Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 350 After the calf, the shields of Gauss and Jestis were blown up...

Chapter 350 After the calf, the shields of Gauss and Jestis were blown up...

Successfully evolved into the future form, Gauss's strength has made great progress, and the originally crumbling shield also began to re-condense and become stronger at this moment.

The new forms of Justis and Gauss endowed them with formidable strength. Even Lebrondo couldn't overwhelm them in the first place.

In the next second, a blazing blue-gold light passed Gauss's side and went straight to Lebrondo.

The turbulent light energy galloped forward, hitting Lebrondo directly and impartially.

No, it wasn't a hit, but it was stuck in front of Lebrondo, blocked by the telekinetic force and unable to make any progress.

"Huh? You can also change color?" LeBron can see the change of Nexus more clearly. The energy level of this blue Nexus is already quite terrifying.

And the aura of this funny character has also changed.

If the previous Nexus was a confused and cowardly recruit, the current Nexus gave people a very powerful aura.

Warrior breath.

"So that's it. Did the cosmic cat take away your memory and make you such a joke?" LeBrondo had seen the cosmic cat, and had heard about such an existence.

It's just that no matter how strong the cosmic strange cat is, it is impossible to cause any damage to it.

Its ability is simply ineffective for Rebrando.

"The first-generation ultimate life form, Lebrondo, are you willing to become a slave of the red ball? Serve her and become the... thugs she summoned!"

It is difficult for the galloping light to break through Lebrondo's telekinetic power, even with all his strength.

The overlord who sweeps the universe is not just bragging.

"Serve her? Have you made a mistake? As long as I think, what kind of universe will be ruled by me in the end." Behind Lebrondo, Bemonstein, the giant monster of the universe and Barton, the volcanic strange bird, descended from the sky. Falling down with flapping wings.

And in the distance, the underground monster-Tyton curled up and rolled over.

Asteron who got out of the ground and climbed up in the dusty pothole.

Wielding a pair of pincers, his body is covered in skin made up of countless hard substances, the rock monster-Taton.

A special life form from the universe, the spiritual cosmic man-Pelorinka.

These scattered monsters, some were monsters that existed in the Showa era, and some were monsters that did not appear until the Heisei era. They gathered behind Lebrondo, waiting for their master to issue the final order.

"Monsters, give me your power." With Lebrondo's movements, the power of these gathered monsters was gradually drawn away and gathered on top of Lebrondo's head.

The more monsters appear, the greater the energy gathered.

In the end, it completely entered Lebrondo's body like a stream of water pouring down, making his whole body exude a different kind of brilliance.

The energy support of hundreds of monsters made Lebrando's energy level break through to the limit in an instant, and the shock wave released turned into a spiral light cannon, and the gathered power was completely released at this moment.

The center of Rebrondo's double horns began to condense another attack, gradually converging into a sphere, and attacking with a bang.

The two powerful energies gathered together, almost instantly destroying Nexus' ultimate light-torrent, and smashed into the shields of Gauss and Justis in a crushing posture.

This blow exceeded the limit that the two could bear, and the shield was blown up in an instant. At the moment of crisis, Gauss only had time to push Nexus away to prevent him from being involved in the explosion.

If he and Justis were dead, Nexus would be the only fighting force left.

Compared with him and Justis, who was seriously lacking in energy, Nexus might still have a chance to win.

The light stream of the Mercedes-Benz submerged the figures of Gauss and Justis, and their bodies were completely annihilated under the impact of the destructive death light.

This force penetrated the earth, extended into the universe, and even tore open the surface of the moon, creating a huge crack.

Rebrando stopped attacking and looked at everything in front of him calmly.

Gauss and Justis are dead, and it is absolutely sure of this, although it only has time to gather the energy of a few hundred monsters, it is still less than its maximum output.

But crushing at the energy level is the most indisputable crushing.

Once the confrontation starts, whichever side has a higher energy level will win.

This is the eternal truth of the universe.

"Sa, you are the only one left now, Ultraman Nexus." It didn't consume much energy at all, and if possible, Rebrando could even shoot again.

But to deal with Nexus, there should be no need for that kind of thing.

"Hmph...Gauss, are you pressing the treasure on me?" With his hands on the ground, Nexus stood up unsteadily, and the timer on his chest began to flash.

Although he was not hit directly, the dissipated energy impact still caused considerable damage to Nexus.

"Why did Gauss enter the solar eclipse mode, and where did Musashi go? Don't you explain it? Lisa." Clenching his fists, Nexus shifted his gaze to the side, and the red shoe girl who had split again body.

The individuals of good and evil were separated again, and Risa was able to regain her freedom, and woke up earlier than Risa.

Standing beside her, she held her hands together, as if she was about to meet some great existence, and said in a respectful and profound voice: "Musashi has merged with Gauss."

"When Ultraman Goss is in the future form, when Ultraman Justis is in the crushing mode, under the strong external force, when the fighting spirit and energy of the two Ultramans climb to the peak, the real Miracles will happen.”

"The legend sung by the universe..."

Before Lisa finished speaking, the next moment, two rays of light flew out from under the deep crack in the earth. They were the energy timers of Gauss and Justis.

The two energy timers were entangled with each other, and gradually merged to become the only one. This light seemed to stimulate Nexus, making him feel the pain in his back, and something seemed to be preparing to rush out in his mind.

"That's..." Lebrondo looked at the rays of light that were merging with each other. From the initial bewilderment, to feeling the destructive energy after the fusion, a voice that circulated in all universes suddenly sounded. in the legend.

"When two powerful forces in the universe meet, their true form will be revealed in their dazzling brilliance..."

Lebrondo's eyes reveal shock, because it really did not expect that this legend is true.

This is just a legend that spreads in all universes, is it true?
Those two powerful forces refer to those two Ultraman?
"Ultraman Reggado..." Thinking that the legendary figure was about to come, Lebrondo was suddenly excited.

Why am I, Lebrondo, running?
Even if the legend becomes reality, I, Lebron, will be afraid?
The overlord of the rampant universe, the great existence of the king of all beasts, facing an old antique who didn't know how many years ago, what should I do, Lebron?
The pure white light shines on the sky and the earth, the long and ancient light shines on the whole planet, and the blue-gray figure stands tall on the earth.

The perfectly divided pattern is reflected on the side of the body. Although the mysterious symbol on the abdomen does not know what it means, but from the perspective of the people on earth, it is a legend, which is the name of Reggado.

Compared with the other three, Reggado's appearance is undoubtedly the first, especially the moment in the original book where Dracion's army looks back at the universe, it is especially attractive.

Not only in appearance, but even in strength, Reggado is well-deserved of his legendary title.

The legend of sparks, which can almost be called the ultimate skill of the arcane ceiling, is owned by Reggado.

Seeing the appearance of Reggiedo, Lisa took a step forward and murmured, "In the ancient times of the great universe, there are gods sung and sung by countless lives."

"Its name is legend, and its posture is legend."

"Even if you show up, it has been through the ages; for a long time, there will be no second."

"The legend sung by the big universe-Legend Ultraman."

 Stop pretending, I'm showing my cards, I'm actually doge

(End of this chapter)

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