Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 357 Hikari: I don't want to wholesale plug-ins anymore, I want to wholesale my wife

Chapter 357 Hikari: I don't want to wholesale plug-ins anymore, I want to wholesale my wife
On this day, the Kingdom of Light, which has always been peaceful, ushered in a special guest. Ultraman Nexus, who had left the Kingdom of Light a few years ago and traveled far away, finally returned.

Time has not passed for a long time, and Ultraman is not the kind of existence that has a clear sense of the passage of time.

The guaranteed lifespan of several 10 years makes Ultraman only have one concept of time.

But the Ultra warriors who returned from their missions on Earth, including the six brothers, are all very aware of the passage of time.

Because for them, it means that the friendship and bond they established on the earth will be wiped out by time.

Until everything he was familiar with was completely in the past.

In the end, only myself, holding the memory of those who have passed away, continued to walk alone.

The bond between the long-lived species and the short-lived species is such a painful thing that even Ultraman cannot remember it.

The only thing I can do is to drink tea alone in the dead of night, this sad autumn.

Nexus, wearing a cloak, landed under the Plasma Spark Tower, which is the important base of the Kingdom of Light.

As soon as he landed, Nexus attracted countless Ultra warriors pointing and pointing, probably because he was still in his infancy, so the current simple local residents of the Kingdom of Light did not connect him with Lan Nai Together, I just feel that the two look too similar.

Nexus was also happy to be so pure. Anyway, he planned that if there were no necessary circumstances, he would never use the blue youth lightly in the Kingdom of Light.

He can fully imagine that once he opens that form, the Kingdom of Light, he is afraid that it will be as difficult as climbing the sky if he wants to come back.

How can Nexus stand up to the enthusiasm of those Otto girls, especially the enthusiasm of the blue girls.

After landing, Nexus went straight to the Academy of Sciences. Since Madam Jaden was brought back by him, Hikari should be able to solve the problems with Madam Jaden.

After all, it is the origin of all things, and what Hikari cannot solve, Nexus can't think of anything.

"What is that?" But all of this was a novel experience for Niang Jie. The Kingdom of Light was a place she had never been to, and everything here deeply attracted her.

Adhering to the excellent education of asking if you don't understand, Niang Jie turned her head and asked about the only Ultraman she knew, which was Nexus.

"That's crystal glass. It's a building material that has been swept away in the extreme light, leaving only light." Fortunately, Nexus also stayed in the Kingdom of Light for a while, and has a basic understanding of the Kingdom of Light. Cognition, otherwise, I am afraid that I will be asked here.

"What about that?" Jie Dunniang pointed to the scene where a man with a knife in his head was following behind a young lady of the Blue Race, and she questioned this: "Are you going to defeat that bad guy?"

"...that's Seven, and... and... and his son's future mother?" I never expected to meet Seven on this road, and Seven is still chasing his sister.

Since he had never seen what Sai Luo's mother looked like, Nexus couldn't be sure that the blue lady was really Sai Luo's mother.

But I heard rumors that Sai Luo's mother is Jin Guqiao...

Although I, Nexus, thought it was all nonsense at the time, but now that Mrs. Jeden has appeared in front of me, then Seven...

"Why are you going to defeat Seven?" Nexus changed the subject instead of thinking about those grassy things, full of curious inquiries.

"Because the nurse sister said that if a man follows a girl and doesn't leave, he must be a villain." Niang Jie nodded seriously: "If he is a villain, we must knock him down."

"...That's really...uh..." Nexus didn't know what to say for a while, after all, he was single, and he didn't even know how to start a relationship, and he had no such experience at all. .

Before crossing over, there was a childhood sweetheart, and the world was destroyed, and the childhood sweetheart was gone.

After arriving in Tiga World until now, I have always been single!
Damn, I have every reason to suspect that it's the little bastard from Xincheng who is cursing me for not being able to find a wife.

"Well, there is a relationship between them called boyfriend and girlfriend. Even though they are not married yet, they already have a crush on each other." Although he has no experience, Nexus feels that there is no problem explaining this.

"What is marriage?" Niang Jiedon looked at Nexus curiously and asked her soul.

"Uh, marriage is just... It's a testimony that two people, a man and a woman, are truly together without reservation, some kind of testimony." Racking his brains to come up with an explanation that Jeden's mother can understand, Nexus Continued: "Actually, I don't think it doesn't matter if I have this or not, but the sense of ceremony..."

"What is a sense of ritual?" Madam Jayden asked again, which immediately made Nexus dumbfounded. He just wanted to ask those guys who adjusted Jayden's body whether they were cultivating Madam Jayden as a human being. .

This is too lack of common sense!
One hundred thousand why is nothing more than this!
Fortunately, at this time, the savior arrived.

Hikari walked out of the laboratory of the Academy of Sciences. When he saw Nexus, he was very happy at that time. He stepped forward a few steps and grabbed Nexus' arm, dragging him into the laboratory.

"Hikali, look at this." Nexus stood still like a stylus, but let Hikali speak here.

To be honest, although they are indeed friends, Shikari's excessive enthusiasm still makes Yuanquan feel a little wrong.

Excessive enthusiasm can arouse people's vigilance.

Having made up his mind not to enter the laboratory, Yuanquan pulled Hikari backhand and turned directly against the guest.

"I have a lot of interesting ideas waiting for you to implement... Huh? Jadon?" Hikari subconsciously turned around and said something, but then he was attracted by the Jedon mother in the palm of Nexus , and even leaned forward to observe it carefully: "It's so small, and is there something wrong with its appearance?"

"How does it look like a human?"

"...Jaedon's evolutionary path has finally gone on an unknown and weird path?"

"Speaking of which, why do you have this?"

Hikari always seemed extra-vigorous once he got to the point where his own knowledge couldn't explain it.

This human-like Jayden undoubtedly attracted his interest.

Nexus didn't hold back either, and told Hikari about Jeden's mother's origin.

But Nexus always felt that he seemed to have done something extraordinary, because the more Hikari listened, the more Sensei felt, and Hikari became more excited.

He could even read some excitement in Shikari's glowing milky eyes.

"There is still such a world? The power of monsters is embodied in human beings, and only limited to women?" Shikali said, "I have learned a lot": "There is such a strange idea Wonderful idea, why didn't I think of it!"

"Stop it! I came to you to ask if you have a way to cure her. Zedon's genes are too strong for human beings to withstand." Nexus didn't know what Hikari was thinking, But based on what he knew about Hikari, the Hanged Man must be thinking something bad.

The root of all evils, living is the greatest evil, I can only say that I understand everything.

(End of this chapter)

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