Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 366 I'm just a person without power

Chapter 366 I'm just a ( ), without the power of ( )
"This is a record from an unknown universe. We cannot determine the source of this message." In the plasma spark tower, Nexus stood below, and Father of Otto handed him the crystal ball in his hand.

After taking it over, Nexus successfully saw something different from the crystal ball.

It was a red light with some kind of message, but it was not a message that Nexus could decipher.

"This is." Nexus asked.

"This is an ancient text, which comes from a text circulated in the universe a long time ago, tens of thousands of years ago." Father of Otto said immediately: "According to legend, the history of this text can be traced back to ancient times, the king of Otto era, but now in our universe, there are no people who can understand this text."

"There are records about ancient times. When the Kingdom of Light fought against the Ampera Stars, the place where the data was recorded has been destroyed during the war. So now, the Kingdom of Light has no records of that period of history."

"I'll ask the King of Ultra." Holding the crystal ball, Nexus was about to leave, but the subsequent words of the father of Ultra made him stop.

"The King of Ultra is not in the Kingdom of Light, nor is he in the Star of Kings." Father Ao pointed to the outside of the Plasma Spark Tower, which is the sky of the Kingdom of Light: "He went to a very distant place, Wang said, If you have any doubts about this, you can go to Leo Ultraman."

"That's the prince from the L77 nebula. Although the L77 galaxy has been destroyed by the Magmas, the only prince who survived knows something about this mysterious text." Otto's father is probably also afraid that the source does not know Lei Ottoman and Astra Ultraman's message, so the introduction is very detailed.

Of course, from Ao's father's perspective, he thought that Nexus definitely didn't recognize Leo.

"it is good!"

If Ultraman Leo can really understand this kind of writing, then the source of the destruction of the L77 galaxy always feels a little wrong.

The carrier of these words recorded in the Kingdom of Light was destroyed, and the L77 royal family who knew the meaning of these ancient words was destroyed. If these things are not connected in series, no one will think it has anything to do with it.

But actually?Nexus always felt that it would not be that simple.

"Sophie, please take Nexus to the Star of Kings, where Leo is undergoing quite hard training." Strictly speaking, Leo is not actually an Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light, but the L77 royal family has Destruction, plus his master is Seven, Leo actually joined the Ultra Brothers.

Like the Otto brothers, when calling Zoffy's first Otto, they would also call them elder brother.

Sophie nodded, and took the lead to walk outside.

"Let's go." Stretching out his hand, Nexus squatted down, and on the console on one side of the plasma spark tower, received Niang Jie in his hand, and then placed Niang Niang under his shoulder armor very skillfully .

"Nexus! Nexus!!" When he and Sophie were about to walk out of the plasma spark tower together, Hikari ran over in a hurry, holding a capsule in his raised hand.

The blue body bypassed all the people standing in front of him with agility, and quickly approached Nexus.

"I've already found the monster capsules that Sai Wen hid in the Silver Cross. Now I still lack some data. I only need some data, and I can transform these capsule monsters into corresponding monster girls according to Jeden's mother's body!"

"Nexus, give me Jeden's mother to use! Just use it!"

".Can I give him the ultimate ray-torrent?" Seeing Hikari getting closer, and what he said made Nexus' anger soar upwards.

In the end, Nexus couldn't bear it any longer, and began to ask Zofi.

It could be seen that as long as Sophie nodded in agreement, Nexus would definitely raise his hand and shine the light.

"Uh, Hikari will become like this once he encounters aspects that he hasn't been involved in, that...scientist." Sophie waved her hands and flicked in front of her face: "When we come back, I will Warn him well, let's go now."

Sophie said, pulling Nexus directly into the air, he was really afraid that Hikari and the others would say something more powerful, and then provoked Nexus to go directly to the Storm Sword.
"Eh???!" Zofi pulled Nexus away so fast that Hikari still had no use catching up.

Seeing them flying so fast, Hikari also felt a little bit of envy in his heart.

"I ran so fast because I knew I couldn't catch up..." Hikali was a little sad, and when he turned around, he was also depressed, obviously in a bad mood.

"I'm just a blue Ultraman, I'm just a scientist, I don't have the power like them, I..."

The King’s Star is actually a long way from the Kingdom of Light, and this King’s Star, although the name is very domineering, but in fact the interior of this planet is completely desolate, it can be said to be the most common kind in the universe, not at all. A planet suitable for life.

Even the color of the sky is always red, like the setting sun.

In many ways, Star of Kings is more like a dilapidated planet.

But just like a certain ancient text said, the mountain is not high, there are immortals, and the star of the king may have nothing to say, but the king of Otto, who lives on the star of the king, can make this planet Become noble, even become independent from the pinnacle of the universe, and become a forbidden area that all civilizations and all cosmic people dare not touch.

There shouldn't be any troublesome guys looking for Ultra King, right?
It is still the Showa era, and it is heading towards the Heisei era. The Kingdom of Light has not yet developed the technology to travel through space and open wormholes, so Sophie and Nexus can only fly in the universe all the way to the Star of Kings.

So it's still the same old problem, Sophie and Nexus attracted the attention of countless cosmic people, and followed their trajectory all the way, carefully following behind them.

Then at the moment when it is about to reach the star of the king, it turns around and runs, and the direct power is full.

It was exactly the same as the last time Nexus went to U40 alone.

Sophie first landed on King Star, standing on a raised cliff, and Nexus followed, landing beside Sophie.

At a glance from here, one can clearly see a part of the King's Star's landforms.

Desolate and lonely, a place where life is forbidden, not all life can survive here.

"The Star of Kings was not like this before. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was a planet full of vitality, just like the earth." Sophie sighed: "I don't know what happened later, but it turned out It became like this."

"Shouldn't the history of the change of King Star be recorded, and it was also destroyed in that battle?" Yuanquan asked rhetorically.

"Yes, that used to be the largest library in the Kingdom of Light, but it was a pity that it was burned." Sophie shook her head with great regret: "We have lost a lot of history, especially those records of the Kingdom of Light's past. A lot has been lost."

"I was still very young at the time, and I couldn't play any role at all. I could only wait for the end of the war and the news that the Ott Guard was almost wiped out."

(End of this chapter)

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