Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 358 Inject something that belongs to me in the body of the monster girl

Chapter 358 Injecting something that belongs to me into the monster girl's body (trying to make trouble)
"It turns out that the message of the monster entered the body of the human girl, and then the message caused the human girl to mutate and become a creature similar to a monster." The fate of the static film, but this is something she has long been accustomed to, and she has no opinion about it, but stands obediently on the experimental table, waiting for Shikali's report.

As always, even if it is a different world, it has always been like this since inheriting this ability.

The girl was already lying flat.

"Ordinary monsters are fine, but Zedon is not an ordinary existence. Even among monsters, it is a well-known high-level monster." Hikari jumped on the keyboard with both hands, pressing out characters one by one.

"It's unrealistic to carry it with a human body. Although her body has been adjusting and the Jayden factor has been continuously suppressed, one day in the future, she will become Jayden again and return to her original appearance."

"I believe you ghost, if Madam Jayden is like this, what about that little loli Gatanjae? You can't tell me that Jayton is stronger than Gatanjae!" As a monster girl The source means that you Hikari are pure fart.

How do you explain the existence of the little girl in Gatanjae?

Also human beings can't bear the factor of Jayden?

If it was Gatanjiehe, wouldn't that little lolita be blown up a long time ago!
"You didn't bring Jiatanjie's mother here. I can't get accurate data without another individual for comparison." Hikari didn't even look back, completely immersed in this experiment, wholeheartedly: "I It's just an answer based on the current girl's physical data, and everything comes from her."

"At least the result I detected with the instrument is indeed the case." With that said, Hikari handed the report to Nexus and motioned him to take it: "Also, what kind of monster is Gatanja? It's very strong. Is it stronger than Jayden?"

"The evil god circulating in my universe once wiped out the dark ruler of an entire ultra-ancient civilization." Nexus thought for a while, and finally gave an affirmative answer: "Ordinary Jadon will definitely not belong to it." opponent."

"That's it, it sounds really strong." Hikari could only learn about it from Nexus' dictation.

But again, without comparative data, the detection will definitely not be so clear.

"Are you going to keep her with me? Or take her out to live with you?" After the meticulous testing was completed, Hikari began to ask about Nexus' attitude.

"You have given me a lot of inspiration. I have to try how to transfer the monster factor to humans."

"...You don't really want to capture people from Earth for experiments, do you?" After a moment of silence, Nexus asked in shock, "If you let Sophie know, wouldn't Sophie know?" make you……"

"Why are you looking for people from Earth? I don't think it's difficult to understand the anthropomorphic monster." Then, Hikari untied the shackles and motioned for the girl to step off the test bench: "It's like her, you You could say she's human, but she's also Zedon."

"Sooner or later, she will become Jayden, but I don't know whether she can change back from that time."

Nexus was silent for a moment, and then asked a little unwillingly: "Is there no way to save it? We can only watch her completely turn into a monster?"


Hikari seemed to see Nexus again, and the milky white eyes looked up and down with his head, which made Nexus a little puzzled.

"Do you really want to save her?" Hikali said suddenly, "I do have a way, but I don't know if it will work, I can only say it is possible."

"If you make up your mind to do it, I can only treat you as an experimental subject."

Good boy, I see that when you Shikali said this, you didn't mean to worry at all, but you were a little impatient.

I always feel that you can't wait for me to agree to be your experimental subject.

"If I let an innocent life that can be saved die before my eyes, am I still an Ultra warrior?" Jie Dunniang jumped up from the spot, half-hopped directly onto the table, and then activated the ability of teleportation, standing on the Nai on the shoulders of Xers.

...The main reason is that Nexus has become bigger, and the girl can no longer grab onto Nexus like an octopus, so she can only choose to do so.

"To save anyone who can be saved, to restore the tragedies I know, and to try to erase those regrets, so that everyone can be happy." This is what I set when I made up my mind to save Takuma for Mayumi Determination.

Even after going through so many things, Nexus has not changed his mind.

Because I know the unbearable tragedy, I yearn for a happy future.

That kind of thing, I have experienced it myself, and I know how much courage it takes to bear it.

"...Your radiance is completely different from the light of Ultraman in our Kingdom of Light. Your current silver-gray state has weak radiance, but it is full of possibilities."

"When you are red, your light is full of life, hard work, enthusiasm, and the possibilities are even greater, and there are even many things that I can't understand. Every time I explore that light, I am very shocked."

"Blue light, full of mystery, powerful, seemingly endless climbing."

When Hikari said this, he was also full of admiration: "One Ultraman, three colors, and the power of light are completely different."

"If you want to help her, the only thing you can do is to infuse your red light into her."

"That is a power that can create all miracles, which I cannot understand. Maybe it can summon miracles."

Hikari said quite a lot at one time, but the content in these words is very rich, which can be said to be an explosion of information.

Also let Nexus know, this guy Hikari, I am afraid that he is not indulging in the happy life of analyzing his light during this time.

After Hikari said so, Nexus naturally had no doubts, and directly switched to the red youth form, and transmitted the light energy to the body of the girl standing on his shoulder.

The light filled with life entered the girl's body like flowing water, and began to slowly transform her body.

First of all, the first step must be to strengthen the vitality and play a role in strengthening the body.

After all, there is nothing more important than a strong body.

This is not something that can be brought about in one go. It takes a long time of indoctrination and supplementation to restore the doomed tragedy for the girl.

"Don't say anything about leaving her in the king, didn't you find out? She relies on you very much, out of biological survival instinct, knowing that she can only live by your side." Hikari saw Nai After Kesers successfully crossed into the light, he breathed a sigh of relief and said jokingly.

"With the current level of medical treatment in the Kingdom of Light, the only thing that can be done is to engrave a life-solidifying method in her body."

Then after dying, he will be revived by counting down the seconds, turning into light in situ and becoming Jaden of Light, right?

"So, she has been pulling me because she knows that my light can save her?" Nexus thought for a while, and then put the question behind him.

"Then tell me honestly, what is the current medical level of the Silver Cross Society?"

(End of this chapter)

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