Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 359 I Have No Pockmarks on Zuofei's Face

Chapter 359 I Have No Pockmarks on Zuofei's Face
"The standard is still very high. Except for issues related to creation out of nothing and souls, other Silver Cross societies have basically dabbled in it." Hikari has a say in this, because a lot of technology of the Silver Cross Society, basically He made it all upside down.

It can be said that he himself does not know how much medical equipment he has pondered.

After all, with his character, it's really embarrassing for you to make him remember these things.

"And her problem involves the soul level. She is Jayden, but she is also human."

"The two are entangled, and the technology of the soul is involved, and the Silver Cross can't do anything."

"It's the same even for me."

Nexus nodded, indicating that he could understand what Hikari said.

"Woo..." The red light overflowing from the girl's body shrank back into her body, and she felt better than ever when she opened her eyes, even better than the feeling of being adjusted in her own world.

Although the girl has three nos, she also knows that the things that have been bothering her have been resolved. No matter how three nos, the girl still launched teleportation and stuck a sticker on Nexus' side face.

To be honest, the huge height gap between the two sides made Mrs. Jaden look like a Paimon.

No, smaller than Paimon!
"Ahem... just now I want to tell you about the sequelae of this treatment." Hikari coughed a few times, with Nexus' expression of "Why didn't you say it earlier?!" , added: "Because of your light, she will get closer to you, and her affection for you will become higher and higher."

"Although I think she has a good impression of you from the beginning..."

"Seriously, don't you think about capsule technology? I think you can take her as your partner, just like Seven." Shikari said, naturally, it was the capsule monsters in Seven's hands.

Those are the partners that Seven met, and also his friends who fought side by side.

When I was in Seven TV, when the star clusters encountered certain things and couldn’t transform, such as the Seven glasses were taken away, the Seven glasses were taken away, the Seven glasses were taken away, etc., they were capsule monsters. It's time for them to show up.

"Forget it, Saiwen can help him fight with the capsule monster. What's the use of me using the capsule technology to put her in? I don't expect her to be able to fight the enemy." Nexus looked at Xie angrily. Carly, that's all you can figure out.

"What's wrong with this? Just wait! I'll go to Seven right away to borrow a monster capsule, give me a while, and I'll immediately, right away, create a Uyingdamm for Seven!"

As a scientist's wisdom and integrity were questioned, Hikari burst into flames instantly, stood up and opened the door of the laboratory, angrily walking towards the outside.

"No, Hikari, I'm not... eh! Do you really want to make a Uyingdam mother come out?" Nexus, who wanted to explain something at first, saw Hikari flying away with his arms open, and suddenly could only shouted.

"Hey! Are you serious? Seven is a guy with a knife stuck in his head. Can you give him the whole Uyingdammother?"

"Hikali! Hey! Hikali!"

No matter how he called, Hikari didn't intend to come back. Seeing Hikari leaving so resolutely, Nexus looked around with a guilty conscience.

it is good!
Hikari's laboratory is as empty as ever, and there is no Ultraman from the security department to protect it!
In this way, I can sneak away quietly.

In this case, if Sai Wen really ran to the universe to catch monsters and make Shikali a bitch, it would have nothing to do with me, Nexus.

I haven't seen Hikari today, I went straight to the Plasma Spark Tower to find Sophie as soon as Nexus returned to the Land of Light.

I have nothing to do with what Hikari has done.

Spreading her palms, Niang Jie jumped off Nexus' shoulders and landed in her palms. Nexus ran straight away, speeding up and flying away from another position, heading straight for the Otto Fighting Arena.


If there is any place that has changed the most in the Kingdom of Light where the concept of time is weak, it must be the Ultra Fighting Arena.

The young Ultra fighters have gone one after another, and often there are brand new young fighters to join in, making the Ultra fighting arena always in full swing.

Maybe it's 1000 years, maybe it's 2000 years, or maybe it's just a few short years. When the newcomers replace the old ones, after walking out of the arena and academy full of youth, what greets these Ultra fighters is time and time again. Once, experience the battle of life and death.

Maybe there are young fighters who performed well here because of mentality problems, they couldn't show their strength, and they have been cast in the shadows since then.

Maybe there will be the kind of young fighters who are at the tail end of the cultural class, but burst out with extraordinary strength in battle.

When young fighters go out from here, what they have to face is the tempering of wind and rain.

The Kingdom of Light can provide protection, but it is only a limited protection.

When Nexus came to the arena, he suddenly realized that he didn't see any familiar Ultra fighters. Libut, Max, and Geno were all not here, but replaced by some younger fighters.

In addition, there is also a small horned bull that looks thin and weak, but is actually extremely explosive...

It's Ultraman Taro!

Has fallen from the stands above the arena, and came in front of Nexus.


Taylor came up with a sentence of master, which directly forced Nexus into a daze.

Not only that, but it even frightened the young Ultraman who were training near here on the simulated training ground.

"Master, you finally came back from other universes, Tai Luo has been waiting for you for a long time!" As if he felt that calling Master once was not enough, Tai Luo called again, very diligently.

"What's the matter with the title of master...I haven't taught you anything!" Pulling Tai Luo by the shoulders and pulling him out of the Ultra Fighting Arena, Nexus said hastily: "I can It's not your master, don't bark."

"Then... brother?" Taylor didn't expect Nexus to react like this, but it doesn't matter, the master forbids him to call him another name.

"...Why do you call me brother!" After a moment of silence, Nexus shouted: "I'm not your brother, but you have grown so big and handsome."

"Actually, this is my original age. It's just because the me in the Kingdom of Light and the me on Earth belong to two individuals, so..." Taylor explained the reason for his sudden increase, but he immediately became excited. Grabbing Nexus' free hand, he said excitedly.

"I have met many, many friends on Earth, and I have also found information about my brothers' struggles."

"And your brother."

"So why do you call me brother!" Nexus asked.

"Eh? Because the information on the Earth Defense Force records that you are the sixth of the Ultra Brothers, and I am the seventh, so you are my brother." Speaking of this, Taro proudly raised his chest.

After all, there are seven older brothers. Isn't it more face-saving?

"...You should call me Master." Nexus was a little confused at first, which genius recorded me as the sixth son of Ultra?

Do I look like something similar to the Otter Brothers?

Don't turn Taylor into Ultra Seven!
Don't upgrade Sophie to Samako without authorization!
"Well, master." Tai Luo was a happy group, after all, whether it's the elder brother or the master, it's not all able to cover himself and make himself a small and unscrupulous hustle and bustle.

No problem!
(End of this chapter)

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