacked Lebrondo directly from behind and hugged Lebrondo's body, forcing the offensive organized by Lebrondo to give up.

A momentary lingering of telekinetic power represents an opportunity.

Gauss no longer hesitated, and urged Nebaster's light with all his strength. With a loud roar, Nebaste's light broke through the barrier of telekinetic power, and went straight to Lebrondo.

Rebrondo was not surprised by this, and even laughed contemptuously. The next moment, it was no longer entangled with Nexus, but disappeared directly, launched a teleport and left the place.

Gauss froze for a moment, and immediately wanted to take back Nebaste's light.

But how could the Nebastian light that was released with all its strength could just stop it?

The thick red light hit Nexus' body, directly knocking Nexus out, and falling to the tall building while struggling in mid-air, crushing him to pieces.

Gauss stopped the output of energy, and immediately wanted to go forward to see Nexus' damage, but just as he started his pace, he felt that he was hindered by a powerful force.

Gradually revealing his figure from the invisible air, Lebrondo had already grabbed Gauss's wrist, and the telekinetic force swept Gauss's body in an instant, lifting his huge body effortlessly, and throwing it into the sky.

Lebrondo crossed his hands, and made exactly the same movement as Spethum Ray.

That's an ability he got in another universe, from a monster from the future, Ace Killer.

The blue Specium light hit Gauss, and the blazing energy of positive and negative ions made Gauss painful.

In the rumbling explosion, Gauss fell with white smoke all over his body, and he seemed to be seriously injured.

And not all of the Spicyum's rays hit Gauss, but some of them passed Gauss's too slender figure, shot straight into the sky, and hit a cheerful and free-spirited cosmic cat who was already crazy about playing.

The power of Rebrondo is so great, even if only a part of it is leaked, it cannot be blocked by a monster with a fragile body like Cosmic Cat.

After Gauss, the smoldering cosmic cat with circled eyes also fell from the sky and fell next to Gauss, completely losing consciousness.

...this is truly a disaster.

"Okay, Ultra fighters, I have seen your efforts, I will remember your names, and let the universe sing."

The hands are condensed in front of the face in the shape of claws, and Lebrondo uses powerful telekinetic power to forcibly restrain the power of the universe. Those free and loose particles are captured by Lebrondo, and turned into materialized energy, which is gathered and absorbed by Lebrondo.

His hands were suddenly pulled apart, and the accumulated energy was pulled out like an electric arc.

In the next moment, Rebrondo pushed forward directly, the huge energy cannon almost covered the sky and the earth, and the [-]-meter thick light turned into a trump card that could destroy everything, destroying all resistance along the way, and went straight to... Nexus.


Justis stepped forward immediately, stood in front of Nexus and opened his shield.

Not to be outdone, Gauss ran over, enduring the pain and clutching his shoulders.

Just looking at the way Justis was pushed back all the way, it was clear that Justis couldn't bear the impact at all.

Gauss opened his coronal shield and fought alongside Justis. The light energy of both sides began to change under the action of a strong external force, making the two shields merge into one.

The lights of the two actually have signs of merging with each other.

"Death to me!"

This fragile shield will not be his opponent, and Lebrondo has strengthened the output.

Even though this attack is already very strong, it is still not the limit of Lebrondo.

There was a crack in the light shields of Gauss and Justis, and a trace of escaping energy hit Nexus' back, directly blasting Nexus out, and crushed the cosmic monster cat heavily .


Suddenly oppressed by such a huge volume, the cosmic monster cat woke up from a coma, screaming again and again, but could not escape from Nexus' body.

The pain of this oppression made the cosmic monster cat cry out directly, and its tentacles kept waving and slapping the ground.

Nexus hurriedly stood up and was about to help the strange cat up, when the bending movement stopped suddenly, and the memory taken away by the strange cat was liberated in the tears of the strange cat.

Those memories of the past began to appear in Nexus' mind, making his movements stop.

Seeing that the giant on top of him didn't want to repent at all, the cosmic cat cried even louder.

"... Nima's!"

Under the continuous effect of tears, Nexus finally recovered his past memories, and at the same time understood how outrageous what he had done during this period of time.

Especially the scene where the person who fell to the ground and turned and appeared and held the evolution trustee would not use it blindly, it is really a shame for a lifetime.

After recovering his memory, Nexus kicked the cosmic monster cat away without saying a word, and with all his strength, he turned the evil into a flying meteor and let it go away.

"Justis and Gauss, are there any signs of fusion?" Turning around, after the memory was restored, the source also returned to normal.

Without further ado, he switched forms directly. Facing the ultimate life form, Nexus directly activated the blue youth, accumulating energy and preparing to release the Meta Domain.

But just when he was about to do this, he heard Musashi's shout not far from the ground.

"Then make Gauss stronger and win this victory!"

Musashi holding up the red ball was so dazzling, and he still made a wish on the red ball, which made Nexus turn pale with shock.

Once you make a wish to the red ball, it is tantamount to opening Pandora's box.

Maybe Musashi will!
"As you wish." But the unexpected side appeared, Musashi made a wish, and the red ball answered his wish.

At this moment, Little Musashi disappeared directly in place, replaced by a completely different change in Gauss' body.

The red pattern reorganized, and its own energy level rose again, jumping from the corona to the future in an instant, only in an instant.

The same changes occurred in Justis, which seemed to respond to Gauss' changes, and Justis also changed, and his own patterns began to reorganize.

Altman Gauss - Future Form.

Ultraman Justis - Smash Mode.

The type of pre-demand that calls for the arrival of a real miracle is truly opened at this moment.


The red ball fell to the ground, and the next moment, Risa's body was separated again in a double shadow light change, and the two girls who looked exactly the same fell on both sides, symbolizing their completely different representatives.

"Lisa, my good half body! Are you trying to disappear and fulfill Musashi's wish?" Risa looked back, and the changes of Justis and Gauss made her feel terrified.

Because she knows what these two types represent, and that's what she never wants to see.

 The wishing mechanism of the red ball is that the wish that has been fulfilled cannot be taken back, so Musashi cannot wish that Lebrondo disappears or directly wish that Lebrondo is dead.

(End of this chapter)

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