Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 360 Feel my passion! Master!

Chapter 360 Feel My Passion! Master!

"I didn't expect you to be so old. When you were little Tai Luo, you looked full of unconfidence. Compared with you now, you are really a heaven and an earth."

Patting Taylor on the shoulder, Nexus said happily: "I came back from the earth, and I have grown a lot after going through the experience."

"So I want Master to take a good look at me and see how I've grown during this time." Taylor looked at Nexus with light yellow eyes, full of seriousness.

"Since I returned to the Kingdom of Light, I have been hearing the legends of Master. Whether it is the defeat of King Gulant or the prestige spread in the universe, I know that Master is very powerful."

"Now, I really want to know what level my master is at." Tai Luo sent out a request to invite a battle. Although he is his own master, Tai Luo is not weak now, and he has joined forces with several brothers to become a master. Became Super Taro, and killed King Gulant who swept again.

With the return of the six Ultra brothers, it can be said that the mainstay of the Kingdom of Light is no longer missing.

Although the six brothers are still young and not very mature, as long as the six brothers face difficulties together and stand shoulder to shoulder, then the six brothers can handle most of the enemies.

Today's Earth, after experiencing the hard work of Ultraman Leo, and the return of Ultraman Eddie and Princess Julian after eliminating the negative energy monsters, Ultraman who is now stationed on the Earth is the elite of the Ultra Guard. Member, Gray.

Silver warriors, strong players of light technology, although unlike the Ultra brothers, did not land in Japan, but in an area called Australia, but they are also protecting the earth, there is no difference.

His main opponent is a creature called Gordis Cell.

According to legend, this is the material that created gods and demons, and it has left an indescribable scar in the universe.

In the history of mankind, Geddes cells have another more lofty name, that is...God.

The situation in the universe ushered in a short period of peace after the six Ultra brothers returned to their thrones. After all, the six Ultra brothers stood shoulder to shoulder, and no one dared to try this power in the universe.

Compared with the difficult situation of the Kingdom of Light in the universe before, the situation of the Kingdom of Light is much better now.

...Although Hikari's laboratory security is still the same as nothing.

"I didn't expect you to be the first one to fight with me after returning." Nexus thought it would be Leo's at first. After all, he had too much curiosity and exploration about this Lion King.

And the last time I saw Sai Wen, looking at his lively appearance, it is obvious that the wound of the lame leg has been repaired and the energy has been fully replenished.

Not being able to catch up with Leo TV, Nexus still felt quite regretful.

Because if possible, he would like to go to Leo TV to help Leo, so that he doesn't have to go through such tragic pain.

... At least let Leo's girlfriend live.

It's a pity that I couldn't make it in time.

"Are we going to fight here?" Taro was very happy when he heard that Nexus agreed.

"Here it is, let these young fighters see what higher-level power is." Nexus nodded, and he was not shy about showing his strength in front of outsiders.

Because he didn't intend to become Lanna at all!
Under Tai Luo's piercing eyes, Nexus turned into a red youth form, and together with Tai Luo stepped into the Ultra Fighting Arena again.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I am so shocked. Such a color change, even the power..." Taylor can clearly perceive the power of the juvenile Nexus, which is not as good as him.

But the red youth Nexus in front of him could only make Taro perceive a hazy light, completely covered in the mist.

There is no pressure, no sense of lethality, but it is very uncomfortable.

That kind of looming feeling made Taro unable to determine the strength of Nexus now.

A huge simulated arena was found, with Taro and Nexus standing on both sides.

Before going into battle, Nexus put Jayden aside and protected him with light energy.

"That's..." Taro also saw Nexus' movements, so he asked curiously.

"I'll tell you when the fight is over." Stretching his arms, Nexus assumed a fighting posture, which was also his usual starting posture.

"Then it seems that I have one more reason to win." Taylor lowered his body, and also made a classic fighting gesture, similar to the first generation's hunchback and bow, with his hands in front of him.

The first generation is a good player in throwing skills, and although Taro is not as strong as the first generation, he is definitely not weak.

This is the crown prince of the Kingdom of Light with the strongest comprehensive ability among the six Ultra brothers!

Nexus has not returned for a long time, maybe there are not many people who know him, but Taro returned from the earth and is the instructor of the Ultra Fighting Arena. His appearance and name are well-known in the entire arena .

When the young Ultra fighters saw Instructor Tai Luo appearing in person, they all exclaimed, and hurriedly quit their training and came to Tai Luo to watch.

The news spread more and more widely, attracting the attention of more young fighters, and more and more Ultra fighters gathered here, pointing like a vegetable market.Noisy.

The opponent who can fight instructor Tai Luo, who is that red warrior standing there?

Soon, these onlookers got information from Nexus.

Of course, it was Hong Nai's message, not Lan Nai's.

He saved the Ott brothers, defeated the Hippolyte aliens, made one record after another in the universe, and became famous among the cosmonauts.

He even represented m78 Nebula as an envoy to u40. His strength and status are extraordinary in all aspects, and it can be said that he is not bad at all compared to Taylor.

After knowing that it was such a powerful existence, everyone knew that Nexus could stand opposite Instructor Taylor.

Such a fighter is certainly qualified.

Taylor and Nexus didn't have any other feelings. In the simulated arena, there was almost no interference from external factors. The two sides only had each other in their eyes, and they were opponents who needed to be serious in this battle.

"Master, I will let you see my growth during this period of time." Tai Luo took a deep breath, after all, he did not intend to endure, his style is not the kind that will wait for others to attack, but will take the initiative The kind of aggressive type who firmly holds the power in his own hands.

Nexus waited for Taro's impact and was ready to meet it.

But he never expected that Tai Luo actually jumped directly, flew into the air and turned his body, kicking down in the air.

That complex and elegant movement is Tai Luo's persistent stunt - Yan style flying kick.

Nexus knew that Taro had such a move, so he was not surprised. He quickly adjusted his body and raised his hands to the sky, so that Taro's flying kick could not fall, but was pushed by Nexus' arms Taking off again, he had to fall behind Nexus.

The moment the two sides turned around, the palm dart and the photon blade were thrown out at the same time, colliding in front of them and causing an explosion.

The next moment, Taro rushed out of the smoke and dust, braving high-heat flames all over his body, striding forward, heading straight for Nexus.

...Good guy, it's Ultra Bomb coming up, is this the growth you, Taro, want me to see?
Then I can only say that it is you.

"Master, feel my heart, my growth, my fiery feelings!" Tai Luo shouted the words of the second class, and his speed increased instead of decreasing, and he ran even faster.

Looking at the scene where the burning man rushed over, Nexus only felt that the scene was familiar.

Could it be that the opponents I have faced before, seeing me rushing over with the Ultra Bomb, are also my current mood?
Nexus's heart was complicated and unspeakable, Taylor's Ultra Bomb was quite powerful.

As he spoke, Nexus put his arms forward.

Filled with emotion, he popped out the Storm Sword on Nexus' armament.

(End of this chapter)

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